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Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their
labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his
fellow: but woe
to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him
up.(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
As former Chaplain of the
Second Amendment PD (In Cyberspace),
I was recently approached concerning the Chris and Trudy Sherburne family
case which unfolded in Hesperia, San Bernardino County, California. This
area is in the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department.
This article is a personal commentary by me on the situation, but immediate
background information and the legalities of the case can be attained
The Sherburne Family
Internet Archive.org
At this point, with the
information I have available, I have researched this particular case to the
best of my ability. From all inward testimony, from the friends and associates
of these people, they were a law-abiding family that was targeted specifically
for their beliefs, life-style, and their family business of selling clothing,
survival foods, and military souvenirs at Gun Shows and swap meets. Wait
... survival foods and military souvenirs? Gun shows ... ?
Yikes!! Militia
Or we can look at this
analytically. At this point, I really have no reason whatsoever to question
their benevolence, for a variety of reasons, the least being these people
hadnt isolated themselves from society but were accountable to their
community and church. It seems one of their primary objectives, as a family,
was simply to aid overseas Christians, ... especially the holocaust
in Sudan. For more than eighteen months weve been stopped by our government
officials from helping send necessary medicines, garden tools, and Bibles,
to the victims. And as the news accounts state, with the various
charges against these people quickly falling by the wayside quite unfounded,
neither does the Local LE framework and criminal justice system. Yet, Chris
Sherburne remains incarcerated in a maximum security
I've seen situations like
this family's before. This particular case and scenario, at this point, has
been ongoing. It was initiated right about the end of the Clinton/Reno era.
So does this surprise anybody? The
MEGIDDO" document generated by the Reno DOJ, posted on my personal site
for anybody who still wants to take the time to read it (with accompanying
articles) is a perfect example of how an American administration can quickly
turn hostile against a particular group of people. In the case of the
leftist/liberal Clinton/Reno administration and DOJ, the fury of the American
government and federal LE community was unleashed against the whole of the
Conservative community, especially after the Clinton Presidential impeachment
hearings and trial. Christian, Conservative, Republican, Patriot, Militia,
pro-Second Amendment, plain red-blooded Americanwhatever tag floats
your boat, they were in the crosshairs.
I would like to review
a few things with the reader as we examine this familys plight. Too
often a campaign like this is taken up by well-meaning folks without focusing
on and attacking the core reasons for the circumstances happening in the
first place. That is pointless, as these situations will only continue to
happen again and again.
In his article,
the Police, William Norman Grigg writes, in
Leftist "watchdogs"
posing as experts on extremism are advising police agencies in "preemptive"
law enforcement. The resulting dragnet will increasingly target law-abiding
gun owners, pro-lifers, homeschoolers, and other foes of the total
Under the heading,
Political Profiling in the same article, he
The Connecticut
gun-seizure law and the accelerating drive for pre-emptive federal action
against "hate groups" suggest that "political profiling" of the sort conducted
by the AJC, ADL, Chip Berlet, and other "watchdogs" will become a civil liberties
issue. With law enforcement agencies depending upon committed leftists and
unreconstructed revolutionaries for intelligence on domestic enemies, the
anti-"extremist" dragnet would gather from many kindsincluding patriotic,
law-abiding Americans whose sole "offense" would be a commitment to the U.S.
Constitution and national independence.
Lest this prediction
be dismissed as hyperbole, it is useful to describe once again the case of
John J. Nutter of the Ohio-based Conflict Analysis Group, an "expert" on
"right-wing extremism" who has taught seminars for law enforcement officers
in several states. ...Nutter (borrowing a theme originally found in the
AJCs Authoritarian Personality study) describes "right-wing extremism"
as a "lightning rod for the mentally disturbed" and says that it threatens
"assassination, mass murder, and armed uprising."
Nutter lists as "danger
signs" of potentially lethal "extremism" such things as possession of "extremist
literature"... The display of "firearms lapel pins, bumper stickers or window
decals about the New World Order, Clinton Communism, I fear the government
that fears my gun," and the like. Police are also advised to be wary
of citizens who display "excessive concern" over the federal governments
massacre of the Branch Davidians, the murderous federal assault upon the
Randy Weaver family in Idaho, or similar abuses of power. Of particular concern,
insists Nutter, are "strong proponents of the Second Amendment" who believe
in the right of individuals to possess arms and are
fearful of any limitations on
Under this psychological
work-up, the Second Amendment PD (In Cyberspace), as an example, an
organization comprised of active duty and retired professional law enforcement
personnel, would be suspect! This is nothing but bald-faced demonization
of one group of people and blatant fear-mongering, transparently so to anybody
with any shred of analytical, critical thinking skills.
