Supporting The Men Of God: FAILING At The Ministry Of Aaron And Hur
I want to clarify something from the very beginning, I’m not directing this towards anybody in particular. There are many people I correspond with, especially online, that might find the content of this article at this time imposing on the outskirts of the particular type of ministry they are called by the Holy Spirit to engage in - and are thus very good at. Yet, bear with these observations.
Let me give some recent back ground. I was recently contacted through my web site by a man who was the ghostwriter for the biography of a pretty high profile former Muslim who had given his heart and life to Jesus Christ. This former Muslim's testimony is riveting, genuine, very powerful, and has been used, I believe, by the Holy Spirit in a very profound way. I had a prominent link to his original web site (since pulled by the ministry initially sponsoring him) and a direct link to his YouTube testimony.
This ghostwriter warned me of some issues that he had with the subject of the biography, then directed me to a web-site he had posted detailing some very serious allegations that had arisen against this individual. I did my own personal background check and found the allegations not unfounded. I have since stripped any reference to this man from my web site.
To say this was a great disappointment is an understatement. This man's testimony was one of direct and intense intervention in this former Muslim's life, and one of many I have read and heard through video testimony in recent years of Muslims in the Middle East as the Holy Spirit intercedes in the Muslim world for the Jesus Christ, as the Western Spirit-filled Church has been less than aggressive challenging Islam with the Gospel. Our efforts have been, unfortunately, diverted more towards attacking Muslims - people - in a post-9/11 world and pointlessly attempting to outlaw Islam an almost comedic tack in a culture marinated in the new orthodoxy of the Emergent/Progressive "tolerance and multi-cultural" world view.
This former Muslim, after his conversion and young in the Lord, quickly ended up here in the U.S., and preceding these allegations coming to light, had ended up with the TBN/Benny Hinn apostate crowd that we all know are nothing but a hollow, daily affront; a caricature and embarrassment to Biblical Christianity.
This is tragic, and I pray that the Holy Spirit can intervene once again in this man's life as before. Yet anyone with discernment can see what has happened. Paul taught Timothy specifically that in elevating an individual to the office of bishop, to a leadership position, "… Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." (I Timothy 3:6-7)
The adversary, the Devil, saw this former Muslim and his powerful, life changing testimony and clearly put everything he had on him. A lot of media exposure and notoriety in superficial Western Christian circles always quick to hold up an example of a dynamic conversion, the potential for huge financial gain and a poor grounding in the Word of God, and the pride of life so easily inflamed, a fall was almost inevitable.
A statement by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, has stuck in my mind from many, many years back. One sermon while teaching from II Timothy 3:1, he articulated verse one that, "…in the last days "spiritually energized" times shall come." Those times are long here with a increased demonic/spiritual activity. A time when cannibalism is the "new normal" for the daily news cycle in stark evidence of the markedly increased Satanic activity of our times.
It is not only this former Muslim attacked. How many other pastor, teachers, and high profile Christian personalities have gone off the rails and made shipwreck? (I Timothy 1:19) The more notorious national preacher scandals are legendary. On a more local level, how many other once well-respected and orthodox Christian leaders do you know have recently made questionable affiliations with blatant heretics and frauds, engaged in silly and destructive media "conversations" that by their very nature lead to compromise, made public statements (little is not recorded anymore) in their sermons and public appearances and interviews that leave one absolutely bewildered and incredulous, when you know that's not what they believe? I can think of many who come to mind.
What is going on here? What's behind this?
Full open war on the saints is happening here, leadership is the main target, and the adversary is playing for absolute keeps! The adversary has always been a murderer and a thief; more so now as he, like everybody, perceives the urgency of the times and ponders his prophetic end. (Rev. 20:10)
How shall we respond?
In Exodus 17, we see Moses, that iconic metaphor for any spiritual leader, once again being dumped on by the people he was tasked to lead. The people were questioning God over the need for water, and subsequently were attacking the most visible representative of God at hand. As he contended with that, the children of Israel were then quickly attacked by the people of Amalek.
