Ive read the Koran three
times now. The first time was as a youth searching for a divine nugget. It
struck me as disappointingly uninspiring. The second time was in 1998 to look
for prophecy and found only a repetitive message akin to brainwashing. The
third time, I admit to being leery of it, and found it to have been written
with help that is far from divine.
The translation I used of the
Koran seems virulent but probably not the most so, as many are available. It is
just chance that I currently have access to one translated in 1930 by Mohammed
Marmaduke Pickthall, and printed by the government of Mir Osman Ali Khan, the
late nizam of Hyderabad-Deccan. Ive cross referenced some of the verses
in other Korans and found them sometimes slightly differing in meaning and
verse numbers. So the verses I refer to can sometimes be off numerically in
other translations so any passage I refer to could be the verse above or below
it, if not immediately obvious.
There are claims that the Koran
is similar to Sanskrit and Tamil texts as evidenced by the Koran not conforming
to Arabic grammar. Over 100 aberrations were noted by Mahmud-oz-zamakshari and
he stated the Koran was not miraculous. There are parts imitative of a
pre-Islamic Syrian poet and Ali Dashti in his book 23 Years: A study of
the Prophetic Career of Mohammed (published 1985) draws attention to
these probable sources. Mohammed also seems to have borrowed from
Al-Ukdal-Fareed, the 25 chapters called Jaw-hara (the Pearl) from
which to pillage verses for his surahs. This was written by Ibn Abd
Rabbihil Andalusi who was born in 246AD and died in 327AD.
So if the Koran is based on
cribbed together writings and dubious other religious texts, this really casts
doubt on the divine source. Some people (yes, anti-Muslims) have suggested that
Mohammed had epileptic fits, and his own mother had declared him possessed by a
devil. Regardless of these claims, it seems highly suspect to find castigation
of an enemy uncle and a confirmation that an adopted son should divorce his
wife so that Mo can marry her in its suras. This seems way too
convenient to just happen to fit in with Mos mindset, for surely if God
really wanted such a thing, he could have just willed it?
Consider something like sura
33:36 which states,
.when allah and his messenger have decided an
and goes on to say you shouldnt question it. Well how
convenient for him that god has Mo for a partner to help decide things!
There are other reasons to
suspect that the claimed divine revelation is actually from a satanic source,
if not simply from Mos fevered brow, but Ill get more into that
The Muslim world has generated
suicide bombers and terrorists galore. The Koran stokes these fires of hatred.
There are numerous promises of paradise for the slain and booty for the alive.
A typical one is sura 4:74, Whoso fighteth in the way of allah, be he
slain or be he victorious, on him we shall bestow a vast reward.
Suicide has its roots as
a tradition starting with Mohamheads attempts. This may be another
indication of his epileptic type fits, as no true messenger of God has ever
wanted to kill himself. However in the Bakhari hadith, Book 9, volume 87, verse
111, we read this: But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine
Inspiration was also paused for a while and the Prophet became so sad as we
have heard that he intended several times to throw himself from the tops of
high mountains and every time he went up the top of a mountain in order to
throw himself down, Gabriel would appear before him and say, "O Muhammad!
You are indeed Allah's Apostle in truth" whereupon his heart would become
quiet and he would calm down and would return home.
Hmmm, would God really give you
a message and then you commit suicide? This whole entwining of Islam with death
is part and parcel of its message. The assassins developed as a group of
killers from Islamic culture that believed their reward lay in paradise, of
which theyd had a drugged foretaste. This killing for a reward message is
continued today and is encouraged by Muslim clerics, but stop and ask yourself
whether God really wants his creation to be used this way.
A lack of regard for human life
and barbarity is usually indicative of Godless people.
Sura 5:33 threatens death,
crucifixion or hands and feet cut off for those that strive against allah.
Christians and non-Muslims beware! Anyone that isnt a follower of Islam
is classed as causing corruption to the earth and is therefore to be killed.
The two suras just mentioned are only two of many, many such threats and
intimidations. Read sura 9:5 that says to slay the unbelievers wherever you
find them, etc.
Islamaniacs trumpet that Islam
is the fastest growing religion and must therefore be right, but surely it has
all the hallmarks of a cult that offers certainty not understanding. Fascism
and communism were ideologies that encompassed a billion people but today are
discounted as having any worth. The majority are often wrong and that is why
inspired leaders exist that have a better dream, and also the Bible tells that
the road to destruction is broad and wide (Matthew 7:13).
The Muslim apologists claim
that Islam is a religion of peace and that the terrorists arent real
Muslims. This reminds me of when the Soviet Union had its communist grip on
Eastern Europe. When one pointed out that it was a crap system with food
shortages, queues for everything and nothing working properly, the red
propagandists would claim that the real communists werent in charge.
Today we have a similar situation with Islamic propagandists saying the
terrorists arent representative, despite all the bombers and hijackers
claiming action for allah.
Unfortunately, the whole tenor
of the Koran is one that dwells on slaughter and the doom of unbelievers. The
Hadiths are even worse and talk of violence against Jews especially. One says
that even the trees and bushes will shout out that there are Jews hiding behind
them, and they should then be killed.
Now the koranicists tell me
that I am taking passages about annihilating towns after warning them, out of
context. The threats and promised destruction of surah 17:16 towards a town is
supposedly a general warning from allah. But if I dont see it that way,
then why should an uneducated Muslim? He could well think the verses saying
we will destroy them and slaughter them where we find them are
general exhortations for the cause. Certainly the well educated terrorists seem
to interpret it that way.
And if such passages are so
ambiguous, then why would God choose to express himself in such an imprecise
language. Did God really send Jesus to tell us plainly to love our enemy and
turn the other cheek, yet then send Mohammed to tell us to revel in their
Now the Muslims say that they
only fight those that started it first, those who cause trouble are apparently
fair game for slaughter. The Koran says persecution is worse than
slaughter (2:191). Quite a different message from turning the other
cheek. However, some Muslims seem persecuted by the mere presence of
non-Muslims. This was the reasoning behind attacks on the USS Cole, that they
didnt like Americans in their waters or based on the soil of Saudi
Arabia, whether invited or not. Yet these people that feel so persecuted will
tell you of how merciful and big hearted Mohammed was to Jews, and claim
Christians cried when Muslims removed their presence from them in Syria or
This is clearly propaganda and
nonsense to claim that non-Muslims felt protected by Muslims when the Koran
tells them to be compassionate to Muslims but to show harshness to others. The
Jews fled the Romans and settled all over Arabia, becoming a majority in
Yathrib. They took Mohammed in when he needed a base, and their eventual reward
was to be expelled or worse from their own city, which was then renamed Medina.
If Mohammed was so kind, then how come there are no Jews in Mecca today? Come
to think of it, only Muslims are allowed there, period. Would any such
apartheid be tolerated in the West? Why are Mecca and Medina such a closed
Muslims will tell you that
there is no compulsion in their religion. Yet why insist on making the Haj, a
pilgrimage to Mecca? Theyll tell you that Islam is a religion of peace
and tolerant of people like Jews and Christians. Yet these people are required
to pay the jizrah, a special tax on non-Muslims that has no fixed
amount but used to be a gold dinar in one district. Imagine having to hand over
a piece of gold just because you arent a Muslim. It sounds like a severe
arm twisting not a lack of compulsion.
Just exactly how benevolent
this is can surely be seen for the added burden it was. Who would want to pay a
form of protection money to an unfriendly gang? Just how popular this tax would
have been, can be gauged from the American reaction to a tax on tea imposed by
their British protectors.
Can you imagine if the West
made religious minorities pay a special tax, what a cry about equal rights
there would be? Or suppose Philadelphia or Rome was made off limits to
We have reciprocal agreements
with countries, but we should also consider the golden rule to apply to
philosophy and religion. We dont tolerate political fascism so neither
should we accept religious fascism.
I dont think the Koran
has anything nice or admirable to say about anyone not one of them. The Muslims
make a big deal of being tolerant but when they conquered a place, they
enslaved the men, built a mosque on the local peoples most revered sites
(e.g. they tried to build one in the Acropolis in Greece but got expelled
first), and taxed the remaining wretched survivors something like 50% of
everything for their supposed protection. The hadith in volume 3, book 39,
number 524 talks of giving the Jews a valley to farm and of taking half of
everything from them.
If , as the Koran constantly
claims, allah is so merciful, then how come its always going on about
hellfire and making snide remarks about just about everyone who isnt part
of the Muslim cult? If Islam is so tolerant of other religions and peaceful,
where are the Jewish communities that used to exist throughout Arabia? What
about the grand old tradition of issuing fatwas? We dont see
Christian bishops and clerics calling for people to be murdered. Muslims
dont seem to acknowledge that mullahs issuing death sentences on people
that offend them is inconsistent with claims of Islam being peaceful.
The existence of death dealing
militant Muslim terror groups in every area of the world shows me that there is
something not really peaceful about them or their message. By their fruits, we
should know them. And lets face it, until the recent pressure from
America, the Muslim countries of the world havent really made efforts to
extirpate these nests of vipers.
I challenge any apologist to
tell me a true nation of Islam, a devout pursuer of peace that could not or
would not in some future eventuality fracture into hateful angry people.
The cry of the Muslim at prayer
starts off by saying there is no God but allah. Some linguists have said that
allah can be a general word for everything. On this
model, millions of unwitting Muslims could be saying, There is no God,
just everything. Now who could benefit the most from such a deception?
Possibly the great deceiver himself who is apparently able to deceive the
very elect. So much of the Bibles teaching are perverted in the
Koran, that you can imagine the great deceiver laughing like Usama bin laden in
that video at the misbelief of others. The greatest prophet of the Old
Testament, Zechariah in sura 3:38 has him praying for bounty. Even Jesus and
the disciples are portrayed as asking for non spiritual gifts. Satan must laugh
his head off at how many people buy into this revised history. The real message
of Gods prophets and Jesus that you will suffer for believing in his name
is never mentioned in the Koran. Only reward for the followers of allah, either
the wine in heaven or spoils and bounty on earth. I ask that you consider
carefully which prophet offers redemption, offers a spiritual truth and which
prophet offers fulfillment of earthly desires.
For arguments sake, lets
assume that allah is a name. Yet allah is not a name we see in the
Bible. Mecca isnt mentioned in the Bible either. Yet it says in the Bible
in many places, that those who call in the Lords name will be saved. So
you would expect that getting Gods name right is crucial. Essential for
the salvation of your soul, and to fulfill requirements that are asked of you.
Gods name is given by
those that dont really understand what the name is as anything from
Adonai or Elohim which mean Lord. But in fact, in Psalms 83:18 it explicitly
says, whose name alone is JEHOVAH.
In Exodus 3:13-15, God tells
Moses that his name is I AM and says that this is my name forever.
JAH is also given
as Gods name in Psalms 68:4. Nowhere does it say the name that the Muslim
world prefers to use, and theres even a controversy from the Sufis that
says allah is a concept for everything, so that what the Muslims could actually
be saying is that there is no God. This is all indicative of some great
deceiver that would have people say many things that are contrary to what is
actually said in the Bible, and a blasphemy against the true God.
It is very important to get
Gods name correct. If your name is Susan or Rasheed and someone is
calling you Fred, would you even answer? Not only might you not respond, but
you could be insulted by being addressed by another name. Especially when you
have already spelled out how you ought to be called. Would you even turn around
if someone shouted out a name that you didnt especially like or wish to
be called?
The Koran has contradictions
and inaccuracies about Ishmael, about the earth being created in eight or two
days (41:9), stuff about yellow cows instead of the red heifer. Within
its own Koranic pages, it has differences about the number of gardens in
paradise (one, 39:73 4:30 57:21 or many 18:31 22:23 35:33 78:32). It also
has divergent claims about where evil comes from (Allah 4:78 or Satan 38:41),
about man created from water (lots) or a blood clot (96:1-2), dust or earth
(11:61), or fluid (16:4) or from nothing (19:67).
It says that none but allah
protects (2:107 29:22) yet also says the angels do it (82:10 41:31). It says
Aaron was guilty of the golden calf in 7:151 but that he wasnt in
It says that the verses
cant be changed in 2:106, 16:101 22:52, but then implies that they can
in 6:34 6:115 and 10:65. Then theres the whole satanic verses
controversy about Mohammed having decided some verses had been from Satan so he
changed them. A reference to Satan putting his spin on verses can be found at
22:52 amongst other places. Verses 53:19-20 are the controversial so called
satanic verses that many scholars admit have been changed.
