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I had opportunity recently
to fellowship with Chaplain Bill, a Christian brother in the Lord.
At one point in our discourse, he took out his new Police "flat badge," a
very ornate piece of work, with accompanying leather case. He made mention
on how that new badge impressed on him once again how it was all worth it,
in enduring the hardships of the calling. That's simple for anyone to understand,
that badge symbolizing the authority invested in him by the state as an enforcer
of the law; the awesome responsibility and prestige that goes with
Also during our time together,
he was quite enthusiastically running me through the extensive capabilities
of his new laptop computer that the Lord provided him recently at a very
small price. A small, compact system, with four times as much power as my
HP Pavilionyeah, a little "computer envy" there. A rare and inexpensive
purchase for such a high tech piece of equipment that can only be attributed
to the Providence of a faithful Lord. Poking through his files, his professional
resume was considerable. His ministry resume was just as substantial. As
a Police officer and as a Christian, Chaplain Bill's credentials and experience
are a testimony to the working of the Lord in his life.
Yet, as Christians, we
wear that same "badge" in the spiritual realm, as defenders of the moral
law of God, and by the authority of the Word of God, carry much the same
credentials. Jesus Himself bestowed that same type authority on every Christian
when He said,
"Behold, I give unto
you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power
of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:19)
The Spirit filled Christian in the world, being enlightened to the spiritual
realm, has the same authority to oppose Satan's working, even as the Police
officer has the authority to oppose the criminal community in the temporal
realm. The believer has the authority to oppose and "bind" Satan's work (Matthew
12:29) through our prayer, the preaching of the Word, and denying of our
own lives, even as the Police officer in the world has the power to bind
and incarcerate the criminal.
This authority as a Christian
isn't something that can be acquired by just anybody, even as the badge and
authority of the Police officer can't just be acquired on a whim.
The authority of a citizen of Heaven is acquired when the individual
makes the choice to surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ
and submits their wills to the Word of God, the training of the Holy Spirit,
and is born again. (John 3:3) A Police officer, too, has to pass through
substantial hurdles and tests, as well as the academy, then a swearing in
to uphold Constitutional law and to protect their fellow citizens, before
they acquire the authority to wear the badge.
From time to time, criminals
have impersonated a Police officer, much to their own regret when they are
caught and prosecuted. A badge, a uniform, a vehicle with a red light, do
much to fool the naive and unobservant.
In the book of Acts (19:13)
we see some misguided individuals trying to appropriate the same authority
that Paul the Apostle, as a Christian, wielded in his position as an ambassador
of Jesus Christ aganist the spiritual realm of demonic evil and the forces
of darkness. These "vagabonds" furtively commanded the demon possessing this
one individual they were seeking to deliver from its influence, "We adjure
you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth." The demon, quite unimpressed with these
false impersonators said, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?"
Then proceeded to work them over quite thoroughly, sending them running down
the road. Jesus and Paul had reputations and authority in the spiritual realm,
these charlatans did not.
The Lord further states
that, much like a Policeman, or law enforcement agency in the world, the
Christian and the Church, as a spiritual organism, is a restraining influence
on evil, which stands in opposition to moral rot in the temporal
"Ye are the salt of the
earth. . . ." (Matthew 5:13) Salt, being a preservative.
Yet, He further continues,
". . .But if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted?
it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden
under foot of men." If that "salt" has lost its "savor," or potency, He states
that shall be trodden under foot of men.
comparison, let's suppose an armed criminal has just robbed a bank, shot
a few people, and is now out on the streets firing indiscriminately as he
flees the scene. The Police are called, are converging on the area, and are
forming a containment perimeter around the affected area of
But, as they are closing
in, these trained professionals tasked with engaging this exact type of
situation, society depending on them to stop this killer, suddenly the officer
in charge says, "Oh, what's the use? This is just a sign of the times," and
backs off.
Another agrees, saying,
"Yeah, what's the use, we won't make any difference."
Another pursuing officer
chimes in, "Really! What about our own welfare?"
And yet another remarks,
"I agree. Why should we hazard our lives for these civilians who don't care
two cents about us anyway?"
And the criminal gets away,
escaping the dragnet.