The Lord directed Moses to send Joshua and the able men of Israel against them. Moses, with the rod of God in his hand, that visible symbol of his God-ordained leadership, and Aaron and Hur, went up to the top of the hill overlooking the battlefield. We see that "…And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed." (Exodus 17:11)
However "…Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword." (Exodus 17:12-13)
Moses' hands, holding the rod of God, spread out, symbolized prayer. As Moses sat on that rock - all day long - Aaron and Hur in support of the man of God supported and reinforced his ministry and position.
Hey, Aaron and Hur could very well have stood to the side, belittled Moses, mocked him for his weakness and scoffed at his "lack of commitment." Maybe even chucked a few rocks at him. I am noticing more and more these days an attitude like that seeping into the intellectual and apologetics discourse of the Spirit-filled Church, especially in America.
Yet, what happened when Moses, the man of God, called and ordained by the Holy One of Israel, started to tire and fatigue?
Men on the battlefield started dying. Sisters were losing brothers, daughters were losing fathers and women were becoming widows. Terrible things.
I am pretty confident that Aaron and Hur recognized the critical situation they were in, and that if they had not stood in the gap in support of Moses, they too could have ended up dead. The people of Amalek would probably have killed the leaders, before they took the rest into slavery.
Saints, likewise, we are in such a critical hour. Yes, I am fully aware of the vital need for robust, Biblically sound apologetics, especially at this time in history. Yes, we are always to "…earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3) Yes, the apostasy (II Thessalonians 2:3) and heresy is almost smothering. Point taken.
But, "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." (Galatians 6:1) If pastors and teachers, in spiritual fatigue, are succumbing to the wicked pressures of these times to bow to compromise and conformity, how much more are we in danger? Friends, these are fallible men, susceptible to the same weaknesses as you and I, and all walking around with a big target on their backs because of their critical position in God's economy.
The adversary is attacking Christian leadership on the spiritual level in all areas, from fathers in the home, to Christian business owners, to Christian chaplains in the military and police, to pastors and ministers of the Gospel, especially those operating on a national level. You see that. One more man of God falls and it gives the adversary greater ammunition to use against the Church. Secondary fallout is hopelessness and despair on the part of weaker Christians who are unskilled in the concept of spiritual warfare. Some of the comments I read in online forums in response to the latest apostasy development are distressing, because we appreciate the negative cumulative effect.
People who know me know I have been emphasizing the magnitude of the times, the Church in America in the midst of an unprecedented opportunity to proclaim the Gospel globally of historical proportions. Likewise the adversary and his minions, knowing their time is short are engaged in an extraordinary "sapper" campaign to hobble and derail this Holy Spirit outreach at every turn, targeting small and great in a bid to disrupt and deny as much ground as possible.
It is critical we recognize this, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices," (II Corinthians 2:11) The ministry of Aaron and Hur is more important now than ever before. If Moses - the men of God - fail, we fail. We must not; we cannot fail, yet we are totally defenseless against this onslaught outside of the "weapons of our warfare," which are not carnal, but spiritual, and mighty through God. (II Corinthians 10:4)
I encourage all, in their ministries and communications, while standing in defense of Biblical truth and orthodoxy, to emphasize as well support and prayer for all in leadership. We should be doing the one, yet not leave the other undone.
As citizens and ambassadors of the kingdom of Heaven, we have the privilege to "…ask whatever we will…" (John 15:7) The adversary understands only one concept: FORCE.
Saints, pray urgently to the Father He continually deploy His angels in fury around every man of God in ministry and leadership. Pray He array His angels and chariots of fire around all that pertains to any Biblical, book of Acts man or ministry being used by the Holy Spirit in these perilous times to minister to His church, or in reaching the lost. Pray down (James 5:16) a formidable and violent Holy Spirit blockade and angelic protection around the hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-7) of fathers, ministers and pastors, and business owners in all quarters. Meet the adversary aggressively on his own ground, with sword and shield (Romans 13:12), in the middle of the arena.
Satan, a thief, a murderer and a liar, (John 8:44) would seek to harm that which God loves, as well as undermine the greatest Gospel outreach in the Church‘s history. May we deny him that!
Pray for me as well!
"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. (Hebrews 13:17)"
![]() and Police chaplain. These dudes' really know "the deal." |
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