When Ive talked with some
Muslim scholars, they told me that unlike the Bible, the Koran had no
ambiguities or contradictions, but clearly it does and its very lazy of
them not to have investigated their own claims. These inconsistencies could
well be the work of the great deceiver that wants us to believe a contrary and
different set of truths to the ones given by God.
Now there are contradictions
and ambiguities in the Bible, though I would say this to be expected when there
are many authors or eyewitnesses. The Koran is supposedly all from one source
so cannot claim this reasoning for its contradictions.
Indeed, Id say that
biblical discrepancies are an indication of veracity rather than indicative of
conspiracy to get all their stories absolutely perfect. Islamaniacs take this
as proof of some major problem, but I take it as proof of honesty because if
the Bible was simple propaganda, then the accounts would have been made to
match. This is ironically the Bible's strength and not a weakness.
The Koran says in 4:82 that
had it been from other than allah, they would surely have found therein
much discrepancy. Well, there are discrepancies with regard to whether
angels talk or whether the verses can be changed and all kinds of nit picking
details, some of which Ive noted above. So again, Id say that it is
hoist by its own petard. At least the Bible can claim multiple authors as
a reason for some variance.
Some propagandists such as
those that attempt to rebuff the many criticisms on the answering-islam.org
website, have pages and pages of why black is white. I ask you that if I wrote
that the sky is red and you produced reasons that the sky is actually blue, and
then I wrote thousands of words arguing my case, would it still not be a
discrepancy? Yet this is what fractious Islamic do. When you point out a
contradiction or someplace where it says one thing and another place another
thing, they then write the equivalent of a book trying to explain away how you
must be mistaken. Their frequent excuse when they are stuck for an adequate
explanation is to blame it on you not understanding Arabic. Yet there are
numerous Christian Arabs that can refute this apologetic guff. And if the
translations are so wildly inaccurate and contradictory, then that speaks
volumes about the inadequacy of their so-called scholarship.
Despite the differing accounts
or personal claims of Paul in the New Testament, I dont find the message
of Jesus undimmed. His parables have a spiritual truth that transcends the
detail of who was where. The incidentals of place were possibly written down
third hand, so can reasonably be expected to vary, just like when children play
that remembering game where one whispers something to another to pass on. Also,
rather like the theologians debating how many angels can fit on a pinhead, such
issues seem irrelevant to the real meaning of Christs message.
Regardless of the Bible or the
Moslem book having some seeming contradictions, the inner spiritual truth
should shine through. Its a bit like being hungry for the truth and
nit-picking the minor details. Lets say you were hungry for a pizza, but
instead of being happy with the contents, you niggled about the packaging.
Noticing that one side of the box wasnt symmetrical with another side.
Never mind the packing, the truth should be able to be got at and fully sensed.
The body of Jesus is not what
is to be exalted or worshipped but the spiritual message that he brought.
Although he did say that no-one comes to the father except through him. When we
understand his teaching, we should not be overly concerned about how the truth
of it was delivered. It is natural to be interested in the life of Jesus, but
whether a parable was delivered in the morning or evening or up a mountain or
at a table is incidental to the meat of the message. Similarly we
shouldnt be concentrating on whether the body has a blemish or whether
one finger is exactly the same as another if we are taking in the meaning of
what is being delivered to us.
Ive debated Jesus with
Muslims and they have a couple of points they bring up regularly. They say
Christ was inconsistent with his message of peace by saying he himself claimed
to bring a fire on earth or a sword and to set fathers against children and
brother against brother. Now, I dont see this as inconsistent because he
wasnt advocating his followers go out and start trouble, but he was
telling what would be the natural consequences of his message. Another thing
mentioned as showing Christ to be a warmonger is when he tells his disciples to
sell their clothes for swords before he is captured. As he then says that two
swords would be enough, it is clear that he wants them to have some defence
rather than be completely without. This could be interpreted as showing that he
didnt want them all to be taken and arrested along with him, and to be
free to go forth and spread the gospel. He certainly didnt tell them all
to be armed and attack the temple guards coming to arrest him. When Peter
strikes off an ear, he tells him to stop it, as youd expect for a man
that has preached to turn the other cheek.
When Jesus tells his flock that
he has come to bring a sword (Matthew 10:34), the antichrists bay that this is
clearly not peaceful. However, he wasnt exhorting his followers to take
up arms, but instead telling them that a sword would come against them. His
message would and did provoke trouble.
Another accusation is one of
racism as when he ignores a Canaanite woman asking him to do a miracle for her
daughter. He uses the analogy of a dog eating the childrens food, and
this seems to imply that Jesus is racist. However, as Mark 7 says, he was
trying to get peace and quiet for one thing, and in Matthew 15:22, he ignored
her because she called him son of David. Matthew 22:41 showed that
he didnt think being called son of David was appropriate, so
much so that they durst not ask him any other questions again. The
analogy of dogs at a masters table is well answered by the woman and so
he does as she asked. Since one of his disciples (Simon the zealot) was a
Canaanite, it seems unlikely that he was discriminating on racial grounds,
especially when his teachings are for all people. When he met the Samaritan
woman (John 4:7) at the well, and correctly told her about her five husbands,
she brought other Samaritans to listen to his teachings and this also shows he
didnt have a narrow group of people to preach unto.
About the only inconsistency I
can find with Christs teaching is when he calls people fools, and in
another passage tells people those that call others fools, that they are in
danger of the judgment. This is a case of Do as I say, not as I do,
which is familiar in most parent child relationships, but not mutually
Muslims complain that when
Jesus says that he and the father are one, or that all power is given to him;
yet then says God works through him or the power to decide who sits on his
right hand is not his to give, it is contradictory. Well I agree that it is a
difficult concept to grasp but not impossible. A weak analogy might be that of
Siamese twins linked by the spirit but one being stronger than the other. Or
consider someone that is born powerful, but is clearly unable to choose their
own parents, or change that which has already been destined. Surely it is
commendable of Jesus to acknowledge his limitations rather than boast of being
able to do whatever is asked or to promise places in paradise at his side for
everyone that asks? Yet this is what Mohammed tells his followers. Who is
really being more truthful; the man that doesnt point out any possible
problems or the one that says he cant guarantee it?
The concept of the trinity, the
father, the son and the holy ghost seems very problematic for Muslims. St.
Patrick used a three leafed shamrock to demonstrate how three could be one. But
regardless of whether this trinity is an interpretation imposed by the church
or not, it is irrelevant to the spiritual message. Its like the
theologians that debate how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. Its
not an answer that is necessary to understand the spiritual truth, the bread
and water of life. How God works is said to be a mystery and that his ways
arent our ways, so claiming that understanding how God works is not a
prerequisite to understanding his message. Furthermore, the flat out denial by
Islam that God could have a son seems to contradict and go against the usual
claim that God can do anything.
Also, the Muslims pervert the
real meaning of the trinity. There is one God in three forms, the father, the
son and the holy ghost. The moslemaniacs put wrong words into the mouths of
Christians and claim they are somehow worshipping three gods. This perversion
and deception is rarely answered properly even by Christians, but like I said,
the knowledge of how God is, is something not crucial for understanding
Gods message. All three aspects of God are in the Bible many times over
and occasionally all at once such as Acts 7:56-57 or 1 John 5:7.
The trinity concept which
obsess the Muslims are just a diversion to shake Christian faith. They realised
that indeed most Christians are unable to adequately describe God as indeed so
are most people especially the Muslims when you push their own conceptions back
to their premises. Allah is described as being as close to their jugular vein
but also in several heavens and quite distant. You may be familiar with
Rumis story about the blind men feeling the elephant where one describes
it as a thin tail and another describes a hard pointy tusk, and yet another
says it is rough and big. Though Rumi is claimed as an Islamic poet, this
example actually buttresses the argument for different aspects of God. Any
object can be experienced as having different qualities or an upside, a
downside, a left or right or a north side and a south side. And how many more
aspects can we say God could have? The trinity questions of Muslims are only a
hollow construct. It is as if I said the supposed 99 names of allah are akin to
worshipping 99 gods. It is an empty construct because you could then construct
a new trinity such as Jesus the man, the son of God and God and demand an
explanation for that. If the Muslims really sought understanding, perhaps they
could explain why none of the pearls of wisdom in the form of parables given by
Jesus were included into the Koran.
Jesus was an aspect of God that
became crucified though he wasn't dead in heaven. I can use a couple of
analogies to help clarify the aspects of God to closed minded people that say
God has no aspects. Think of ourselves as having a strong right arm and a left
arm. They are both aspects of the same self. Or when Jesus said that no man
comes to the father except through him (John 14:6), another bodily analogy may
help. Think of God as strong teeth and Jesus as a mouth. You cant get to
one except through the mouth. Or think of God as a castle. To get to the strong
inner keep, you have to pass through a gate. You cant just walk through
the walls, yet the keep, the walls and the gate are all aspects of the same
Now think of Gods message
as someone yelling that a fire is coming towards us. Now suppose that person
yells that message from a helicopter. We dont have to understand how the
helicopter works to understand the message do we?
We have to make the attempt to
understand God but as his ways are not our ways, we are not commanded to
understand the whole mystery of God. The arrogance of Muslims that insist God
may have to operate to some rules they have decided for him is incredible. Can
God not do anything or does he have to consult some Muslim to operate? I
personally have no problem with Jesus as the word of God and the Holy Ghost as
the spirit of understanding as aspects of God. Muslims prefer the simplistic
version that makes it easy to think one understands god.
God is more complicated than
that simple version and he wants us to make an effort to understand him. Not to
understand him exactly...but to make the effort and it says so lots of places.
Look under wisdom or understanding in a concordance.
To me, this difficulty is part
of why Christianity is more sincere and a superior message to the pat answers
of Islam. It is also the stumbling block that will separate the wheat from the
chaff. This is why the parables of Jesus are a superior spiritual teaching.
They allow everyone to mature spiritually into understanding.
Most all other cults or
religions simplistically just say this is bad, forbidden and this is okay, bang
your head on the floor whatever.
The parables by being little
stories also avoid translation difficulties because it doesn't matter about
getting a few words wrong. The gist of the story is retained, and subsumes any
errors of translation. Now the Koran has no little stories like this teaching,
not even the ones that Jesus taught. When it mentions Jesus, it doesn't say
anything about what he taught just perversions of what he did like asking for
himself to be made a god or making a bird from clay.
And when it comes to preaching
Gods message and letting the truth set you free, this is something that
is not found in the Koran. Instead it harps on about slavery. The spiritual
truth shining through to the inner heart and a deep understanding of God, seems
inconsistent with the Muslim approach. It says the message is one that has to
be unquestioningly submitted to, yet in the Bible there are numerous questions
asked of God by his chosen prophets and the like. Even Jesus had questions, and
in the old testament there are people setting tests for God to fulfill (e.g.
the test about dew on a bush but not on the ground then the other way round or
the fire on the altar test against the heathen).
All these points should not be
swept under the carpet. I am all in favour of open discussion rather than
handed down dogma. Personally I think God expects us to disagree on the finer
points and anything that moves along our understanding of him, is I believe
blessed. The Sabbath is set aside especially as a day for enquiry.
For those that find different
aspects of God contradictory, they are themselves saying a contradiction. They
say God is all powerful and can do anything. So if he wants a son, he can do
anything. The deniers just want to denigrate God and say he can only operate
according to their rules. Where it says in Isaiah that his ways are not our
ways, is something they choose to ignore and insist that God operates to their
The Koran portrays Jesus not
doing miracles for others. It has him making a bird from clay. Yet even the
Muslims that accept this perverse version of a miracle dont think he
could have given life back to himself. They prefer to believe he didnt
die on the cross and went to Kashmir or someplace. They also cite the blood and
water that came from his speared side as evidence. They claim that fluid cannot
come from a dead man, but go to any autopsy room with its draining pans
and you will realise that all blood doesnt clot immediately. They use
Gnostic sources and heretics to give accounts that Jesus didnt die on the
cross. Iraneaus for instance thought Jesus lived to be a hundred because he
couldnt imagine the wisdom of a spiritual master coming from a man so
young as Jesus. Ah, but if Jesus was the embodiment of the word of God, how old
was that then?
Personally, I believe Jesus
took his body with him since he didnt want to leave it anyplace for
reverence. Hands of saints and all those kind of relics show what could have
happened to the body of Jesus, or imagine if the Muslims had access to it.
Quite possibly he took it with him as we would a coat when we planned on going
out again.
