Not Guilty

Trump – Continuing to produce cheap reality TV.

People know I didn’t vote for Trump, the 10% outside the camp of “90% of Evangelicals” who sold out their integrity to the corrupt GOP in lieu of a more qualified candidate in 2016. Just like George Bush, the Trump era hasn’t yet proven to be the house built on sand, like the Bush years, which delivered us eight years of Barack Obama. But it will.

Nevertheless, the Democrats “impeachment” farce has come to its inevitable conclusion; a sideshow circus inflicted on America rooted in the GOP’s own decades long moral bankruptcy. Everyone knew it was coming to this. The Democrats own deranged conduct is guaranteeing another four year Trump term.

The “shining city on a hill” Reagan first articulated about America continues its degeneracy into a dystopian Carthage reborn.

Read more: Trump acquitted of both charges in Senate impeachment trial


Trump, the Kurds, and Evangelical Hypocrisy

Donald Trump
President Donald Trump

The recent Trump decision to pull out a few hundred military advisors from Northeast Syria in the face of a Turkish push into Kurdish controlled territory to establish an ill defined “safe zone” has generated a bewildering wail of protest from American Evangelical Christian circles in recent days. I find it a little appalling; the selective outrage and histrionics from the very diehard supporters of Trump, who ran on a platform promising to do the very thing he is doing in this scenario.

It is hypocritical because in the midst of the impending “slaughter” and “genocide” the Evangelical Christian Industry Media is hyperventilating about in their faux outrage is curiously ignored as it is happening in other parts of the world in real time. What is the big difference between Northeastern Syria and Africa?

Reasons too many and detailed to go into for this writer. That the American Evangelical Christian Industrial complex is in bed with the world; a selective globalist social gospel prevailing over the authentic proclamation of the genuine, guarantees the pandemonium throughout will continue. The US Government, in cahoots with a fake US “Christian” cohort, is expecting Trump to continue to support one terrorist organization over another. An endless treadmill of wars the majority of Americans, including this writer, is really weary of.

Read More… Critics Aghast As Trump Keeps Word About No More Wars

A World Without America

Pax Americana
Pax Americana

In my recent Internet travels through the world of global finance, I fell across this article by . It was originally written in 2013 during the Obama administration. Through the circus; “Idiocracy” in real time,  which was the 2016 election cycle, I reiterated the critical point in history the United States and the world was facing. This article intrigued me because Trump ran on a policy of “non-intervention” in geopolitics.  It was funny because of course he immediately reversed that, just like Obama before him. When the Western led global financial cartel calls the shots, American presidents wielding the big club toe the line, no matter who they are.

But… what if the United States did just up and say, “Forget this,” and take all their toys and go home, parking those eleven nuclear powered aircraft carriers and accompanying destroyers, cruisers, and frigates in San Diego and Norfolk? What if, there was a major Black Swan event and a sovereign God pulled America’s plug (which He could)?

Why, the results, acknowledging the authors temperate outlook, might be something out of… the book Revelation…

Read more… A World Without America (Part II)

Looking At What The Other Side Sees.

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Thursday, June 1
Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Thursday, June 1

As earlier followers of this blog these past few years have seen, the foundation of pretty much every ongoing conflict in the world right now are founded in the global currency wars and energy. Global economics. A resurgent Russia and China, – the BRIC’s nations – have in the wake of the 2008 economic meltdown started to push back, quite effectively, against the global financial order based on the petrodollar, and horribly managed by the reckless and decadent West.

Subsequently, we can see the narrative the Western media and government has furiously promoted of the “threats” these competitors are to the US and Western world. Follow the money, as the saying goes.

I have found this quite intriguing, and have followed the responses of these governments – who refuse to submit to the Western financial order, fascinating. Russia in particular. Putin’s management of his country in the face of Western sanctions has been impressive. I was certain the energy war Saudi Arabia initiated against them and Iran would severely hamper these countries abilities more over the last few years. They have not (whole other subject).