Retired LASD Deputy Joe
Horn, in his own article,
Profiling, commenting on one particular FBI Bulletin on
extremism, writes this:
I'm going to dub
this new form of discrimination Political Profiling. Is that better than
racial profiling? I think it's much worse, because it has changed the 1st
Amendment Right of free speech and the expression of ideas into a mushy form
of Probable Cause as well as endangering innocent citizens by telling Police
Officers that these stickers indicate "extremists" with violent tendencies
towards LEOs.
This possibility is
raised in the officer's mind by no more than the FBI Bulletin below, pronouncing
that presence of a decal indicating membership in a 2nd Amendment Civil Rights
organization is *really* extremist with violent or dangerous tendencies.
Advocacy of the Bill of Rights, or portions thereof, are indicators of
"extremism." Hmmmmm.
Golly, I know lots of
cops with NRA stickers or "I'm the NRA" stickers. Better get out the scrapers,
guys and gals. Anyone remember the "off the pigs" stickers from the 60s and
70s? They were characterized as "anti-police." Now, NRA type stickers are
anti-government and indicate VIOLENT POTENTIAL.
Mercy, times do
Aren't stickers advertising
your sentiments the opposite of furtive and sneaky? Aren't they still legal
under the 1st? I guess Sierra Club stickers mean there's a Ted Kaczinsky
(UNABOMBER) behind the wheel and there are bombs in the vehicle. I'm sure
glad doper gangbangers don't have NRA stickers on their rides. They're probably
not "extreme" as NRA types.. I know they don't account for the national homicide
rate and cop shooting like you rank and file NRA and other gun rights
organization members do, ya extremists!
... I guess a pro-gun
sticker will become Probable Cause if it hasn't already in some circles.
Free Speech (That's the First Amendment) is sure taking a beating in the
closet of Political Correctness.
On a more local level,
recently, I was informed by a reliable source that active duty law enforcement
in California at all levels is still being indoctrinated to give priority
to "extremist" groups which hold a Conservative, pro-Constitution philosophy,
in opposition to the leftist/socialist/liberal policies of the current California
administrations' policies and philosophies.
To be fair and objective,
I have had personal contact with the Christian philosophy based
cult mentality the Federal government and LE framework is targeting.
The real deal. It was an extremely disturbing situation.
In 1998, I sent this particular
email out in response to a conversation we were having on our personal email
list. The individual who is the primary character in this story is named
Chris Turgeon, but I have used a pseudonym [JANE] for his wife to protect
her dignity and privacy although the bulk of this is public information.
To clarify, when I use the term Church, I am referring to the
Spirit-filled Church, and not the liberal, unbelieving church, which is just
a transparent facade to assuage peoples guilty consciences. I have
edited parts for brevity:
Where I'm coming
from on all this, what Salem
the Soldier's website and my book,
"Setting the Captives
Free," why I get uptight in the presence of despair and
despondencyfatalism, apocalyptic mindsets, is rooted back in my early
years as a Christian and my initial training in
Read the attached text
file (Microsoft Word
Viewer .RTF). It's a newspaper article from our local paper that was
printed at the beginning of 1998.
I knew this guy in this
article. I talked to him once. Let me lay out some background. I'm editing
this new as I go as this was first posted on the Christian Police officer's
message board on Christianity Online (AOL).
Way back when I was
sixteen, my Mom entered her third marriage, to a guy who was in the Navy,
an officer, a navigator or something. He brought with him one daughter, but
had two sons who were in the custody of his first wife. At that time, our
family situation was pretty tumultuous, and this guy she married, being a
loon, didn't help matters much. Anyway, we kids stuck together pretty close
because it was a very tenuous life.
His daughter's name
was JANE and she is the same age as me. I was dating the girl who won me
to the Lord at that time also, and she was faithful in her ministry to us.
Her, I, and JANE were extremely close. JANE gave her life to the Lord at
pretty much the same time I did. As the family situation deteriorated, I
broke up with my girlfriend and moved back in with my former stepfather (Mom's
failed second marriage) in Riverside County.... It was the Lord Providentially
pulling me out of there. Right after I was saved.
