He is brash and bold, he is outrageous and heavy-hitting,
he is an American cophe is the indomitable Officer Michael Wenger,
With his permission as author,
what follows is one of the most graphic and pointed pieces of law enforcement
apologia (concerning the NYPD, Amadou Diallo shooting) I have ever read
through many years of corresponding and interacting with the Christian LE
community, written straight from the harsh realities of the mean streets
of America, by a blood and bullets veteran who obviously knows exactly what
he is talking about.
If you are a liberal, do yourself
a favor and move along, unless you're spoiling for a major heart
If you are a timid Conservative
civilian who has a problem with rough language or have an authority "issue,"
this is the wrong place to be, 'cause this will only make things
If you're a veteran street
cop who knows "the deal," have had it with the Socialist/Liberal horde trashing
the field of law enforcement, stand clear and let Ranger Mike read the nation
the riot act, then print a copy of this out and nail it to your department's
squad room board. The crew will thank you for it.
Oh, and be advised, I

Ranger Mike's

Today's topic, boys and girls,
is trying to understand how 4 cops can use 41 rounds and REALLY not be guilty
Of course you ALL KNEW
I have an opinion on the Amadou Diallo case. I suspect some of you have been
waiting to see what it is... Well here we go:
Monday Morning Quarterbacking, Been There Done That
and Got The Tee Shirt, Purely Academic... WORDS.
What we, as a collective group of PROFESSIONALS
MUST DO is stop following the "party line" we MUST STOP trying to be "Politically
Correct" we mustn't allow ourselves the luxury of thinking that we are in
some made up "service industry" and that we 'owe it' to some to provide the
best possible service available...
The bottom line, real deal is this, we deal with
thugs, rapists, murderers, thieves, hypes and people so vile that they get
labeled "Criminally Insane", given a football helmet and sent off to Happy
Land, where they spend all day ramming their heads into solid inanimate
We do this much in the same way a roto-rooter guy
clears out excess fecal matter from a drain. An Exterminator kills pests.
A Coroner cuts open little babies, other men's wives and other women's husbands
and every mother's child.
We do our 'job' the same as Our Armed Forces. KILL
KILL KILL if that is what is required. Yeah, there's the humanistic aspect,
Humanitarian aid for disaster victims, peacekeeping missions, etc.
But bottom line, we, as coppers, have a job. Oh
sure, it's a cool job for most of us. There sure are a lot of folks who want
to be cops. In L.A. County, for example, they have to test like 10,000 people
to weed out the chaff to seat 40 people in an academy. Pretty tall
But we do what we do for whatever reason we do it.
And in executing our duties, sometimes we have to kill, maim, injure or piss
off people.
Is it a black vs white thing? Man, I don't know.
I don't work in New York. I do know, however, that I am sure in the heck
am NOT going to risk a trip to a Psych a la Rocker and say anything even
remotely negative about the residents of the fine fine city and area of New
I can speak for me, though. Out here, we have an
area known as WATTS. Perhaps you've heard tell of this area, it coincidentally
has the SAME NAME as those wacky riots in the mid '60's.
Fact of the matter, WATTS is populated by African
Americans in a disproportionately LARGE number. Its shrinking though, people
of the "Hispanic" culture are growing in number at present.
Now lets look at this logically. Near WATTS are
some low income housing units (read PROJECTS) that have more
than their fair share of rambunctious, starry eyed youths. Now some of these
cheery fellows wear blue doo rags and carry fully automatic weapons. Some
Pohlease cars have, on occasion, been vandalized whilst left in the area,
LAPD members have been shot at, hit and injured by some of these spunky kids.
Now let's say I was an LAPD copper. I a white. I go to, oh Say Nickerson
Gardens to, oh I dunno, make a felony arrest on an outstanding 187 suspect
(murder charge). A friendly looking fellow refuses to 'obey' my commands
and a cluster ensues.
Now did I dump him because he's 'black'? Does my
sense of self preservation indicate malice and aforethought? Am I a racist?
Am I wild canon? Am I a murderous SOB looking to earn a notch on my 6 gun?
WHAT? What in the heck am I guilty of
If you wanna play fantasy land, then let's racially
segregate the POLICE.
African American officers can ONLY work in predominately
African American areas. Latinos, Hispanic areas, Whites, trailer parks...
and so on. Of course we may get in trouble if Martians (who are rumored NOT
to be very prolific at Law Enforcement Issues, make a 'hood for themselves
I mean what do people, including some of us 'coppers',
WARNING.... RATIONAL FACT ALERT ... Liberals, prepare to
The fact that crimes occur where criminals
