[Personal Letterhead]
President George Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
11 September 2002
Dear President Bush:
I am writing in response to
much of the media hype and political punditry concerning our nations
issues with Iraq. Recently I read in our local paper that polls
showed a tepid response from Californians concerning your intentions concerning
this country. I would like to make it clear that, as usual, such widely
promoted polls do not reflect the opinions of many in this state, as well as
the nation.
Anybody with a compelling
interest and a little time has access to many independent news sources,
especially overseas, to research for themselves the validity of the threat Iraq
poses for our country and interests, instead of taking at face value much of
the transparently biased mainstream news sources here in country trying to
downplay this very real threat. This, even before your debriefing of many of
our countrys notables who make it a habit to oppose your
administrations policies for simple partisan purposes.
Also, many qualified in country
Middle East experts, Professor Daniel Pipes for one, have confirmed and warned
repeatedly the threat from this country, one of a number of others that
maintain a clear and present danger, not only to our interests overseas, but
here at home as well.
Pertaining to first
seeking the support of our allies and the UN may I
point out, once again, that no one else in the global community is
as much a target of Islamic extremism today as
are, our friend and ally Israel notwithstanding. Yet, as is to be expected,
the UN and many of our allies in the global community are waffling
and denigrating American unilateralism and hegemony in our new
found proactive self-defense posture and deployment. Your recent
man-handling of the UN was appreciated and certainly inspirational.
I have to question their
motives and positioning. Whether their own political survival is key on their
growing tepid advocacy, simple goofy pacifism, or common envy and resentment of
our position in the world, ultimately, it would be reckless and suicidal, now
and long-term, to let their vacillating influence this nations defensive
conduct to any degree. Especially with those nations that harbor and export
Mr. President, in my
correspondence to you dated the 11th of September, 2001, I encouraged you to
maintain the commitment and resolve to follow through in response to these
terrorist attacks on our nation. I encourage you and the administration again,
to maintain the same resolve, in the face of Liberal Fundamentalism and your
detractors here in country, as well as in the global community and among our
We continue to wholly support
the most unrelenting and rigorous stance on the part of the Bush Administration
with, not only Iraq, but any other organization or country who would seek to
harm Americans here or overseas, as well as complete American unilateralism if
need be.
My Deepest Respects and Regards,
[ Signed ]
Michael A. Baker
P.O. Box 6508
Corona, California 92878-6508
(FAX) 909.736.7532
Vice-President Dick Cheney
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
Congressional Representative
Ken Calvert
U.S. House of Representatives
2201 Rayburn House Office
Washington DC, 20515-0001
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
Senator Barbara Boxer
United States Senate
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-0001
Senator Dianne Feinstein
United States Senate
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-0001