Over the following years,
my former girlfriend got married, I got married, and my Mom and JANE's father
got divorced pretty quick after I left. JANE disappeared into the maelstrom
of life, but we kept in very distant contact. She would call me or my former
girlfriend (I don't feel comfortable using her name for the sake of her privacy)
every couple of years. She ended up marrying this guy named Chris Turgeon.
The last talk I had with her was three years ago, now. She contacted me from
Edmond, Washington.
About ten minutes into
the conversation (she was barely coherent and rambling on a lot of things
about the Lord and stuffmy "red flags" were flying high and all the
emergency bells were going off) she put this guy Chris on the phone. Actually
I think he insisted from the muffled whisperings in the background. After
about fifteen minutes listening to this guy, it was clear he was way out
there on the lunatic fringe. Way out. He went on and on for the next TWO
hours trying to convince me how he had obtained unto "perfection," was sinless,
and how I was living in sin for a number of reasons (like going to church
on Sunday instead of Saturday, etc.). Basically trying to establish a position
of authority and superiority over me. I'd come in with a particular portion
of Scripture, and he would immediately counter with something else. It was
extremely frustrating.
Then he started explaining
to me why he had a run in with the law up there. It had a lot to do with
a lot of this common law stuff some of the Patriots are involved in. That's
a whole other story. For the sake of brevity, it was one of the most creepy
conversations I had ever had in my experience as a Christian. This guy was
very disturbed, very self deluded, and an extremist in every sense of the
word. In fact, he was a lot of the motivation behind my study of extremist
Christian philosophy based groups to start out with, and the reason why I
presented Salem the Soldier's Homepage in the manner and format/terminology
that I did, as a challenge to it all. After this particular phone conversation
I was spiritually drained for two days.
Needless to say, I didn't
even make a dent in this guy. I finally had to hang-up on him because he
continued to get more combative and incoherent. I didn't get a chance to
talk to JANE after that. I was seriously considering contacting the Edmond
PD and asking them to stop by there and make sure she was okay. This guy
was extremely irrational and I was thinking she might be being physically
abused. But you know how that is, unless there are laws being evidently broken,
there is little the local law enforcement agency can do. I know if they had
gone over there and asked JANE if she was okay, she would have said yes.
So, I called my former girlfriend, we discussed it, and then we prayed over
the phone. I decided to let it lay.
That's when I picked
up the paper at the early part of '98 and read the attached
Good... gosh. This was
devastating reading for me. You immediately think, "Was there something else
I could have done to intervene, to put a stop to it?" I called my former
girlfriend and told her about it. She wasn't too surprised. Really, neither
was I. Talking to this guy in the first place was a spiritual ordeal, and
really, you see it coming, but what can you do outside of pray? They had
stayed at my former girlfriend's house with her family for a few days a number
of years back, during one of heir previously erratic forays into the area.
She was a little alarmed about that. I had NO idea they were back in the
I called the reporter
who did the article, and he said that before they found this house they are
currently staying at, they were sleeping on the beach right by where my former
girlfriend and her family lives. I said they hadn't made contact with her
and he said that, yes, Chris kept the group pretty isolated in a bid to maintain
control of them (I have no idea how many all together).
Apparently, the reporter
had been talking to JANE right before I called him. I asked him to forward
my, and my former girlfriend's, phone number to her (I guess she is still
at that "compound" as he termed it) just in case there is some way we could
help. Out of concern for our family's security, I have the option of referring
her to (our church), as they have the resources and people to deal with this
kind of thing. The reporter said this guy Chris was still pulling strings
from behind the scenes. The reporter feels that unless this had ended where
it did, the possibility for a more extreme, "national news" incident was
there (i.e., Waco). Apparently they were pretty well armed.
This reporter said his
own wife was a little freaked out by the whole thing. I laughed and said,
yeah, I tend to get that kind of flack.... Yet, it can't be ignored. If we
have the resources and talents to confront this type of extremism and lunacy
effectively, then moral and civic responsibility demands that we do. Shoot,
accountability to God Himself first of all, for the gifts He equips us with.
A lot of these people exploit the freedoms of the First Amendment to promote
this wild and dangerous stuff. So that leaves the qualified members of the
Christian communities they purport to represent to stand up and oppose their
So, I don't know if
JANE is ever going to call me or my former girlfriend or what, but I guess
I am ready for anything. Even back then she was a timid, submissive thing.