The idea of the Police
responding like this to such an outrageously lawless situation surely repels
the mind; any qualified law enforcer being presented with this proposition
immediately offended and repulsed by such an idea. Why? Because that's what
they do, that's the job and calling that they have been tasked with as well
as what society expects of them. Opposing evil, standing against lawlessness
and anarchy, is the very core of their vocation. That's the duty of carrying
that badge.
As Christians, is our duty
to oppose Satan's working in the world and to reach out to the lost any less?
No, it's not. Our calling is to stand in opposition to the forces of
darkness, regardless of time lines, societal conditions, or world
True, serving the Lord
should never be a "duty," as an obligation, but a day to day service to Him
in love and appreciation for what He has done in our lives. As Christians,
our duty as soldiers in the unseen army of Heaven (II Timothy 2:3-4) is always
to oppose the enemy, wherever and whenever he manifests himself in our lives
and sphere of influence. At no time, regardless of outward circumstances
and conditions are we to shirk or shy from the responsibilities of our position
in Him. Even as the thought of a street patrol officer letting a violent
criminal "slip the noose" of accountability for his lawless actions is so
reprehensible, so too, as Christians, is the thought of us rolling over and
letting the enemy wreak his havoc in our lives and society, cavalierly
attributing it all to "the times."
The directives and protocols
of spiritual warfare in the Bible clearly command the Christian, regardless
of their standing or position in society, to "Resist the devil, and
he will flee from you" (James 4:7) and ". . .Your adversary the devil, as
a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist
stedfast in the faith. . . ." (I Peter 5:8-9)
Resist steadfast
in the faith! Many pray for and call for revival in America. But to a point.
Many who call and pray for revival in America still are hobbled by fatalism
and despair because of the outward, empirical evidence they see around them
of our society in turmoil. Yet, Jesus said, "And all things, whatsoever
ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." (Matthew 21:22)
Much of the mind numbing violence we see happening today can be directly
traced back to clear demonic influences, and that not being intelligently,
Biblically, and spiritually challenged by the only people with the
authority to oppose them.
Praying for revival in
America, praying for the Lord to intervene on America's behalf, yet not even
believing He will because of everything we see going on around us,
is certainly futile, and shirking our responsibility in Him to truly oppose
the enemy with everything we have access to in Him. This is the breakdown
in enforcement in the spiritual realm. Whatever is not of faith, is
sin. (Romans 14:23)
This same underlying cynicism
and unbelief, even while praying earnestly for something, was modeled in
the reactions of the believers praying for Peter to be released from the
Roman prison. (Acts12:13-16) When Rhoda told them Peter was free and at the
door, they thought she was mad! The fact that the Lord had answered their
prayers was a shock to them. But still He did.
Many people today, seeing the evil that exists in our society, are resigned to waiting for the judgment of God to fall on America. Many are acting like Jonah did, reacting to the repentance of the society of Ninevah, angry at the status quo, wanting "revenge" outside of the protocols of the dispensation of Grace, and sulking outside the outskirts of the city. Antagonistic to the prospect that anybody would believe and seek to see the Lord, through His powerful Holy Spirit, work within American culture to bring this nation to a true repentance. This same bitterness and cynicism is unBiblical and rooted in unbelief; rooted in Satanic deception; contrary to the unconditional promises of God and our common duty.
Chaplain Bill recently
said, "Maybe a good Y2K jolt will humble our nation and bring many to
repentance." I tend to agree. Unfortunately sometimes it
takes radical circumstances to rouse people out of their despair and complacency,
impelling them to return to true Biblical faith in a very powerful
Police officer Bill
takes both his job in professional law enforcement and his ministerial position
in the Christian law enforcement community seriously, having hazarded his
life more than once in his LE position. As a Christian in professional law
enforcement, he daily maintains a vocal, bold, proactive stance for truth
and integrity in the face of some formidable odds, the Lord's interests and
mind at the fore, continually bringing the battle to the enemy's doorstep.
Not being one who is "up on a hill" in his heart, waiting for the Lord to
come back, but down in the valley far out on the front lines, under arms
and battling the enemy, Satan. That being so, the Lord is using him in a
very formidable, far reaching way.
As a Christian, whether
in law enforcement or a private citizen, are you?
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Cops, Christians, And The "Badge" Copyright © 1999
Michael A. Baker This material
is copyrighted
to prevent reproduction or alteration for profit. Reprint with permission
of the author only.