Yet another point that Islamics
think shows some failure on the part of Jesus is the sign of Jonah, referred to
in Matthew 12:39 and Luke 11:29. In it, the son of man rebukes that evil
generation that looks for a sign and says that no sign will be given for three
days. Now this was applied to the crucifixion where no sign was given. There
was no riding to the rescue from Gods cavalry at the last minute so the
Muslims say that unlike Jonah, Jesus wasnt saved. Jonah had been in the
belly of the whale but was ultimately rescued so the Muslims mock Jesus as not
being rescued. However, Christians understand that after three days, Jesus was
resurrected and raised to heaven and thereby given a sign from God in that
sense. Perversely, the Muslims choose to misunderstand how Jesus gave a sign
after three days as promised. Just as they choose to pretend God, the word and
the Holy Ghost are three gods instead of just one.
Another area of Muslim
rationale that makes debate fractious more than productive is that they defend
by accusation. So it is that if I point out all the mosques full of hate or the
killing clubs like Hamas, Al-
eda, Abu-Sayef, Islamic Jihad, Jammu, etc., etc., as a hateful fruit of Islam,
they respond not by answering the accusation but by something like fastening on
the Crusades. They reach back a thousand years to dredge up something entirely
unrelated as if to justify their own homicidal mania.
If someone said to me how come
all your brothers are killers of women and children and revel in it, would I
answer by telling the questioner that he might have a great, great (say fifty
times) grandfather who killed someone? Yet this is what the Muslims do to
deflect criticism from Islamic crimes.
Another accusation myth they
are fond of using is that the nazis were Christians and just look at their
example. Whilst Hitler was raised as a nominal catholic, this is another crass
Papers used at the Nuremberg
trials show that Christians and regular churchgoers were not allowed to join
the nazi party. Though Muslims such as those from Bosnia were acceptable.
Hitler replaced Christian festivals and holidays with Aryan pan-Germanic
festivals that featured Nordic gods. And SS troops frequently shot the priests
of conquered territory first.
More revisionist history comes
from Islamic propagandists about the nature of Islamic rule as peaceful. It
simply isnt true yet as we are far away from these times, many Western
so-called scholars accept the Muslim version of events. I mean what actually
started the crusades in the first place? It was the accounts of atrocities and
depredations from the Muslims and pleas for help from the besieged Christians
and killings of pilgrims that made the heads of Europe mad enough to intervene.
There are examples of the rapaciousness and brutality of the Moslems in every
pilgrims account from these times but the revisionists have succeeded in
drowning out these colourful and individual accounts of the terror.
Another Moslem counterclaim is
that there is racism in Christianity but none amongst Muslims. Yeah right. I
personally witnessed a violent and unprovoked attack by a Muslim on a poor
Hindu woman who had been calmly eating her lunch in Sri Lanka. I constantly met
virulently hostile Moslem men agitated about some minor and exaggerated
perceived slight to themselves. Usually it was the mere presence of an
Typical of Muslim racism are
the recorded massacres of history:
On December 30, 1066, Joseph
HaNagid, the Jewish vizier of Granada, Spain, was crucified by an Arab mob that
proceeded to raze the Jewish quarter of the city and slaughter its 5,000
inhabitants. The riot was apparently incited by Muslim preachers that had
angrily objected to what they saw as inordinate Jewish political power.
Similarly, in 1465, Arab mobs
in Fez slaughtered thousands of Jews, leaving only 11 alive, after a Jewish
deputy vizier treated a Muslim woman in "an offensive manner." The
killings touched off a wave of similar massacres throughout Morocco.
Other mass murders of Jews in
Arab lands occurred in Morocco in the 8th century, where whole communities were
wiped out by Muslim ruler Idris I; North Africa in the 12th century, where the
Almohads either forcibly converted or decimated several communities; Libya in
1785, where Ali Burzi Pasha murdered hundreds of Jews; Algiers, where Jews were
massacred in 1805, 1815 and 1830 and Marrakesh, Morocco, where more than 300
hundred Jews were murdered between 1864 and 1880.
Decrees ordering the
destruction of synagogues were enacted in Egypt and Syria (1014, 1293-4,
1301-2), Iraq (854859, 1344) and Yemen (1676). Despite the Koran's
prohibition, Jews were forced to convert to Islam or face death in Yemen (1165
and 1678, Morocco (1275, 1465 and 1790-92) and Baghdad (1333 and 1344). (List
from us-israel.org website)
Racism has been part of Islam
since its inception. If it was remotely not racist, there would be Jews
alive in Yathrib (Medina today). I mean even the supposed genocidal pogroms
against American Indians and Australian aborigines were admitted and stopped
well short of total annihilation. Yet the Jews of Arabia were completely wiped
out. Ive debated this with Islamic revisionists and they claim they were
killed because they demanded to be beheaded by their own laws. They were asking
for it, is their apologetic rubbish propaganda. I mean thats like the
Nazis claiming they wanted to get warm in the ovens. Like Goebbels said, the
bigger the lie, the more easier it is for others to believe it.
The Islamic revisionists like
Islamaniacs everywhere have practiced genocide. Their fetish for beheading
bound captives is truly evil. The only beheading in the Bible I found was the
one about John the Baptist, yet I have heard islamaniacs claim that the Jews
demanded it as per their own law. Not true in the slightest, but they were
beheaded because that fount of evil, who was proclaimed by his own mother as
being possessed by a jinn, wanted it.
This fetish of Mo is evident
from the real facts of history.
627 C.E. The Jewish tribe of
Qurayza was raided by Muhammad. Some 700 men were beheaded. Edward Gibbon, in
his classic history, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire described the
aftermath of the assault:
"Seven hundred Jews were dragged in chains to the market-place of the
city; they descended alive into the grave prepared for their execution and
burial and the apostle beheld with an inflexible eye the slaughter of his
helpless victims. Their sheep and camels were inherited by the Musulmans: three
hundred cuirasses, five hundred pikes, a thousand lances, composed the most
useful portion of the spoil."
Gibbon was a respected
historian and not some Zionist. But even the Arabs own historians make no
pretensions about their military conquests. There was no benevolence or
spreading enlightenment as a motivation. It was all about rape and plunder. The
History of Al-Tabari, written in the 10th century clearly outlines (pg 166,
175) the slaughter and pillaging and rapacious motivations of these forces.
Even in recent history, the
Arab tribes under the direction of Lawrence of Arabia werent motivated to
attack the Turks for anything other than simple plunder and gold.
There are also accounts of the
Arab genocide of the Jews that use historical accounts that are all over the
Internet on Jewish and Israeli websites like hebrewhistory.org. Now of course
these are biased towards the Jewish version of events, but since Jewish
histories arent usually shy about stating their victories when they used
deception or some subterfuge, the lack of such tactics mentioned relating to
Mo suggests that he was motivated by greed and hatred and had indeed
attacked them for no or minor provocation.
The Koran dwells constantly
upon the doom of unbelievers and positively gloats on their demise. I find this
not divine, but if anything, an attribute of the Devil that likes to dwell on
the fires of hell. Its verses are repetitive and derivative, as if some great
deceiver has tried to fashion a teaching that mimics the work of the Bible. The
fact that EVERYTHING is different in the Koran from the Bible (Gods name,
what the prophets said and did, accounts of Jesus) shows that they cant
both be true. The Bible has history, archaeology, testimony and the dead sea
scrolls on its side amongst a wealth of evidence. The Koran is a
perversion of every truth the Bible has. Ask who could possibly want everyone
to believe the opposite of truth. Ask who would gloat, as Osama did on the
video tape at those who didnt know the whole picture. Ask why muhamhead
would tell his soldiers a wrong thing (so as not to discourage them), and why
modern negotiators sometimes flat out lie for deceptive advantage? Note how
muhamhead boasts of preparing and presenting hell (18:101, 103). Ask why it
says nothing of Gods love in the Koran yet it does mention allah as a
beguiler (4:142) and the best of all plotters (8:30). Just ask who would want
to deceive even the very elect?
The Koran claims that nothing
so beautiful can be created. In 10:38, you find the usual braggadocio saying
the Koran couldnt be invented. Indeed, the whole tone of the book is one
of braggarty triumph calling itself glorious and saying that nobody could write
something comparable. This is nonsense. It is the philosophical equivalent to
saying My wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. No-one can show
me a woman as beautiful as this.
A real test, as in science is
when you can also show what is needed to disprove something. Simply by saying
you cant paint a painting as good as this, is entirely subjective. And
when I have pointed out the similarity of pre-Islamic verses to those in the
Koran, the islamicists say it is a forgery, a work of the devil to weaken their
faith. So what they are really saying is, show me something like it, and
Ill deny it. This lack of scientific rationality or testing as we
understand it, is endemic in the Muslim world and this is why progress and
advanced technology have come entirely from the West.
If it wasnt for Western
development, cars, tarmac, satellites and oil drilling, the Muslims would still
be beating their heavily laden beasts and finding it difficult to even develop
a better camel saddle.
Furthermore this test about the
beauty of the Koran is capped by believers claiming that no-one has yet been
able to do so. Both non-Muslims and Muslims dont even try because it
would be a blasphemy, but putting together a string of lines about people
being warned, then shackled and then slaughtered and adding how merciful allah
can be doesnt seem difficult in the slightest.
Romans 11:18 warns, Boast
not against the branches. But if thou boast, thou bearest not the root, but the
root thee.
The truth that nothing can be
like it is clearly disproved by the Muslims own acknowledgment of the
so-called Satanic verses. Tradition has it that the verses around
53:19 were changed. They acknowledge three goddesses (originally the three
daughters of allah) and originally Mo had recognised them as such to
cement an alliance with the Quarashi tribe in Mecca. The Meccans derived great
revenues from people coming to worship these three female deities and would not
accept that these daughters were no longer on a par with allah. So Mo
compromised to gain their allegiance. As these suras were an oral tradition,
its not clear when Mo ordered them to be changed, but probably it
was when he had consolidated his power to the extent he could dictate anything
he wanted. He explained the change to his followers as the original verses as
having come from Satan. Now, assumedly he couldnt tell the difference for
some time which kind of shows how easy his verses were able to be duplicated.
If the prophet himself is so easily fooled into what was and wasnt a
divine verse, then it makes a mockery of such divine claims. Of course the more
prosaic explanation is that Mo was a cunning liar that chose whatever was
expedient to him to say had been revealed.
Another apologist response to
criticism of the Koran is to say that you can only understand it properly and
appreciate its beauty in Arabic.
Well if this is the case, how
come God didnt choose to reveal his message in a more common language or
at least one less accessible to ambiguity. Does this mean, this religion is one
only for the Arabs? Theres no doubt that Mo was a chauvinist and
encouraged the pagan traditions of haj, etc. to continue under his redirection.
The apologists suggest that we all ought to learn Arabic to better appreciate
its beauty.
Of course the irony is that
Arabic is a phlegmatic language that makes anything sound harsh and sickly to
other ears.
Unlike the inspirational verses
of Isaiah or the advanced rationality of Jesus parables, the Koran only
offers rote learning. To invest so much time in memorising such lines makes it
unlikely for you then to question them. The little children taught to memorise
the Koran instead of multiplication tables at the madrassahs (religious
schools) have no spiritual maturity that would allow them to form alternative
questions. At least the little children learning the parables of Jesus are
advancing their understanding of how metaphors and analogies can be used to
illustrate deeper spiritual truths.
God has urged us to seek
understanding above all else. In Psalms 14:2-3, this is equated with doing
good. Hosea 6:6 says Jehovah desires the knowledge of God more than burnt
offerings, and Zephaniah, chapter 1:4-6 says he will cut off
that have not sought the Lord, nor enquired for him.
Consider too, Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom: and with all thy
getting get understanding. Proverbs is full of such messages. And
consider how Solomon pleased God by choosing wisdom over other gifts.
I am convinced that one of the
reasons that we are urged to keep the Sabbath is so that we have a time to
reflect upon God and indeed reflect upon our own morals and enquire into the
mysteries that are posed for us. The Sabbath gives us no excuse for not having
done so.
We need Sabbath time to
consider God, morals and our own goals and destiny. Thinking and reading was
never a bad thing. We have free will to consider and choose our path, our life.
We can never expect proof of God. There is evidence that we can consider and
there may well be the inner heart that can experience or sense God, but proof
is ever elusive. Otherwise we would all be agreed and not have to make any
effort at all. Im convinced that this effort to understand is considered
a high form of good. Romans 3:10-12 spells this out.