I can't imagine what her mental state is, let alone the poor kids (four of
them) You know the psychological make-up of abused women. The reporter said
she still maintains a strong loyalty to Chris. So how do you let her know
this guy will probably never see the light of day ever again? Once they are
done with him here, he gets extradited back to Washington. Yet I can tell
you, this guy should never be let out again! Firing on that officer was more
than enough. I will have to call the reporter to see what happened with the
trial. It should have been resolved by now....
...Spiritual reality
can get pretty harsh sometimes....
"The thief cometh not,
but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might
have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)
In the media accounts,
Chris Turgeon stated that at one time he wanted to enter the field of law
enforcement. This man was nothing but a two-bit school yard bully and tyrant.
Fortunately, he was weeded out in the hiring process. Yet with the lowered
hiring standards of the California law enforcement field to meet mandated
Affirmative Action hiring quotas and to draw new recruits to a field of
employment that few are anxious to join because of the leftist campaign to
undermine confidence in the local LE agency and implement Federal oversight,
more and more nut-jobs like this will slip through.
At the Millennium, when
the Reno DOJ published the "PROJECT MEGIDDO" document as a reference resource
for State and Local law enforcement, it was roundly criticized and condemned
as a shallow, superficial, poorly written and researched document, especially
to be published under the flag of the FBI. The current turmoils within the
FBI belies that, and the internal investigations and oversight that Attorney
General John Ashcroft is now implementing shows the depth of the wreckage
the Clinton/Reno years wrought on the agency which generated that document,
especially the arrogance and lack of accountabilitya prime
opportunity for abuses to take placein the persona and mindset of the
But the document did
contain much truth and relevance to many of these small, isolated cults and
armed groups which are still littered throughout our nation.
Am I inferring or insinuating
the Sherburne family was of the same mindset and intents of the Gatekeepers
Cult or any other Christian philosophy based apocalyptic/militant
group/organization? Of course not; quite the contrary. I have talked to Mrs.
Sherburne on the phone and the difference in heart, mind, and spirit, was
immediately evident. (Mrs. Sherburne prayed for me. Chris Turgeon belabored
me with a wacked out, two hour deranged tirade on why I was going to burn
in Hell for all eternity because I didnt see things his way.) Clearly
these aforementioned scenarios are dealing with people from opposite ends
of the spectrum.
My point is showing that,
from a temporal perspective, in the eyes of the law enforcement community,
whether on a Local or Federal level, there is absolutely no way for them
to differentiate, from outward appearances, who is a potential threat and
who is not. So they are compelled to move aggressively and decisively, in
the shadow of previous incidents such as the Gatekeepers Cult event, et.
al., regardless of civil rights violations.
Therefore, the Sherburnes,
through an unfortunate set of circumstances, were targeted for a pre-emptive,
multi-agency, police action to interdict a possible domestic
terrorism event, aforementioned California and Federal law enforcement agencies
involved clearly under the residual influence of the leftist indoctrination
as laid out before. The outward signs of their residential dwelling
as well as their manner of lifestyle, none illegal, was politically
profiled and triggered the law enforcement judicial/prosecution events, as
recorded in a very compliant propagandaer, press. Chris Sherburnes
continued imprisonment is clearly the state making an example
of him and his family. Chris is being held on a charge of "possessing tracer
ammo," illegal only in California. Oh, please. How many active duty California
cops could be convicted on the same charge?
Was/is this a
crime per se? Depends on which way you look at it. The truth
is purely subjective these days. It definitely should offend even the most
apolitical among us. But the Constitution and the Bill of Rights sure is
getting chewed up in the process. And that, we are doing to ourselves,
the true perpetrators of this crime sitting fat and lazy behind
a pulpit somewhere.
As goes the Church, so
goes the nation....
First, I was presented
this as a Second Amendment issue. I disagree. True, the Second Amendment
and U.S. Constitution is peripheral to this case, but still a superficial
aspect. This goes deeper than that. I've stated these things before, but
very few listen. The few people in my life who do listen are the same ones
who are forward deployed in American culture and the political arena, much
more than me, doing battle on behalf of the principles and values we hold
dear. Law, Republican government, limited government, the Constitution, etc.
