I saw this story from Todd Starnes on his web site first (Advisory: His web site is absolutely clogged with ads). Apparently Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is sending around the Chicago cops to harass the people who chose to attend services at Cornerstone Baptist Church on May 17. Get this, they couldn’t enter the church because, “…our doors were locked as a normal safety precaution we take each service to protect our members from the escalating gun violence in Chicago,” the pastor said. What an absurd situation the rest of us out here in middle America, Jesus Land, suburbia don’t have a clue about. This is a Christian church in an America “first world” city, with services behind locked doors as a security protocol to protect the congregation from the gun violence plaguing this Democrat run city – with strident “gun control” – now having to bravely face down the psycho city administration in their Jihad to enforce lockdown compliance (liquor stores and pot shops get a pass of course).
Yet, President Trump and Attorney General Bob Barr, in this same time frame, have stated, “Governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now — for this weekend,” with the implied threat that the Federal government would override, on Constitutional grounds, the decisions to keep churches locked down during this absurd q “quarantine.” And yes, to administration’s attackers who question if the Federal government can do this, yes they can.
So I ponder, will the Trump administration and AG Barr put up, or shut up? Time to walk the walk, not talk. Barr and the administration needs to shut Mayor Lightfoot down. California governor Gavin Newsom was smart enough to toe the line the very next day from the administration’s announcement.