I make no judgements on who is “right or wrong” in the global arena these days. Unfortunately, America is just as wicked as the rest of this world in rebellion against her Creator. But the final world order (Antichrist) before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in judgment on this world and the enemies of the Jewish nation, Israel, will be Western based.

Nevertheless, it is intriguing to observe the East contend with the realities of the trends toward this today. These daily scenarios will affect everybody.

Read more… Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies [The Saker]

US oil drillers likely to undermine Russia-OPEC plan to boost crude prices

1973 long gas station lines.
1973 long gas station lines.

There are few Americans who vividly remember the long lines at the gas stations in the midst of the early 70’s oil embargo. It was a radical time for a society that depends so much on energy for transportation. That’s why the radical change in the global energy scenario in recent years engenders a feeling of poetic justice.

The strangle hold the OPEC oil cartel has had on the world up to only a few years ago continues to be beat back by the rise of oil fracking in the United States – even in the face of recent months and the Saudi’s attempts to undermine that new dominance again in mid 2017. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of cut-throat gangsters. The coming energy/currency wars in the Middle East are an inevitable result of that greedy manipulation.

Read more… US oil drillers likely to undermine Russia-OPEC plan to boost crude prices

Russia Threatens Israel over Syrian Airstrikes

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

While #AmericanEvangelicalism skates along largely oblivious – or perhaps in resignation – to the uncontainable collapse of their careless, morally bankrupt, Disneyland culture and the hirelings in American pulpits furtively assuage the frightened sheep and the ambivalent tares in their flocks with notions of “revival” and escape from the repercussions of their careless living, prophetic history moves forward.

Recent weeks and seemingly disparate events brings the Middle East closer to WWIII – and fulfillment (my Preterist friend’s varied insistence this being the war at the end of the thousand year reign aside) of the Ezekiel 38-39 war scenario. The recent Israeli Air Force (IDF) strikes in the area of Palmyra, Syria, have brought the Israelis extremely close to Russian assets deployed in the area to support the Syrian Army and their ally Bashar Assad. The March bombing run and peripheral events was a bit much for Russia.

It is important to note that the Jewish nation is very up front about their security intentions, especially as they seek to maintain the balance of power in preventing “game changer” arms falling into the hands of their enemies, like Hezb’Allah and Hamas in Gaza. Netanyahu reiterated this again in this situation.

“When we identify attempts to transfer advanced weapons to Hezbollah — when we have the intel and the operational capability — we act to prevent it. That’s how we’ve acted and how we will continue to act… and everyone needs to take this into account,” Netanyahu said on Friday.

Yet, the Russians seem to think that their presence in the area and supporting Assad in his civil war exempts them from the inevitable collateral damage when Israel moves on a security threat – even going so far to say that these “games” are over.

Or what? They’ll invade Israel? Under the pretext of upending this lawless “rogue regime” and partnered with a “coalition of the willing?”

Read the Bible Vlad. The casualty counts are going to be apocalyptic when you finally do. It’s really going to take the wind out of your sails, along with your Islamist allies. And it isn’t going to be the Israelis bringing the pain….

Read More… ‘Game is over’ as Moscow summons Israeli ambassador

Magog (Russia) Using Syrian Civil War to ‘Live Fire Train’ Persia (Iran)

Russia and Persia – Ruling The Middle East

In the midst of dozen of other factors in play in the Middle East right now, the continuing partnership of Russia and Iran continues apace.

While the Western world struggles with myriad issues at home, the major players in the post-Western led Middle East – and Israel – continue to fill in the vacuum left in the wake of America’s withdrawal from the region under the previous administration.

Read More from Most Likely Most Dangerous… “Magog (Russia) Using Syrian Civil War to ‘Live Fire Train’ Persia (Iran)

CHINA – Trump’s Great White Whale

Moby Dick
Moby Dick

Quoting Captain Ahab’s men:
“All that most maddens and torments; all that stirs up the lees of things; all truth with malice in it; all that cracks the sinews and cakes the brain; all the subtle demonisms of life and thought; all evil, to crazy Ahab, were visibly personified, and made practically assailable in Moby Dick.” – Ahab’s men struggle to understand his hatred of Moby Dick.