Freedom for all Americans. Freedom. All those things the brutal and
vicious left-wing and their ambiguous and arbitrary interpretation of the
law feel only extremists think are worth fighting for. Its
interesting to note, Mrs. Sherburne writes:
Did you know that
the first parole conditions as amended said Chris can have no contact with
radicals, right-wing groups, or activists. No definition, of
course, was given, leaving wide room for
Like the Second Amendment
PD or the organizations Chaplain? Chaplain Bill of the Inland
Police Officers Coalition writes:
The word
extremist has been thrown around inappropriately by those who
do not concur with the other sides views. I, as a conservative
evangelical Christian, have been called an extremist Christian
police officer. Even within the same city hall council chambers of the city
I served as a police officer.
I at first took great
offense to that, but later realized that being called an extremist because
of my beliefs is quite a compliment.
The battle is very simple.
In the world you have liberals, moderates and conservatives. Within the church
you have, wolves (not saved), liberal Christians (which I doubt are saved),
moderate Christians (i.e. backslidden or lukewarm) and/or conservative
evangelical Christians.
The Lord commands me
to be different, set apart and sanctified from the rest of the non-believing
world, not to conform to them (Rom 12: 2).
The Lord also requires
His followers to be very different from the rest of the world. As Paul said
I am " ... looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the
great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Who gave himself for us, that he
might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people,
zealous of good works. These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all
authority. Let no man despise thee. Titus
On the California level,
did all this just "happen?"
Like I have mentioned
beforenumerous timesat the Davis/Lungren election, 20 percent
of the eligible Conservative voting bloc failed to vote! Just didn't
show up. Didn't think it was important. Had more important things to do.
Now we have the Davis administration and the Lockyer DOJ and a lopsided Socialist
philosophy based legislature that mirrors Nazi era Germany in way
too many ways; demonizing and marginalizing the Conservative community like
the Nazis did the Jews; mandating full firearms restrictions and confiscation
as well. Where were the Christians in Germany? Doing the same thing. Going
along to get along. Sucking up to the rising Nazi party. More on that in
my article,
the Authorities" linked in the archives on my site
So who's fault is that,
in Californiaor the nation? Right, it's the fault of every lazy, apathetic,
complacent, spoiled, selfish Conservative (Christian or not) California resident
who didn't bother to show up to vote in the last election, who does not bother
to educate themselves on the issues, who does not think their vote and voice
is relevant or important. Who doesn't think "parts" of the US Constitution,
like the Second Amendment, are relevant to them. Who doesnt think,
period. And many who think they are politically involved are doing
nothing more than abrogating their civic duty by sending money to an organization
or coalition who purports to represent them and justifying their
own inaction by doing so. Then even further, when an individual exercises
their most basic civic duty by being informed on the issues and opposing
those trends that are extremely hurtful in the long run and contrary to the
unique American way of life, they are labeled as an activist,
a term which in the current lexicon is just left of extremist
in the understanding of many.
Or, like I have stated
before, numerous times, this complacency and apathy can be traced back to
the steady diet of "end-times" teaching that has been pouring from some of
the more high profile pulpits in California, a state that boasts some of
the biggest Bible-believing churches in the nation. A phenomenon that has
filled pews and sold books and tapes and radio and TV time. Where
Left Behind: The Series, a book and movie depicting the
rapture and removal of the Church from the world scene, and ensuing
apocalyptic events, was on the Christian top seller list for many months
and lauded by all, derailing many in the Church into further escapist distraction
and cultural impotence.
What a transparent scheme,
producing its inevitable fruit: Despair, fatalism, defeatism and finally,
fear. And all are contrary to the Word of God and the unconditional
Promises of God. And it is rotten fruit. And it is impacting absolutely
every aspect of our culture and society, the schools, law enforcement, et
Open your eyes! Christian
men and women gearing up "for the end of the world" in FEAR, enclosed in
the iron grip of a self-imposed siege mentality and abandoning the American
political and cultural arena (the mandate to preach the Gospel) in defeatism and despairor pietism if
you want to label it thatis wrong, and unBiblical. In our representational
form of government that the Lord has graciously ordained that we live under,
bought with the blood and sacrifice of the Society of the Warriors, the command
of Jesus Christ to "...Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's..." still
Andrew Sandlin wrote, in
"Principled Resistance
to Civil Tyranny: One Man's View,"
"Please understand:
in the modern situation, to be politically inert is to refuse to render to
Caesar what is his. Representative civil government means we should work
to assure that we are properly represented ... For this reason, Christians
in the United States, for instance, should spend more time practicing civil
obedience (writing, voting, petitioning, working precincts, preaching, praying
imprecations, etc.) than civil disobedience (sit-ins, tax revolts, revolutionary
militias, and so forth). I repeat: the Bible does indeed justify civil
disobedience, but only when civil government prohibits what the Bible requires
or requires what the Bible prohibits. We must meet injustice with justice,
not greater injustice."