Whilst God has provided
guidance via the commandments and teaching through the parables, it is
important for each of us to understand and recognise what is good and what is
evil on a case by case basis. Simply saying something is bad or something is
good rarely works as a blanket application, and simplistic orders are something
a robot can do. Mind you, it is the nature of cults to produce these robotic
types. They memorise texts without understanding, they regulate every aspect of
life, insist on frequent brainwashing techniques of ceremony and prayer and
dont accept reasoning or criticism. This is why Islam is a cult and not a
true religion. It offers certainty about Gods nature rather than the path
of understanding a complex nature offered by most religions. But then once you
have seen a picture of allah, then this god is indeed simple to comprehend.
Like a traveler that roams the
world, I have quested in foreign philosophies. Always trying to glean wisdom
and insights abroad, I dismissed the Bible scriptures as too uptight. Because I
found no jokes in it, no sense of humor, I suspected a lack of divinity also.
But like the return of the prodigal I havent found anything better
elsewhere. Like the returned traveler, I now see the beauties and benefits of
my own hometown.
The stories of Christian
converts from mahommedianism show just how false is their claim of there being
no compulsion in their religion. Egyptians hounded from their village or
non-believing wives forced to convert are just tips of an iceberg. Yes there
are hell and damnation evangelicals in Christianity but they dont
threaten death for not accepting their message. About the least compulsive
group Ive ever seen are the Anglicans. The genteel invitation to tea with
the vicar is about as far removed as possible from religious policing. The
Anglicans dont even seem to insist on anything really, and are merely
glad to see you show up at all.
In my maturity, the wondrously
broad canvas of human nature that you find in the Bible now strikes me as
marvelously insightful. Unlike the hectoring and badgering of the Koran, the
Bible has all the pearls of wisdom that can help you mature spiritually. For
those not yet able to transcend their daily grind and who prefer entertainment
to a quest for truth, then the Bible can offer as grand a cast of dramatic
lives and events as you could find in a Hollywood film. It tells stories for
the reader to glean insights from, and encourages one to learn to read
between the lines. All manner of human nature is in there, even
incest, even a excrement sandwich (Ezekiel 4:12), but all this indicates the
grand scope of the Bible. The parables especially are for people that have had
experience of life and so are able to extrapolate the real meaning of these
This life experience is what
enables Western minds to see the hypocrisy in Muslim life. When usury or
interest on loans is disallowed by the Koran, the Muslim lenders simply charge
a facilitation fee. Same thing. There is hypocrisy in the outcry over
Palestinian deaths and the stony silence on Jewish deaths. There is hypocrisy
in regimes that berate democracies yet have all manner of human rights abuses
in their own dictatorships.
When slavery is cited as a blot
on human affairs in the new world, they conveniently forget to mention the
slave routes and markets established by Muslim traders particularly in Africa.
Europeans didnt just jump off a ship and run off into the jungle rounding
people up. They bought them. Even Mohammed kept, bought and sold slaves. If a
Muslim kills another Muslim, then he suggests freeing a believing slave as a
punishment. The fact that he suggests freeing a believing slave, shows the lie
to the apologists that converted slaves were set free just for conversion.
Nowhere in the Koran is there a
suggestion that we are free to think for ourselves. On the contrary, it claims
we are only slaves not able to question. It offers certainty and prescriptions
for living for those too lazy or poor in spirit to really enquire. This is the
absolute certainty that has allowed Islam to spread amongst people that want
only answers instead of understanding. Like the American Taliban who had to ask
whether he should pray soft or loudly. It offers the answers to those that
cant be bothered enquiring of God themselves.
Prophets of old (e.g. Habakkuk)
werent afraid to ask God some insightful questions, and even Jesus seemed
to need reassurance that he was doing the right thing. It isnt a sin to
approach God and ask for an explanation. In fact, he seems to prefer it.
However the Koran does not
anywhere encourage this personal approach. It constantly exhorts the Muslim to
be a slave, a repetitive theme that has no echo in the Bible. We have a God
given free will to choose for ourselves. In the Bible there are no references
to us being Gods slaves. Just look in any concordance. It actually says
the opposite. In Jeremiah 2:14, it poses the question Is Israel a
homeborn slave? meaning of course we arent slaves. We are allowed
and probably expected to waver, to choose wrongly and hopefully repent.
Slavery in the Koran is a theme
that is very different to the biblical message, and another indication that the
Koran and the Bible are about different Gods. Sura 9:111 even says that allah
has bought the believers, just like youd buy any commodity. Very
different indeed.
Jesus suggests that some people
will work in his name but will be rebuked. Nowhere does Mohammed offer this
rationality, only the naïve certainty of being rewarded in a garden full
of virgins, wearing gold and silks and drinking wine from silver goblets. This
is just pandering to base lusts. The Moslem paradise is all about material and
sexual benefits for the men.
If wine drinking is so bad on
earth, how come it is promised in paradise? Also, the women must have some
other garden of paradise away from their men and their houris. Since sura 4:34
asserts that Men are in charge of women
.. and if ye
fear rebellion
.to scourge them, then the women are probably happy
to be apart from the scourgers.
Nowhere is there an explication
of the spirituality of heaven. Half the Koran is taken up with the doom of the
unbelievers and their tortures and the well-watered paradise of chaste
maidens, silk robes and crystal goblets. This is a naïve childlike picture
and the spiritual truths that you find in the parables or the inspired writings
of Isaiah simply arent in the book of Moslems. Despite claiming subtlety,
its so straightforward that there are only pedantic points of general
acceptance, unlike the sudden deeper meanings of revelation that can come from
familiar biblical passages.
This is another area that makes
the Christian message superior and all the more so for being harder to
understand. You have to expend some effort to make sense of it and this effort
is what God really wants.
The slavery that allah wants is
just religious fascism that negates the free will of mankind and denigrates
those that wont submit. The Koran is full of threats and menaces with an
undercurrent of hostility that is a long way from Jesus radical message
of loving your neighbour and even your enemy. The Koran claims slaughter
is better than persecution (2:191) and also advises not to take captives
until slaughter has been done (8:67). Not surprisingly, Islam has been spread
at the point of a scimitar and through military conquest rather than the spirit
of God, which even managed to overcome the Roman Empire.
Almost every surah has its
menaces and bullying tone, but typical would be 56:60 promising to mete
out death among you or 17:16 about annihilating towns that wont
convert. In the 8th surah, Mohammed attacks an unarmed caravan that had sent a
camel ahead to try and get help. It boasts of destroying many townships
(22:45), is overly gleeful at others destruction (25:36) and implies that
Muslims can outstrip anyone in doing evil deeds (29:4).
Surah 69, around verse 46
clearly states that they would seize and kill anyone they suspected of lying
which is hardly a model of religious tolerance and the Muslims also take pride
in having with them heavy fetters (73:12) and food which choketh (73:13).
Sounds like Satans army on the march to me.
Surah 2 has menacing
undercurrents and constant hostility against the Jews and the Christians.
Hitler would have been proud. Not surprising then that some Moslem battalions
fought for Hitler in WWII.
It seems odd that the Koran
claims Jesus made a bird out of clay (5:110) and gave it life yet no mention of
this is in the Bible. It also claims his disciples demanded a table of food
(5:112) and that Jesus asked for Himself and His mother to be as gods (5:116).
Most Christians would consider this blasphemy and lies, but in the interests of
peace and tolerance, they never raise the issue. Basically the Koran gives a
false and different version of everything. Could this be the stumbling
block that deceives even the very elect? About the only entity that I can
think of that would like to lead us astray is Satan himself.
Here are some more references
that illustrate the true nature of this tawdry work.
Take not Jews and
Christians for friends (5:51)
Jews forbidden cattle and
sheep (6:147)
Persecution is worse than
slaughter (2:191)
Fight disbelievers near
to you. Let them find harshness in you (9:29)
Accursed will be seized
wherever found and slain with a fierce slaughter (33:61)
Apologists for the Muslim cause
claim its all taken out of context and refers only to those that start
trouble. But cmon, this is the worst kind of deception. Sura 9:29 clearly
says, Fight against such as those who hath been given the scripture as
believe not in allah
until they pay the tribute readily, being
brought low. This goes on for pages including 9:73, Strive against
the disbelievers
.Be harsh with them.
And if you think that is bad,
it is nothing compared to the evil cruelty found in the hadith which are
reputed sayings and deeds of their prophet. A hell of a difference from the
message of Jesus.
Even if you acknowledge that
some of the hadith are unsubstantiated, the fact is that most Muslims consider
them to be glorifying Islam and worthy. They range from the fairly innocuous to
implying the children of unbelievers to be killed (Vol.8, book 77, number597)
which talks of children were they to live.
Even some of the fairly
innocuous hadith such as asking Muslims to dye their hair and beards is
commanded as part of a general admonishment to do the opposite of everything
the Jews and Christians do.
Some of the astonishing
cruelties done to Jews are related as everyday incidents. For example, a Jew
was in chains for apparently having converted to Islam and then reverting to
Judaism. In vol9 book84 number 58, it relates how Muadh would not sit
down until the Jew had been killed. His host graciously obliges and then they
piously discuss the evening prayers.
Another incident glorifies how
Mo sentenced two Jews to be stoned to death for illegal intercourse, and
the witness relaying this incident says how the Jew sheltered the Jewess which
has the sad ring of truth. Another example of life that is stamped on with
death by the supposedly merciful and non-compulsive mohamhead.
How anyone can claim that this
diabolical catalogue is wisdom or of peaceful import is absolutely denying the
words on the page. They are only showing that they have chosen to delude
Note the feverish fanaticism of
militant Islamic. Notice also the counterclockwise processions around the
Qaba. This is akin to the widdershins direction of Satanists. Note also
the backward contrariwise arrangement of the Koran where the earliest surahs
are last and the latter ones mostly at the front.
Note also the special reverence
for stones that the Islamicists have. They revere the one in Jerusalem at the
Dome of the Rock and especially the black stone embedded in the Qaba.
This doesnt seem radically different from the idolatrous Arabs of before
that worshipped stones.
In fact kissing the black stone
at the Qaba was in existence before Mohammed when it was called
Beit-Allah known as the house of allah. Pre-Islamic literature says
allah was the special god of Mohammeds tribe, the Quarish but only one of
360 other deities worshipped there. Allah corresponded to the Babylonian god
called Baal, and was known as the Moon god, which is why the crescent moon is
such a prevalent symbol. All Mohammed was really doing was asserting his own
deity over and above the other ones.
Mohammed, a leader of raiding
war parties claimed revelations over a period of 23 years. The prophets of the
Bible had rare meetings with God that changed them. Angels conveyed messages
swiftly and God never seemed to need a long time to make a revelation. So it
seems most peculiar that Mohammed required years of laborious ongoing contact.
His method of stopping, starting, changing (the satanic verses) and then
starting again seems more indicative of headaches than divine wisdom.
The surah that mentions
Mohammeds uncle by name is more a private plea than any divine
revelation. And can we really say that wallowing in retribution and constant
threats and wheedling for slavish followers are divine? They seem more to be
from an angry Lucifer that cant control his base emotions and there are
more than a few ambiguous verses in the Koran and surahs (the cloaked one, the
enfolded one) that could well be indicators of the true source.
Even if we accept that Mohammed
didnt just cobble it all together from other texts and his own
prejudices, and that an angel dictated the Koran to him, we must acknowledge
what it says in Galatians. In chapter 1, verse 7-8, it clearly warns
..but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of
Christ. But though we or an ANGEL from heaven preach any other gospel unto you
than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.
The parables are rich stories
to derive understanding from. Mohammed doesnt give any parables, he uses
some metaphors and analogy. One that is given about a spiders house is an
analogy not a parable and not an especially good one. It baldly states that if
you dont have allah, then your house is flimsy like a spiders web
house. It ignores the remarkable tensile strength of spiders cobwebs. If you
was the same size of a spider, I doubt that you would agree to its flimsy
The parables are a remarkable
teaching tool, a way to develop spiritual understanding. They are little
stories about men hiding their light under a bushel or of tares in a field
showing that bad grow alongside the good wheat. It circumvents the potential
errors of translation because moral tales dont depend on just a few words
or turn of phrase to convey their message.
If you read the parables
yourself, and derive the spiritual understanding therein, then you are making
the effort to seek God. This is what he wants. No church or religious
institution can do this for you. Yes, they can help disseminate the message and
provide a social setting that can help you understand some things, but the
ultimate link that counts is you and your personal understanding of God. Many
are lazy and prefer to have the message part digested for them and handed to
them on a plate, but Jesus message is for anyone that takes the trouble
to read. This accepting of anothers pre-digested spiritual food is what
is meant in Revelation when it rails against the lukewarm as being spewed out
of the mouth.