Jon Robb over at Global Guerillas writes another insightful observation about the future of American commerce under Trump in “Will the World be Safer or More Dangerous Under a Trump Presidency?” The “bromance” we addressed earlier between Trump and Vladimir Putin has been a source of angst for many. Trump’s relationship with Putin is fleshed out a bit more by Robb:

…Trump inverts that policy relationship.  In Trump’s post cold war world, US foreign policy will be dominated by trade policy.  Even national security policy will be subservient to trade policy.  If trade policy is dominant, we’ll see China, Mexico and the EU (Germany) become competitors.  Russia, in contrast will become an ally since it doesn’t pose a trade threat.

Which reveals a lot into the public positions and cordial statements Trump has made about the Russians and Putin over the months during the 2016 campaign, and the focus on China in the debates and Trump’s foreign policy priorities. China – an economic behemoth and burgeoning naval power – is the main challenger to an American president scope-locked in on economic revival in our times.

US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

China will be the administration’s focus in the years ahead. Russia, less an adversary in Trump’s mind, will be given tacit free rein in the Middle East and the war on ISIS, a wrong signal that will be instrumental in the fulfillment of Ezekial 38-39 that will take the world by complete surprise.

Read More… China takes the spotlight (DAVOS)



The Art of the Deal – and Evangelicals

Trump - The Art Of The Deal Click here to order!
Trump – The Art Of The Deal. Click here to order!

This is President Donald Trump’s signature book, detailing his business and world view. For Evangelical Christians who voted for Trump – at the expense of the other Biblically qualified candidates, I suggest you get your hands on it and read it.

Every President comes to the office with a personal world view and philosophy that subsequently impacts the decisions they make, that then impact and influence, not only the citizens of the United States, billions of others globally. That is the extent of the United State’s reach.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr. and Jr. had world views and philosophies, conservative rugged individualism and self sufficiency grounded in their ranch upbringings and military service. Obama has a world view grounded in corrupt Chicago, big city politics and “progressive” socialist outlook.

Trump? A big city liberal until just recently.  All business and every decision from here on out influenced by that cost/benefit world view, and his high-flying campaign promises and rhetoric, oh, the Monday after inauguration day, to come crashing up against the rocks of the reality of his adversary’s opposition, both here and abroad.

Should we pray and support him as President? You bet! Will he “Make America Great Again?” For a while, in the eyes of a lost world with a truly messed up view of what “greatness” is, opposed to greatness in God’s economy. It is unfortunate and a sign of the times many professing Christians in this nation are so deluded by the former.

I’ve dealt with sketchy salesmen my whole life. And I know one when I see them. Evangelical Christianity was just sold a bill of goods. I really have a problem with that. More so, I have a problem with high-profile Christian celebrity “leaders” using their pulpits and position to issue verbal threats, religious coercion, and guilt manipulation, as was prevalent during this election cycle, to abandon Biblical principle and truth for “pragmatism,” in strong-arming the flock of God to vote a certain way.  Yet, it is their same moral and spiritual corruption that sowed the cultural ground to produce this insane situation.

And the Lord is going to bless this?

We will see.

8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. (Matthew 4:8-9)



For Israel, energy boom could make friends out of enemies

Or, it could make enemies out of “friends.”

A world reflexively hostile to the Jews and the Jewish nation Israel would not hesitate at all to justify an aggressive action against Israel if they started disrupting economic realities that prevail at the present time. Especially Russia. The European energy marketplace is their backyard and one of Putins’ main sources of leverage over the EU and NATO.

The discovery of these fields in recent years will prove to be a major issue in the future of energy and the geo-politics of the region.

Read More… For Israel, energy boom could make friends out of enemies