Yet the Church in America
insists on believing the nonsense that "we are living in a post-Christian
era" and the excuse and cop-out, "It's the end-times and there is little
we can do," and just hold on "till Jesus comes back." Suddenly, the unconditional
promises of God are conditional on our particular position in
the prophetic timeline.
Which is a blatant lie
and a bunch of nonsense.
Finally the salt is lost,
activating the true adage that "...If the salt have lost his savour, wherewith
shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out,
and to be trodden under foot of men." (Matthew 5:13)
Therefore, from a spiritual
perspective, Chris and Trudy Sherburne and family were, and are, like every
other group or family like them, being trodden under the feet of men. And
the root causes of why that is happening lies in the pulpits of every mainstream,
high-profile pulpit in America, as well as the politically inert congregations
they cater to. Is God just going to "miracle" that vote in the booth in the
direction it should go, as well as placing the right people in the right
positions to represent us? And until the Church and the Conservative community
in America wakes up and realizes that, and gets off their high hill waiting
for the end, and gets back in the fight to impact American culture,
she shall continue to be relegated to the cultural sidelines and trodden
under the feet of men. Those are the repercussions of our actionsor
lack thereof.
An unconditional
promise of God states: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked
ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will
heal their land." The problem isn't the liberals or the
Socialist/Marxists or the anarchists....
It's us. The Church
leadership, the spiritual leadership. The same people that Jesus Christ
roundly mocked, condemned, and whipped, in the midst of Roman occupied
Israel, an occupation that was Providentially initiated to discipline the
nation. Is that being harsh? I can hear the gentle chiding and
syrupy, gooey admonition right now, more than likely from a
Hey, brother,
weres the love? Wheres the love ...
Spare me. Tell it to the
Sherburnes. I would have liked to have seen those who would scold me so,
directing the same admonition against the LORD as He drove the money changers
out of the temple (John 2:15), as He laid the same whip of small cords across
their own backs. It has been said, it is better to tell the truth that hurts
and heals, rather than falsehood that comforts and kills. Faithful
are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
(Proverbs 27:6)
There were innocent people
being grievously hurt back then. There is innocent people being hurt
now, impacted as they were then, by theirs, and our, wicked ways.
Our wicked ways: The apathy, fear, and fatalism that we insist on clinging
to like a life raft, in refusing to face the challenges of our times and
taking a principled stand in the face of this PC tyranny.
As Chaplain of the 2AMPD,
I am irresolute to "take up" this particular cause, even though these people
did nothing wrong, because it would be dealing with a symptom and not the
cure. This has happened to the Sherburnes, and will happen again and again.
First to the individuals mainstream society classifies as the
fringe, until it finally reaches into the comfort
zone of the complacent and comfortable in the Church in America. The fancy
churches with the video screens and polished preachers, the SUVs scattered
throughout the parking lot and the trendy music wafting over the high-tech
sound systems and live Internet hook-ups. By then, it will be too late.
Its already happening, especially in California, and the sound of alarm
has become nothing more than background noise to a people lacking qualified,
aggressive leadership in the right way to go.
Rather, as a minister of
God, recognized as such by Biblical authority and respected in the eyes of
the men of valor and renown who I company with, I simply issue an apology
to the Sherburne Family on behalf of the Church in America:
Chris and Trudy Sherburne
and family, I am truly sorry. I am sorry that you have had to endure such
injustice and misery. I am sorry because it was all avoidable. I am truly
sorry because we, as the Church, the physical representation of His spiritual
Body in this nation and world, have so failed you, and not only you, but
anybody else like you who has been unfortunate enough to be targeted like
this. We, the leadership in the Church, have failed to maintain a balance
and have cast aside the Promises and Power of God for a few pieces of silver.
We have taught escapism and not civic responsibility; fatalism and not proactive
combat faith. We have abandoned this nation to a fatalistic inevitability
and destruction that stands in stark contrast to the peace, healing, and
true prosperity that is promisedpromisedthroughout the canon
of scripture. We have filled our churches with a tepid, weak, fearful, and
selfish sort, detoured with the provocative and sensational, while the leadership
scurries home with their mammon in the bank ... and the nation dies around
them, right on schedule.