Remember that Jesus warned that
many would claim to have worked in his name but he will say, I did not
know you. These are likely to be the Christians that have taken someone
elses interpretation of what its all about. Personally I feel the
Catholics have unnecessarily embellished the message and have unreasonably
elevated Mary the mother of Jesus. I comprehend that such veneration of Mary
the mother ensures many mothers in attendance and keeps the congregation and
its collection plate filling. But Mary didnt exactly say anything
of a spiritual nature, or though I suppose she conveyed the word of God by
Many of the modern translations
of the Bible are poor. Often, translators in the modern age dumb everything
down in an attempt to reach a wider audience. Others have a political message
such as homosexual marriages and female priests to propagate, so they fund a
translation that perverts the KJV into a manifesto for their own sinister
agendas. At least the KJV had scores of scholars working to bring the best
translation forth. As people then were much more fluent in the Greek of the new
testament and Latin and undoubtedly more aware of the subtleties of nuance and
meaning in the scriptural texts, it makes a mockery of modernizers that think
they can compete. I understand the desire of some well-meaning people to
dispense with the archaic forms of address such as thee or
thou, but they then start on words denoting complex concepts that
they dont fully comprehend. A thesaurus does not a scholar make.
A common claim of the
islamicists is to try and present a heretical or faked up gospel like those of
Thomas or the Gospel of Barnabbas as supporting their cause. Since these have
good evidence of much later origination than the accepted books of the new
testament, they are rightly suspect and were generally manufactured to pervert
some area of Jesus teaching.
Another place the heathen trawl
in are the Aramaic bibles. These originated as a rough synopses of the original
gospels and were written renditions of spoken sermons from the pulpit. They are
the equivalent of a preacher having his sermon rendered in pidgin English for a
distant tribe, yet I occasionally see them trotted out as evidence for people
unaware of their origination.
Islamics love the Unitarians or
the Gnostics and all the people that have an axe to grind as to what was
supposedly mistranslated and somehow showing the contradictions of the message.
All it really means is that each of us has to come to our own conclusions and
not rely on scholars to do it for us. Didnt Jesus teach that we should be
as little children? We each of us are capable of approaching God and making
some effort to understand his message. This is a kind of stumbling block for
the spiritually lazy, but reading and thinking is all that is needed.
Those that simply accept the
word of God as pre-digested pap from others (the lukewarm) will likely be
rebuked by Jesus when they claim to have been Christians.
Furthermore, the vows of
celibacy and of silence taken by monastic orders are a misinterpretation of the
message. Remember Jesus himself said that the kingdom of heaven is within us.
As 2 Corinthians 5:1 says,..we have a building of God, an house not made
with hands. Far too many churches gloss over the admonition from Matthew
6:7 to pray unseen within our closet. They hope that their sermonisers are
closer to God and have a clearer interpretation of the gospel, but take it from
me, no-one can do it for you. Now it does say that Jesus is amongst them when
two or three gather in his name (Matthew 18:20), but consider that two or three
does not necessarily mean twenty or thirty. Acts 7:49 and Isaiah 66:1-2 has God
scoffing what house will ye build me? so to think that the builders
of churches and mosques are somehow doing Gods will is actually breaking
the commandment of taking Gods name in vain.
Consider too, Hebrews 9:24.
For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with
..In Psalms 4:4, it says to commune with God upon our own beds.
Jesus taught in parables so
that his teaching could be circulated in many languages without controversy as
to the real meaning. A code of law or prescription for living is ever open to
interpretation. But by couching the message in a story, understanding the story
is possible, no matter what language delivers it.
In this way, the parables are
like a Hollywood film dubbed into many languages. No matter what phrases or
words are substituted, the basic story is not changeable. So the parables are
translatable into any language but the deeper meaning has to be sought out by
the recipient.
The parables are the most
subtle and sublime spiritual teaching you are ever likely to encounter. Their
strength is that they usually don't mean very much when you first hear them.
Many Christians never really understand them, and it is only later that you
suddenly see how they apply to other situations and stuff like understanding
god or are about good and evil. For instance the parable of the ten pounds in
Luke chapter 19 is about increase and loss. Now what it is really about is
spiritual understanding and wisdom. So it is that those that increase theirs,
then more shall be added to it. But those that do nothing with the
understanding that they already have, then what little they have will also be
taken away. Get it? Okay then, but some simply see it as meaning something
along the lines of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
Matthew 13 onwards has Jesus
expounding on why he talks in parables. He explains the benefits of doing so,
whilst echoing the vision of Isaiah 6:8-9. In another place he suggests that we
mustnt cast pearls before swine, because in Matthew he clearly tells of
those that will see but not perceive. If you make a sincere effort, you will be
able to fully comprehend these parables, but if you cant be bothered then
truly you will never understand. Like the parable of the master and his three
servants, those that hath this understanding will be given more, and those that
havent increased theirs, then what little they hath will be taken away.
If you look in a Bible
concordance, look under words like understanding, seek and knowledge. They are
numerous references like the ones in Psalms 14:2-3 or in Romans that equate
seeking understanding or knowledge of God as the highest good. Think on how
pleased God was at Solomon asking for wisdom over long life or riches. Look in
a Koranic index, and you wont see any focus on understanding or wisdom.
Jesus made prophecies that came
true, such as the one about not one stone remaining on top of another at the
temple. Mohammed didnt. For someone labeled as the last prophet, Mohammed
didnt really say any specific prophecies just bald statements. In fact,
if you think about other mystics and real prophets that foretold future events,
they make a mockery of the Muslim claim that Mo was the last prophet.
Gods ongoing revelations through Malachi of Ireland or perhaps the
prophecies at Fatima, show that others since seventh century Arabia have had
attested, witnessed and undoubted messages.
Now Mohammeds followers
asked him why there were no portents or prophecies from him via God. The Koran
alludes to this in several places such as 29:50, but he just shrugged it off
saying he was a plain warner. Deuteronomy 18:22 plainly tells what
the test of a prophet should be. I suppose after Mo wrongly predicted he
was going to win a battle against the Meccans and had to flee to Medina, he
decided to tread softly in the prediction business.
What are usually passed off as
prophecies in the Koran are ambiguous general statements about the heavens
being rolled back or camels heavy with young being abandoned. Like the
quatrains of Nostradamus or indeed the visions of John in Revelation, these
rather general open to interpretation statements are too broad and have been
used by every generation to point to something in their own time. Now the Bible
also has its share of general prophecies (e.g.Daniel 12:4, ..many
shall run to and fro, and knowledge will be increased) that are open to
the when question, but it has stacks of very precise indications. Certain
prophecies in the Bible are very specific about temples or cities and tribes
and what will befall them. The messiah is mentioned specifically as the one who
is pierced or the one riding a donkey or born of a virgin or sold for thirty
pieces of silver. These are very apt prophecies for the messiah. Nowhere are
there predictions about a merchant of Mecca, unless you count the stuff about
antichrist and the false prophet. Nowhere in the Koran is a real prophecy about
a specific place or people unless you count the belief in military victory that
was smashed by Mohammed losing a couple of battles.
Why then do Muslims persist in
calling him a great prophet? Propagandists claim that talking hips (taken to
mean beepers) and talking sandals which arent even in the Koran or
hadiths are some sort of Moslem prophecy. Yet Mohammed said several times that
he couldnt predict anything. In Sura 46:9, he couldnt even say what
would happen to him or if he was going to heaven. The only way to God is given
by Jesus in John 14:6 (
no man cometh to the father, but by me).
Some of Mos other human
failings are apparent in sura 33:36-37. This is when he told his adopted son to
divorce his wife so that he could have her and add her to his bed. The lustful
prophet claimed allah had condoned it in this sura. Not to have a magic child,
which is usually the excuse of latter day cult leaders but simply for his own
randy pleasure.
In fact, 33:36 baldly states
that allah and his messenger have decided an affair, clearly a refutation of
the argument that the Koran is all revelation from on high.
Theres numerous hadith
about muhamhead having sex with his wives when they are on their period, and
consider his lust wasnt stemmed by anything. Just type menses
into a hadith search engine to see the many references to him doing this. Also
theres several references to him having sex with his nine year old wife.
He was 52 at the time.
Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 is
an unambiguous testimony to this. Its strange but I never hear Islamic
scholars falling over themselves to publicise this as Islamic practice.
Whatever Mohamhead did is usually touted as worthy of doing.
Sura 33:50 says that the
prophet can apparently have the daughters of his uncles and aunts if he feels
like it in addition to those allah has given him as the spoils of war. Incest
and forced sex with female prisoners is the message here. It claims that
its all right for Mo to do this with no reproach. Well I reproach
Consider the strange
exhortation of Mohammed to have his followers bow towards Jerusalem. This was
done early on in his career to hopefully influence the Jews to follow him. When
they rebuffed him, as did many of his own relatives, he changed the order to no
longer bow towards Jerusalem but instead to the Kaba in Mecca. This is
another instance of inconsistency that hardly jibes with divine immutability.
Even bowing towards Mecca has
some curious paradoxes. Consider a mosque on the other side of the planet from
Mecca. Does the Muslim face north, south, east or west or simply stare at the
floor since that is the true direction of Mecca?
Consider too the denials of
falsehood. Sura 53:11 is the equivalent of Mohammed saying hes not a
crook. Saying that he isnt making things up reminds you of the angry
child that stamps his foot and says he didnt do it. Theres a couple
of other places where this oddity of protesting his innocence seems unlikely of
a true prophet. Ironically of course, he didnt really make any prophecies
at all.
Islam seems but an attempt by
Mohammed (and his helper) to copy that which the Christians and Jews had. To
copy or mimic the strength of having one God. When others denied the truth of
his assertions, he sought revenge thru naked and veiled threats against them
and started lumping them together with idolators. As he grew in military
strength, so he became more vocal with his threats towards the Jews and
Surah 96:15 has a passage about
grabbing someone by the forelock to stop them praying. As the Jews are the most
obvious group with forelocks, this is assumedly written with them in mind.
Saudi Arabia is perhaps the
most obvious Islamic country. Its a place where the religious police beat
(and worse) Christians. Immigrant workers, particularly Filipinos have been
killed for having Bibles and trying to follow their Christian beliefs. Not
surprising then, that most of the September 11th hijackers were Saudis. Their
religious police attempt conversions to Islam at the point of torture.
Whats the matter with them that they cant coexist with
Christianity? Isnt Islam strong enough to take criticism? As the calls
for death (fatwas) from mullahs demonstrate, it cant abide questions or
insightful enquiries. It is as the Inquisition in its intolerance, a similarly
bleak outlook once practised by the Catholic church, before a welcome
reformation. The fanatical Islamicist has to wheedle and threaten because he is
incapable of letting any truth illuminate an issue. Judge not lest ye be
judged has no meaning for a fascist bully that demands obedience or else.
The halal method of
slaughtering animals for food has much cruelty too. Unlike the methods in the
West that has evolved stunning as a humane way to do it, Islam insists on full
consciousness for an animal before cutting its throat and letting it slowly and
consciously bleed to death. I once saw chickens screeching as they were denuded
of their feathers by being held against a grindstone, and then being tossed
into a bloody heap still alive. The concept of cruelty to animals has no
meaning in Islamic countries, where overburdened animals being jabbed with
sharp sticks or whipped along is not unusual.
I have also seen cruelties
against defenceless animals like kittens with my own eyes, and from the
Internet I got this account of what gets shown on Syrian TV,
..acts of animal torture have been publicly broadcast on television from
Syria,..with President Assad of Syria smiling and applauding these horrific
acts - male and particularly female Syrian soldiers biting the heads off of
snakes and kittens to show what they will do to the Jews. When I saw this on
only one news program, with Linda Ellerbee reporting it (completely shocked
with it, herself), at around 2am, I wrote to every major news station. The
replies I received were all the same: they didn't want to show it because they
didn't think the American public could handle it, it was in bad taste or too
Sadly, neither do the Western
media like to show the Palestinians stringing up and butchering suspected
collaborators in the streets either. This kind of bloodlust and public
barbarity is why there are no voices of moderation in Muslim areas. Anyone that
questions a regime or the Koran is humiliated and executed. So it is that Islam
tends towards radicalisation and away from moderation and tolerance.
Turkey has made progress
despite being an Islamic country, and it has done so by legislation against the
islamaniacs. In government buildings for instance, the head shawl is not
allowed. So those bagged up women have to take their uniform off if they want
to enter a secular building. Whereas in the free West, we are assailed by
muslimaniacs demanding everything from taking down our flags (the Egyptian LAX
shooter at his apartment building after 9-11), to a Florida bag lady asking
that her drivers license photo being a picture of her bag instead of her.