Duh, that certain high crime areas are mapped and
identified and that if, as a member of the LEO community, you cruise around
said area, you will find something amiss is an ABSOLUTE GIVEN. Any other
thoughts are wrong, illogical and make absolutely no sense.
Just say Bedford-Sty, Watts, Detroit, Miami and
a thousand other areas when speaking in the context of crime and punishment.
What immediately jumps in to YOUR MIND???? Are you too a racist?
Nope, its just good old common sense police work.
You know where the bad guys like to hang out so you can catch them. No sinister
motive there, unless of course you are one of the bad guys, but then that's
a given and a whole other thread.
That these areas also contain regular 'joes', who
for one reason or another are unable to move (no $$ for a 'better place)
or unwilling (have family roots) to leave, is something that needs to be
realized as well. But even this can be justly and logically figured out.
Let's say that Ma and Pa Kettle live in a tenement
that has a walk up crack window on the first floor. Does that mean that owing
to Ma and Pa's occupancy, that the crack dealers are NEVER to be dealt with?
Does that also mean that by any shred of logic, we should use LESS diligence
when working the area?
Diligence is, at best, a double edged sword. If
we go walking on eggshells so as not to disturb the law abiding citizenry,
we are more on edge and more apt to blast at shadows.
Wrong? Who knows... but it is true.
That Mr. Amadou Diallo got blasted is tragic. But
so is every DEATH. And I mean EVERY. Who among us sheds a tear thinking of
Jeffrey Dahmer getting whacked? But wasn't HIS death tragic to some? Logically
following this line, isn't is tragic that a family gets whacked by a patrol
hoop rolling too fast and smacks into the family vehicle? How about getting
hit by a cop who's DUI while you are on duty??
I mean SH*T happens, mistakes are made, life sucks,
go buy a helmet.
What you don't want to do is to make a bad situation
worse. I think that the TRAINING of the 4 coppers involved is the REAL suspect
in this incident. Not ANY of the intentions of the coppers
I qualify, like the next schmoo, every 3 months.
But I also waste rounds on a regular basis as training and a stress relief
mechanism. When I go out and kill paper silhouettes, I ALWAYS empty my 15
in the mag and 1 in the pipe. ALWAYS. Why? Well # 1, its common that we regress,
under stress, to what our 'regular routine' is. And I'd rather empty 16 rounds
into a dirt bag trying to kill me out of habit than try and shoot em in the
leg or something.
Of course KNOWING that is how I'd probably react
makes me a WHOLE lot more reserved as to what actual situations I'll pull
my gat out in the first place.
I carry an Italian made Berreta 92F, as opposed
to the Departmental Issued 92 FS, but it's still a Hi-Capacity 9 mm weapon
of death. With my Cor-Bons, Black Talons and Hydra-Shocks, it has but one
purpose. To keep me and others alive when deadly force is called for. I shoot
2 to the chest, 2 to the head and return for 2 more to the chest (if the
target is still in my sight picture that is) with the sole and complete intent
to KILL. No wounding, no trying to knock a gun outta Joe Badguy's hand, nada.
Death from above.
Do I think I am some tough guy? Do I have delusions
of T.J. Hooker dancing in my head? NO. I just follow training, am realistic
in my position and like to go home every night.
Why? Well if I pull my gat with the intent of shooting,
it is a situation that WILL REQUIRE, in MY opinion, LETHAL FORCE. I am empowered
to use such, it is a grave responsibility, one I do not take lightly, but
trained to do nonetheless.
So if my partner and I were working for NYPD and
we happened to feel that Mr. Amadou Diallo was an immediate threat, I can
tell you that there would have been at least 32 9 mm rounds at the scene
from us...
But then again, if I was in a trailer park hunting
down some white trash, at a biker bar or a KKK meeting and the 'need' for
me to shoot there arose, you could rest assured that at least 16 of my rounds
would be there as well.
Same thing in a Martian hood too.
Racists? Rogue?
Nope, just a guy, TRAINED, paid and expected by
the people I serve, to PROTECT THEM and hoping like CRAZY that I never make
a mistake against a pal of AL "I never met a cop I liked"
fortiter in re, suaviter in modo
Semper fidelis, praemonitus, pramunitus
I realize I have over simplified
a whole bunch of issues, but then again, you are all probably asleep or have
deleted this soap box speech by now any way, so I will end my little article,
but I do ask and welcome all viewpoints,
please e-mail me.
At any rate IT IS another one of my
© 2000 -
Wenger /© 1998, 1999, 2000 - Sedona Services L.L.C.- All rights

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"NYPD New Jacks, Gave A Perp 41 Whacks" © 2000
Ranger Mike All Rights
This article is reposted with the express permission of
the author.