Maybe you can take this
simple and so inadequate commentary and run with it. Maybe somebody in a
better suited position than me to help you can take it and run with it.
In his commentary,
is Dead: Long Live Ceausescu!, Franklin Sanders states
Encourage fellow
Christians to observe the Ninth Commandment (The Ninth Commandment forbids
us to bear false witness, but also requires us to believe the
best of our Christian brothers. We are obliged to defend their character)
whenever government attacks a Christian brother or sister (or any fellow
citizen). Accusation is one thing, proof of guilt another. (Today, even a
conviction is becoming a less and less reliable indicator of guilt.) The
government's Ceausescu tactics won't work unless the community abandons the
victim. Oppressors need the protection of the dark: they can't stand the
light. It never hurts to protest oppression by insistent but respectful letters
to your state and federal representatives and senators as well as judges
and prosecutors.
Has anybody of reputation and caliber from the community and area affected contacted California Senator Pete Knight's office about this, and made an appointment? How about any of the other Conservative heavy-hitters in the California legislature; Haynes, Mountjoy, and McClintock? Where's the feedback on that? If not, a complaint needs to be filed with the United States Department of Justice on behalf of these people. There are many loose ends in this case that need to be addressed. A face-to-face appointment with someone in a position of authority to initiate a final resolution to this is clearly long overdue
The Sherburne Family saga
has been ongoing now for over three years, yet little has been
accomplished in the Christian/Conservative community to see that this
situationclearly riddled with legal irregularitiesis resolved.
I was also told the Pacific
Justice Institute, an organization formed to handle this sort of
thing, declined to accept the case because "Chris Sherburne did plead
guilty to a felony."
Yet, Chaplain Bill
states, "In the court system, when a person is arrested or charged, they
are assigned a PD (Public Defender). What happens all too often is
the PD in the majority of the cases asks their clients to "plead out," to
a lessor charge, and the client agrees because they don't want to deal with
the court battle. Public defenders have a heavy case load and they
want to get it resolved expeditiously. They get paid regardless (with
taxpayer dollars), but all too often the majority of cases are plead out,
when realistically they can win some of them. 'Some' PD's also plead them
out without properly advising their clients of the long term repercussions
of pleading guilty to the lessor charge (not being able to own a firearm
for example), instead opting for the short term solution. They resolve
the case and keep the defendant from being convicted of the more serious
charge, yet don't inform them of the serious long term consequences of doing
A stated in the above article by Franklin Sanders, "...even a conviction is becoming a less and less reliable indicator of guilt." I believe this is what happened with the Sherburne miscarriage of justice.
It is this same type of
situation, the "Oh, well, that's just the way it is" apathy that prevailed
in pre-Nazi Germany, the indifference and complacency by the Church as yet
another trainload of Jews were dispatched to the death camps and mainstream
Christianity just couldn't be bothered, and if they were, the protest was
token and superficial. Will this complacency prevail today as it is
one of our own?
In closing, I wish the
Sherburnes well. I hope I will be able to find the time in the future to
help you walk this rocky path you find yourselves on. I hope that as this
is read by the Church, somebodymany peoplewith the resources
will step up to the plate to help you. Inevitably, justice and equity will
prevail in the end.
The Sherburne Family Story
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Propagandizing the Police
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Political Profiling ~ LASD Deputy Joe Horn (Ret.)
[ http://www.2ampd.net/Articles/Horn/Political%20Profiling.htm ]
A Debate Between The Warriors
[ http://www.salemthesoldier.us/A_Warriors_Debate.html ]
Questioning The Authorities
[ http://www.salemthesoldier.us/questioning_authority.html ]
[ http://www.salemthesoldier.us/project_megiddo.html ]
Principled Resistance to Civil Tyranny: One Man's View
[ http://www.natreformassn.org/resist.html ]
Ceausescu is Dead: Long Live Ceausescu!
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"The Sherburne Family Story" © 2001 Michael A. Baker
This material is copyrighted to prevent altering or reproducing for profit.
Michael A. Baker is a free-lance and published author, Second Amendment writer, the former list "Chaplain" for the Second Amendment PD (In Cyber-space),
as well as the former Vice-president (non-sworn) of the Inland Police Officers Coalition (IPOC).