Hardly surprising then that convicts convert to Islam, I can see the appeal for
female bank robbers immediately!
But on a more serious note,
islamaniacs constantly press for their intolerant nonsense. The inch given them
encourages to ask for a yard, and given a yard they demand a mile until there
is no room for anyone else. Look at all the vast Arab countries but the sliver
of Israel is what annoys them. They say symbols offend them or that somesuch
is an insult to Islam like the portrayal of mohamhead in hell in a medieval
fresco and should be destroyed. Meanwhile, Christians are tortured and languish
in jails in Islamaniac countries like Saudi Arabia. It is time to reciprocate
against these individuals and legislate against their heathen excuse for a
religion. To treat it as the fascist cult that it is.
Allowing cops or firemen or
teachers to start wearing their Islamic garb is a step away from secular
freedom and towards all kinds of problems. Imagine islamaniac fireman called to
put out a fire at a synagogue. Suppose they refuse as a protest about Israel or
a cop in a chador deciding to arrest someone with a Jewish name? The right to
religious freedom extends to your home but insisting on religious adherence in
regular society or at work is the thin end of a propaganda wedge. At least in
the West, the separation of church and state is an accepted normalcy, whereas
the muslimaniacs try to enforce their religious bigotry in all aspects of life.
Another thing that you no
longer see openly practised in Western society is the segregation of men and
women. But the segregation of Moslems and non-Muslims as in Saudi Arabia, is
reminiscent of apartheid. It wouldnt be tolerated in any modern country
and certainly nothing like that could be sanctioned along racial lines.
The Koran says (6:11, 16:36 and
many other places) to travel in the land and see the nature of the consequences
for the rejecters. Hmmm, well on the one hand we have Moslem countries marked
by poverty, flies and untidy wildernesses. And we have the milk and honey of
the West where rich Arabs go shopping and have medical operations to repair
their health. Which lands do you consider most blessed? It is typical of travel
in Moslem lands that you are urged to agree what a fantastic country it is with
one breath and then asked if you can help the speaker get to the West in the
next breath. I consider the islamicists hoist by their own petard.
If you consider the above is
overly pejorative, I suggest you look around Muslim districts in the West. The
ones that I have seen are usually distinguished by a phenomenal amount of
rubbish and litter, far in excess of the average area peopled by the native
population. Lack of local environmental concern is just one more of the
fruits of Islam that you can add to the other fruits of bombers and
the fanatics. There is a tendency to ascribe a mess as the will of allah
instead of asserting any personal responsibility.
The rich people from Muslim
lands come West to indulge their depravity in the fleshpots of Western cities.
Now Western consumerism is hardly a perfect thing, but it does allow the
greatest freedom for the greatest number of people. We are all freer than a
Roman emperor to travel the world and indulge ourselves with vices should we so
choose. As with the parable of the Tares, the good and the bad coexist side by
side. But this access to instant gratification and moral temptation is what
allows most of us to mature spiritually and overcome our lusts. To reject those
things of our own free will, to indulge and repent are our own rites of
passage. The mullahs would have all things they consider bad, removed and
banned from society. To cover up women so we cant be tempted, but all
this does is really stoke the lusts and desires. So it is then that young
suicide bombers cant wait to get to paradise and satiate their lusts on
the 72 virgins promised to them by hypocritical clerics. The Sept 11th
terrorists like others before them used money to have a few good times in strip
clubs and wash down the whiskey at the first opportunity to do so.
It is in human nature that we
cant create a completely perfect or lust free society. Making things
forbidden only perverts the lusts into other areas. Furthermore what kind of
childlike mind must a Muslim have that he cant see an unshrouded woman
without being overwhelmed with lust? Like a child, they cant see
something without wanting it. So what kind of immature attitude is that? And
clearly the idea of covering men up in a bag so that they arent inciting
lust in the women isnt a concern. You dont abolish lust and desire
just by removing the object. All that happens is that you are cloaking it, but
the base instinct is still there. It is better to have temptations out in the
open and trust that each can confront their inner demons as it were, and choose
wisely. I forget where I saw it, but I once read that living under Islamic law
is like being in a prison run by children.
Individual atrocities by the
religious police going round enforcing prayers to allah are rarely known about.
A rare news item about their disgusting practices made it to a newspaper on
March 15th 2002 about 15 schoolgirls burned to death in a school. They could
have lived but the religious police clubbed them back because they hadnt
on the proper headgear. Incidents like this only confirm for me that Islam is a
religion that offers death more than it does life. Ive long wondered at
the Hajj where people are killed in stampedes around the Qaba and stoned
to death regularly at the stoning of Satan ceremonies, albeit supposedly
accidentally. Add to this, the regular explosions of cooking stoves and
overcrowded buses crashing, it just seems like a festival of death.
And read this from a Muslim
account of the Hajj unintentionally pointing the finger: The pilgrims
circle the black stone so that any radiation or other influence from it will
And unite them. People who return from the hajj look like before the journey.
You can see buses depart for Mecca, with the people joyful, excited and
clapping their hands.
But when they return their
faces are serious like a stone mask. A believing Brother who lives in Mecca
wrote, We need your prayers especially during the Hajj. We who lives in
Mecca feel as if devils are walking through the streets as the time of the
pilgrimage. One can almost see and feel the presence of Satan (from a
posting on the debate.org.uk site).
The constant threats, the
gloating and hectoring about portents of doom in the Koran yet immediately
claiming allah is merciful, but only to those who convert, is hardly a text
full of grace. Typical is the verse at 48:29 that tells Muslims to be
hard against the disbelievers but compassionate amongst ourselves.
Surah 9:113 even commands Muslims not to pray for non-Muslims. It isnt
this book that has spread a message of common humanity. It teaches slavery and
submission and death.
Muslims sometimes like to pal
up with Christians and say we are all people of the book, but theres
enough variance between them and the New Testament to show little in common
with the queer one. Despite millions of adherents, Islam has all the hallmarks
of a cult. The certainty it offers rather than enlightenment, the numerous
prayers from dawn to dusk and its repetitions are well known brainwashing
techniques. Matthew 6:7 warns us against repetitions and says But when ye
pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do for they think that they
shall be heard for their much speaking.
When it suits their purposes,
Muslims allow that we worship the same God and just call him by different
names, but do we? When you hear Muslim scholars or read their arguments as to
why the Bible is rubbish, it is clear that they have a different conception of
God. A scholar like Ahmed Deedat is entertaining when he mocks the names in the
Bible or questions how someone could slay hundreds with a jawbone or a goad,
but his disdain for the bible shows that he rejects the deeper spiritual
message therein. On a videotaped debate I saw, Mr. Deedat used rhetoric to
dismiss the Bibles claims and belittle his opponent whilst ignoring the
wisdom of the parables or any of Gods teaching through his prophets. A
bit like concentrating on the eggshell to deny the goodness of the egg within.
His opponent, a Christian Arab, made many points but one of the most telling
was that Mohammed brought no new revelation to the world.
The false prophet is warned
about in the Bible in several places. Who do you think this could mean? The one
hailed as a prophet by Muslims perhaps? Its all right there in Revelation
and also in places like Hosea 9:8, where the prophet laying a snare and HIS god
is clearly warned about.
Now, Islamicists would say
Mohammed was clarifying the message. But to do that in the highly ambiguous
language of Arabic that then lacked vowels seems more of a muddying. In fact,
the numerous divisions and sects within Islam show that there is no one clear
message anyway.
What could be more of a
clarification than Jesus Sermon of the Mount where he spelled
out his doctrine, a kind of hillside press conference? If Jesus wasnt the
clarifier that fulfilled numerous prophecies, then how much less must Mohammed
have been, that had no prophecies of his coming in the Old Testament?
The message of Jesus is
different enough to anyone elses that this marks Him out as an especial
and unique prophet. The message of Mohammed is at best a reversion, and at
worst a devilish attempt to mimic a monotheistic religion. One where everything
is different, and one that emphasizes a message of punishment and death rather
than one of redemption and life. Would you not consider as I contend that the
god of Islam and the God of Jesus are different? Which God is it that wants us
to seek understanding and know God for ourselves?
Islam has retarded all aspects
of progress because it exhorts slavish acceptance over the spirit of enquiry
and understanding. Revisionists of history like to say Islam was the basis of a
great civilization, but all it did was conquer already existing cultures like
the Assyrians or the Nestorians, and stamp out their learning. What little of
Babylonian or Chaldean mathematics and Astronomy that survived was then
Another source of Mathematics
that the Arabs claim credit for was when they translated Greek books into
Arabic, and Europe did indeed rediscover some knowledge this way. What the
Muslim revisionists of history dont mention is that all books of history
etc. and centres of learning like monasteries were destroyed. About the only
books that did survive were some mathematical books as they didnt seem to
be anything in them that could contradict the Koran. All religious books,
history and political treatises didnt make it. Anything potentially
damaging to the curse of muhamhead was eradicated.
Galen (who did pioneer work on
biology and embryos) and Pythagoras (geometry that formed the basis of Islamic
patterns) are just two of the Greeks that were translated into Arabic centuries
before Mohammed. These scientific Greeks were doing their research before
Christ let alone before Islam, and their work along with many lesser known
Greeks were distributed along trade routes. Once Mo had established Islam
and died, his followers destroyed anything that didnt seem to jibe with
it. They still dont like books very much today and a study I read said
only 330 books were translated from the West into Arabic in 2001. Anyway the
books that did survive and were rediscovered by European scholars were the
innocuous looking ones that used scientific formulae or mathematics. Ptolemy
had algebra in his book the Almagest, which was translated into
Arabic, as were works of other great Greek mathematicians like Euclid and
Pythagoras, who worked hundreds of years before Muslims were invented.
Muslim invaders were renowned
for slaughtering monks and nuns, destroying their places and their libraries.
In this century, Turks have destroyed churches and learning centres not only
during the vast genocide against Armenians and Greeks, but also in North
Cyprus. Today, Coptic churches and other Christian centres in Sudan and Egypt
are targeted. A Muslim thinks nothing of destroying an old parchment if he
thinks it is of Christian origin. Even the Bedouin that discovered the dead sea
scrolls were using them as firepaper until they discovered they could sell them
in the market.
And surely you remember the
hateful mobs burning the book by Salman Rushdie. The affinity with the public
book burnings of the nazis is clear. Islamic culture glorifies the destruction
of all that they disagree with. Truly it is a ravenous wolf in sheeps
clothing. Islam destroys a lot better than it creates. Name one tiny thing that
we use in day to day life that was invented by a Muslim. Youd think that
with a fifth of the worlds population, theyd be able to come up
with something, but absolutely nothing useful has come from them. Go down the
list of Nobel prize winners and theres a couple of people who converted
to Islam there but nothing much at all and although Im not Jewish, just
look at all the medical, literary and scientific innovations made by Jews who
are but a fraction of the worlds population. When those anti-Semites call
for a boycott of Jewish goods, Sam Kinnison had a great retort for them asking
them to boycott the Salk smallpox vaccine and cures for all kinds of diseases.
No Muslim has been able to tell
me one teeny weeny thing that Muslims invented that we use in every day life. I
keep asking for a thing, but they always try and fob me off with a word or an
abstract concept. You would think that if necessity really was the mother of
invention then the ignorant one fifth of the earths population might have
needed to come up with something. This in itself shows the absolute bankruptcy
of this culture.
The best that I am offered is
an Arabic word that we have adopted into English such as algebra.
Fair enough, we borrowed a word just as we did wadi, but we could
have easily have got another language to borrow a word from. Just because the
word arroyo might be used in America, it doesnt mean that the Spanish
actually invented the dry gulch. Similarly Arabic was hardly crucial to our
civilisation. The Muslims claim that we got the notation for zero from the
Arabs too. This is almost too funny a claim, as if they wish to say, We
invented Nothing. The Hindus have evidence that Sanskrit texts used all
the mathematical concepts ahead of the Arabs who simply plundered their
learning. And of course the Greeks had a concept for nothing if not a notation
for it. When Islamic propagandists claim such things as evidence of a grand
civilisation, they are just grasping at straws. They have only ever been a
brutal culture of the sand-dune.
Another over-rated example of
Islamic culture are the Alhambra gardens in Spain. Now Ive been there and
they are quite nice but a few fountains and a pond hardly makes a culture worth
getting wild about. Even the Romans did things with water such as underfloor
heating and baths and irrigation and aqueducts. Europe had fountains and ponds
before the Islamic Arabs made some using enslaved Spanish craftsmen so I
dont believe them to be as fantastic as Islamic propagandists would have
you say they are. Many of the revered Islamic buildings were in fact built
using captured builders. Even today, the soaring structures of Kuwait or
Malaysia are generally built using Western construction companies, and
The revisionists wont
mention that when the Sophia mosque (originally a Byzantine church), needed
repair, they had to import Armenian Christian craftsmen to fix it. The
revisionists dont like to mention the slaughter and destruction of
anything that doesnt jibe with the mad mullahs opinions. This is why the
Moslem lands didnt come up with mobile phones or televisions or
satellites or any great technology and scientific advance. Islam kills the
advance of civilization. It literally beheads it.
Despite the lack of any
tangible technology that Islam produced, the revisionists trot out unheard of
names as mathematicians. They really have to scrape the barrel to come up with
people in any other field, and when they do it is reminiscent of the crude
communist propaganda. Instead of people like Edison or Einstein being
accredited inventors, communist Russia used to substitute Russian scientists
with Russian names as the inventors of things. Islamics do much the same thing.
The revisionists appropriate
surviving elements of culture as if they fermented it, yet they are elements
that flowered before Islam put its dead hand upon their bloom.
The Koran is also inaccurate in
the scientific claims that its propagandists claim. Although Islam is
usually known as being vehemently opposed to progress in the Western sense, a
few scholars claim that scientific truths can be found within it. They say
passages about the mountains being the anchors or tent pegs of the Earth, such
as during quakes shows knowledge of geology. When actually many mountain ranges
are thrust upward by earthquakes and can shake more violently than anywhere.
They claim that a foetus described as resembling a type of blob after 21 days
is something only allah could have known. Yet actually, the day count is out by
ten days, and the whole thing was derived from Galens work on embryos.
This Greek knowledge became dispersed along trade routes and Mohammed as a
wealthy merchant could easily have gleaned such trivia from ordinary
conversations. An obvious refutation of Koranic claims to divine knowledge is
found at surah 2:222 where instead of a natural cycle, menstruation is declared
to be an illness.
Other errors and
inconsistencies abound, but are conveniently ignored by Islamic scholars making
their scholarship laughable. They seize upon a passage in the Bible like the
oft quoted one of Deuteronomy 18:15-19 where it mentions a prophet and brethren
as indicating Mohammed. Yet it very clearly states that the prophet will be
raised up from in the midst of thee, not somebody from Arabia. If
they really want to use the Bible as an authoritative source then perhaps
theyd care to interpret the passages about the false prophet spoken of in
Revelation (20:7-10).
Clearly, the only major prophet
since the time of Jesus is reputedly Mohammed, so when it talks of a false
prophet along with the Beast and Satan (Revelation 20:10), who else could be
indicated ?
Mohammed is the false prophet
because he denies Christ. Surah 18:4 says Warn those who say Allah hath
chosen a son
.. they speak a lie. A similar claim is found at
19:35 and 17:111 (allah has not taken himself a son). Since allah is probably
Satan, this is true.
The new testament warns of new
gospels and spirits trying to pervert the message. 2Corinthians chapter 11-12
says that even Lucifer can transform himself into an angel of light, and a
spirit may try and offer up a new jesus that the disciples havent
preached. Galatians 1:8 warns that a man or even an angel may try to give a
wrong message. Maybe Lucifer had a chat with Mohammed?
The irony is that musselmen say
that America is the great Satan, yet there is more evil in their fingers of
accusation than in the target. There is more poison in the handle than in the
point of their sharp accusations. One thing that life has taught me, is that
sometimes the accuser can be more guilty than the accused. A thief thinks of
stealing so is ever quick with branding someone else a thief. A crazy person is
quick to call others mad, and so on.
The hypocrisy of Moslem nations
and Muslims in general abounds. They scream for justice when Palestinians are
killed yet are silent when Israeli civilians are murdered. They claim
persecution by a Jewish or Christian mere presence. They are quick to point
accusing fingers at security forces seeking Islamic terrorists, yet never
mention the occupation of Lebanon by Syrian troops. The fountains of blood of
the Algerian people massacred by Islamicists or the Iran Iraq war that killed
millions are considered brotherly quarrels where it is unseemly to interfere.
Yet any conflict involving the West or non-Muslims and they bay for blood.
This is hardly a religion of
love. Passages of threats and slaughter and chains and doom for non-believers
are always then ironically followed by praise for how merciful allah is. But
clearly there is no mercy for non-Muslims. Do the Muslim countries ever go out
of their way to help others not of their faith? Of course not, they scourge and
issue fatwas of death and burn books in mobs but could not muster a group for
charity. With all the oil money, the Saudis have spent it on building mosques
and repression, never on feeding the hungry or helping others save as tokens to
trumpet their munificence.
This is not a religion of
peace, but one of loathing for others. It is the religion of the antichrist.
They wont even admit that Jesus was crucified or share his spiritual
parables, yet they revel in making up stories about him that arent in the
Bible. Odd then that they will admit it is Jesus and not mohamhead that returns
at the end of time. They have sealed up the eastern gate to the temple mount
because they fear his entrance through it to throw out the abominators there.
The antichrist mentioned in
1John 2:22 and 2 John 7, is very clear about who it is. It is the one that
denies the son and the father, the one that denies Jesus is the Christ.
On the sermon of the mount,
Jesus is also quite clear about how to pray. In Matthew 6:6-7, he says,
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, pray to thy Father
which is in secret
..use not vain repetitions, as the heathen
Now even many Christian
churches ignore the first part of this message, but the Moslem that likes to
make a public show of his prayers and uses only repetitions is way off the mark
of what Christ asks.
The Christian God and the one
called allah by Muslims are not the same. The two religions are not just two
paths to the same top of the mountain. If you accept that allah was one of many
gods in the kabaa, then contrast what happened when the ark of the
covenant was in the vicinity of other false gods. According to 1Samuel 5:1-12,
the other idols were found smashed or on their face towards the ark. Now, how
come there arent these kind of stories about allah amongst the other gods
of the Arabic pantheon, the Qabaa?
Now there are undoubtedly good
people of both faiths that are misguided in their belief, but unless each and
every one of us takes a personal leap of understanding God, why should we
expect God to meet us halfway without us taking a step. In Revelations 3,
16-19, we are warned about being lukewarm and that as many that are loved will
be rebuked and chastened.
My misguided Muslim
acquaintances dont seem to enquire too much of the Koran. Most of them
(yes like many religious people) uncritically accept the authority of a cleric
telling them how it is. All religions have the problem of rogue teachers then
wielding their power to incite but because we havent made our own
investigations, we are classed by God to have been lukewarm. We accept the
message of another, a regurgitated interpretation which is lukewarm and
intellectually lazy.
The morality as well as the
rationality of the Moslem is also flawed. If you talk to Muslims, they all
basically believe that the means justify the ends. So if you are doing
something for allah or for the greater good of Islam, it is accepted. You can
see how this morality quickly leads to acceptable atrocities and other
outrages. Deception or flat out lying are acceptable stratagems for the Moslem
to further their cause and this is one reason it has been furthered in this
world. Contrast that with the common Christian message where actions themselves
can be good or evil, and you have a root difference between the faiths.
Allowing the ends to justify
the means is the philosophical plank that the suicide bombers and massacre
makers stand upon. It allows lying and deception to have a rationale.
Allah is the god of deception.
Just one of the pantheon of gods worshipped at the Qaba, but one that has
risen high above the rest.
There are many things that link
allah with Baal, the old moon god of the high places. One of the reasons
Muslims hate the skyscrapers of the West, is that they want the high places
dedicated to Baal or allah. This is why buildings in Muslim countries are
usually kept low, below the level of the local mosques minarets. There
are numerous biblical references to Baal in the old testament about his high
places, and the call to prayer from a minaret is an echo of this.
This derives from the moon
being the highest thing in the heavens, so the moon worshippers would get as
high as possible from which to worship it. Mohamhead himself swears by the moon
(84:18), and names a sura after it (54). Black stones throughout pagan Arabia
were considered to have fallen from the moon and so were worshipped as a chip
off the old block. Black stones were revered as being from the moon because of
the moon being dark most of the time.
The Qaba in Mecca has a
black stone embedded in the wall that the Muslims kiss. In 1 Kings 19:18, it
talks about all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth
which hath not kissed him. Just another echo of the connective echoes
between Baal and allah. Theres other links such as with the Sumerian God
known as Sin, also a moon god and from where Sinai may derive its name.
Ramadan is a festival that
emphasises the crescent moon. Consider also that the Muslim year is based on
the moon, and so is shorter than the calendar that the West uses, which is
based on the solar year. This reverence for the lesser light is an
echo of Lucifer being elevated above that of God himself.
The enmity between God and Baal
has a long history, and the wrong god seems to have always been Gods main
rival for worship. Jeremiah 23:26-27 talks about false dreams in Gods name that
cause Gods people to forget his name, ..as their fathers have
forgotten my name for Baal.
Furthermore, theres a
picture of Baal in the Schofield Reference Bible (opposite page 20 in the
concordance) that is taken from a cylinder-seal in the British museum,
Babylonian room, Case B. You only have to look at the distinctive cap, beard
and long thin form holding his hand to the crescent moon and you will be
immediately reminded of a recent terrorist leader.
More damming evidence for the
message of Mohammed as being from an infernal source can be found in its
own passages. In 31:16, it says allah is subtle, yet when this attribute is
given in the Bible, it is given to the serpent.
Surah 86:15 says and I
plot against them, yet surah 58:10 says Conspiracy is only of the
Among the curses given to the
serpent, there is a curious prophecy. In Genesis 3:15, it says and thou
shalt bruise his heel. This could be a general statement or it could have
a double meaning pertaining to the coming of the messiah. Mohammed coming on
the heels of Jesus ministry could be the bruising alluded to.
Surah 48:29 boasts of the mark
Muslims receive from prostrating themselves on the ground. Now is it
conceivable that prostrating yourself on the ground puts a mark on the hand and
forehead? Im afraid it is. An Islamic Q&A website describes a mark on the
forehead as indicating the most pious.
This is very reminiscent of the
reputed mark of the Beast. Unlike Gods chosen who will have his name
sealed into their foreheads or a writer with an inkhorn that will write
Gods name for them, the marks of prostration are touted as something
other Muslims will recognise, not God. Now this can quickly lead into the
prophecy that the mark of the Beast is something that only those bearing it
will be allowed to buy and sell. In a way, since only Muslims are allowed into
places like Mecca and Medina, this prophecy has been fulfilled.
This mark is also supposedly
how angels will recognise the Muslims in hell and yank them out with hooks.
This is explained in hadiths (I use the Bukhari ones as they seem most
prevalent) Book 8, Vol 76, verse 577 and Book 9, Vol 93, verse 532. Since these
passages make it clear that all Muslims will find themselves in hell being
yanked around with hooks, I expect that they will then discover that there is
no paradise for them and the angels have turned out to be Satans demons.
Too late for them, will they then realise the deception.
One of the most diabolical
aspects of Islam is that it denies the right of every human being to have a
personal relationship with God. That apparently hasnt been possible since
mohamhead. Islam would have us believe that God doesnt want to talk to us
or make anything known to us. The Muslim is unable to have a vision or
revelation or divine guidance, though they substitute that by talking of dreams
they had. Just ask yourself, who it would most please for us to believe that
there is no direct contact with God.
Atop most mosques are a horn
like feature. Sometimes it can resemble a crescent moon, and sometimes it sits
with the prongs pointing directly upwards. No matter which interpretation you
put upon it, and whatever way you describe it, it has horns.
The moon has horns just like a
beast, and the moon gods of old were frequently shown with beast like features.
The picture of Baal that I referred to earlier, has him seated on a throne
whose back legs are those of a cloven hoofed beast. There are definite echoes
of Baal and the Sumerian god called Sin in allah. Kissing stones, bowing before
them and crescent moons are just the most obvious. Regard 2 Thessalonians 2:3
that warns that the man of sin will be revealed. This is a prophecy with a
double meaning.
In case you wonder who this man
of sin could possibly be, regard surah 36, rendered in English as Ya
sin. Some Moslems say this is an address to man but it is clearly an
epithet, the title given to their most unholy prophet as is obvious by reading
the first three verses.
If the Muslims are so enamoured
of God, then let them explain why they fear the return of the Messiah? After
they conquered Jerusalem, the prophecy that the Messiah would return from an
eastern direction led them to seal up the Golden Gate, the eastern entrance to
Temple Mount.
A hadith even admits Jesus
would return, then how come it is Jesus coming and not Mo? You would
think this would show Jesus superior status to the Moslems.
Volume 3, Book 34, Number 425:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "By
Him in Whose Hands my soul is, son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst
you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig
and abolish the Jizya (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the
protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money
and no-body will accept charitable gifts.
The return of Jesus may well be
as an eagle not a dove. As a lion and not a lamb. By returning as a farmer to
reap the harvest, the returned Messiah will also satisfy the understanding of
the Jews and be recognised as the one they expected. The passages about
separating the wheat from the chaff and burning the waste could well be
Perhaps the mosque is the
synagogue of Satan talked about in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. These passages also
mention that those that say they are of Jews will worship there. In a way, this
could portend the Arabs who claim descent from Ishmael. Ishmaels
descendants were more likely to have been the Jews of Arabia that were
eradicated by the Muslims. Todays Arabs are Semitic but may well be
mistaken about their descent from Abraham.
So where is the actual temple
of God?
The Qaba in Mecca is the
very antithesis of what God commanded in Exodus 20:25, where he commanded an
altar of unhewn stone. Its rectangular walls are a house of pagan gods
that existed before the false prophet.
The Old Testament and 99% of
theologians would inform you that the temple of God was situated upon Temple
Mount in Jerusalem. When the second temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70AD
leaving not one stone upon another, the daily sacrifice of the Jews
was ended. This is why Jews gather at the western wall of it, known as the
wailing wall where they lament the destruction of the temple.
Theres a few things in
the Bible that I could say to you about abominations that desolate, but as
these are sealed up until the end of time, it would be presumptuous of me to
attempt to decipher them.
But consider 2 Thessalonians
2:3-12 where the one sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he
is God. Theres only one temple of God and theres only one
thing that now sitteth there. Its been sitting there for over 1300 years,
and was built shortly after the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. It is called the
Dome of the Rock.
Zechariah in the Old Testament
has several chapters about the second coming of the messiah. Descriptions that
seem to meet a nuclear scenario. Todays Palestinians are yesterdays
Canaanites, and they are the ones currently holding and debarring the Jews from
worship at the Temple Mount. So it seems acutely prophetic that the very last
verse of Zechariah (14:21) says in that day there shall be no more the
Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts.
For some reason, the
worlds media and the Arab world are outraged by Israelis defending
themselves yet there is no outrage when a gunman shoots a 5 year old child in
her bed. It acts as if this is an understandable rage by Islamic militants.
Terrorists that target pregnant women then scream about unproven massacres.
More women and children have been killed on the Israeli side but the hypocrites
pretend it is the other way round. The world castigates a democratic and
intellectual state and glorifies religious fascists and throwbacks to a more
barbaric era. Nobody seems outraged when gunmen desecrate the church of the
nativity yet these same people say its scandalous if Sharon sets a small
foot on temple mount.
What about Islamic ambulances
used to transport terrorists and bombs? There is an evil double standard at
work. How can the world be more concerned for Arafat holed up with acknowledged
murderers more than it is for targeted women and children?
Everyone mentions Arafat being
an elected representative, and he is but in the same way that Mugabe wins by
intimidating any opposition or Castro who eliminates any opposition.
Check this about so-called PA
Just when was this election
anyway? 1996 or something. It's hardly democratic if you only set elections
when you know you'll win and never have another election. What we actually call
democracies have elections every four years. Arafat didn't have one in 1999 or
2000 because he didn't want anything to crimp his planned terror.
The biography channel has a
documentary on Arafat. It mentions his shennanigans with democracy from his
student years in Egypt, like when he mobilised blind students to vote for him.
Show me a Palestinian that has consistently opposed Arafat over the years and
you will be showing me a true democracy. No-one can show this, because the
hooded men with guns would immediately target any such viewpoint. Fascism is
the correct term for such systems.
These evil people only protest
the deaths of Muslims. You never hear them decrying the innocent blood of
Israelis or even of people in other wars. They support the Bosnian, the Chechen
the just about anyone who is nominally Muslim but they never protest the
killing of anyone that is not. Consider how many suicide bombers have come from
Christian groups. I cant think of a single one because they have
reverence for life. Contrast that with the thousands and millions prepared to
kill for allah. This just shows that death is part of the Islamaniac. Consider
again the two hundred thousand thousand mentioned in Revelation (Revelation
9:16) as marching on Jerusalem and it seems fairly evident that these could be
the islamaniacs surrounding Israel that will fulfill this prophecy.
Well I'm sure it would surprise
you to learn as it did me that more israeli children and women have been killed
than Palestinian women and children since the Intifada began. The statistics
are on the net someplace where I saw them and it was like 300 women and kids on
the Israeli side compared to 130 Palestinian women and children which also
includes the suicide bombers...the other Palestinian casualties ( a larger
number of men), half were found holding warm guns.
Heres another report from
an earlier source that says much the same thing.
The International Policy
Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT), at the prestigious Interdisciplinary
Center in Herzliya, is a think tank developing public-policy solutions to
international terrorism. "According to data from Palestinian sources, 55
percent of the Palestinian dead were combatants," said Don Radlauer, an
ex-New Yorker, who is building a casualty database at ICT. "And we rated
all kids under 13 as non-combatants, even if they were armed when they were
killed." On the Israeli side, statistics show that only 25 percent of the
dead were combatants. The data on the number of women killed is even more
telling. Radlauer said the findings "were not what we were
expecting." "Less than 5 percent of all Palestinian casualties to
date were female," he said, "while 30 percent of Israeli casualties
were women." "Among the non-combatants killed, and again relying on
Palestinian reports, we found that 7 percent were Palestinian women," he
said. "In contrast, 37 percent of the Israeli non-combatant dead were
women." Looking at solid numbers, the Palestinians report a total of 66
women killed as of the end of April. In the same period, 135 Israeli women
died, all but three non-combatants. "But if you only look at
non-combatants, excluding female suicide bombers and women killed in bomb
factory 'work accidents,' etc., the number drops to 40 Palestinian women
killed," Radlauer said. "Do the math 132 Israeli female
civilians compared with 40 Palestinian women," he said. "That's more
than three Israeli women killed for every one Palestinian."
"Palestinian data on fatalities do not bear out the claim that Israel is
attacking a civilian population in their homes," said Radlauer. "The
Palestinian fatalities are an engineered tragedy," he added. "If I am
angry at anything it is that the Palestinian leadership is willing to put so
many of their own kids in harm's way just to gain propaganda points."
Suicide bombings are the Palestinians' weapon of choice, and they've staged
well over 100 of them since the Intifada began in September 2000. The scene is
almost always the same after some pathetic Palestinian kid is cajoled into
blowing himself up in the biggest crowd of Israelis he can find. "The
first thing that hits you is the strong smell. It's the smell of burning
hair," said Achy Sheffer, 42, a volunteer medic.
Despite all the claims of
massacres and killed priests from the Palestinian side, their staged funerals
and unsupported evidence for a Jenin massacre show who is telling lies.
Just recently, another man
bomber stood next to a teenage girl and blew himself up. Now cmon, who is
really committing atrocities?
Also, I see protest and
activists in Israel on behalf of the Palestinians yet never a voice or demo
against the suicide bombers from Palestinians? Why not? Is it because they
know they'd get shot as collaborators? Some society they have huh?
Further hypocrisy comes from
them about the right of return. Most so called Palestinians were Arabs imported
from Jordan and Syria during the British mandate, not some farmers for
generations. And if you want statistics, look also at the dwindling Christian
population under PA rule. How come they have fled in droves? The Muslims claim
they are fair and just, yet Christians have to flee where they take over.
Contrast that with the millions of Muslims that flock to Christian countries.
Muslims love the Christian welfare systems of health and schools and all the
other benefits of a secular society established by Christians and then
cant wait to establish a backward religious regime that has been proved
to fail their own populations. Are they stupid? Not one of them would leave the
Western paradise for Godforsaken Muslim lands. I never hear the call for a
right of return of Muslims to Muslim lands, which if it is so fantastic there,
why not? How about the right of return for Arafat
back to Cairo where he
was born? Also, if he is such a political leader then how come he is always in
a military uniform? Kind of tells you what he is really about, doesnt it?
I have other points to rebuff
the propagandists claim that the Palestinian terror is derived from
desperation. If so, how come its always some youth that straps on a bomb?
A youth that is often at a university or in full time education. Hardly a life
of unending toil? I would expect the parents of a dozen kids to feel more
desperate, if desperation was a valid claim. And thats another thing, out
of all the so-called oppressed people in the world, how come they can afford to
raise such massive families? I can barely support myself let alone eight or
nine kids. Does that make me even more oppressed? The truth is that grievances
are magnified and fueled by hatred. The anti-Semitic Arab press would not be
tolerated anywhere in the civilised world which has outlawed public race hatred
and incitement to murder.
I often see these suicide
bombers and teens saying how they wish to kill Israelis sitting in pleasant
gardens or in spacious family rooms with books and new clothes. No-one ever
seems to be starving. I would say that these people are much less desperate
than many people in the world and have merely cultivated the sense of injustice
to justify their race hate and evil intentions. How many other oppressed
peoples can you think of have that have video cameras, gardens, as many fed
children as they wish, cars and hospitals?
The Palestinians have
kindergarten kids singing praises of killing and have children put fake blood
on their hands etc., etc. The photo of a baby dressed as a suicide bomber was
denounced by leading Palestinians as faked up propaganda until the uncle of the
kid verified its authenticity.
The Palestinians claim descent
from the Canaanites but they are also of Jordan where the Ammonites dwelt.
These ammonites used to sacrifice their children to the god Molech by fire. Not
much has changed then.
The desperation claimed by the
Palestinians is just the Muslim way of claiming oppression and victimization to
further their cause. An obvious signifier is that none of the shrinking
Palestinian Christian population feel desperate enough to blow themselves up.
All the killers are Muslims that glorify death. Despite the moslemaniacs and
mullahs promising their families money from Saudis and the bomber a reward of
virgins in allahland, these kids still have to be sequestered beforehand to be
fed a diet of propaganda (an obvious brainwashing technique) to make sure they
dont back out at the last minute. How come the Hamas leaders never
actually blow themselves up? Its an evil tactic that uses less
sophisticated cannon-fodder to cause mayhem to people buying ice-cream or pizza
and generally enjoying life.
It is typical of the Muslim
fighter that he trains to shoot pregnant women or blow up buses unseen. How
brave and noble of them to always pick the soft target and then claim it is
they who are the victims. I can only hope that most people can see this clear
hypocrisy and inversion of humanitarian feelings for the despicable evil that
it is.
The biggest hypocrisy of the
Islamic world is the lack of censure on the Islamic radicals operating in
Algeria. Utter silence whilst preaching against Israel or American bombs goes
on at scream level, yet ordinary people and children are regularly destroyed in
Hundreds of thousands have died
since 1992. Here is where the real massacres are, yet do we see millions in the
streets demonstrating on their behalf? On July 5th 2002, Algeria celebrated
its independence day and Muslim terrorists blew up a marketplace killing
about 40 people. Did any of the media really report the atrocity or did any
clerics in the Islamic world denounce this kind of thing? Nope, they were all
busy reporting and denouncing civilian casualties in Afghanistan that were
apparently celebrating a wedding at 2:30am by firing at US aircraft.
Meanwhile in Pakistan, a
village that sentenced a woman to be gang-raped because her 11 year old brother
had been in supposed bad company. Punishing someone for the sleight
actions of another seem ludicrous to us in the civilised world, but such
barbarity is usual in the muslimaniac lands. Women are claimed to be free by
the propagandists yet have acid thrown in their faces for nothing. Filipino
workers in Saudi are jailed and tortured for merely having a Bible in their
The level of lies and hypocrisy
of the Muslims is ridiculous. What are the political leaders of these lands
doing or saying about Algeria? Nothing because they dont want to be
tagged as anti-Islamic so the terrorists bomb and shoot with funds provided by
militant Islamic like the Wahabbis of Saudi.
Attempts at reconciliation by
President Abdelaziz Bouteflika have come to no avail.
The news agency AFP reported
the new head of the GIA restating his group's commitment to continuing the
"Neither truce, nor
dialogue, nor reconciliation, nor security, but blood, blood, destruction,
destruction," he was reported to have said.
"We will continue to
destroy their harvests, to take their goods, to rape their women, to decapitate
them in the cities, the villages and the deserts" (Taken from BBC news,
mid-east section June 15th 2002).
Even people appointed by
Khomeni himself have realised that Islam is fascism. Heres a BBC news
report about the unhappiness and unrest in fundamental Iran and the resignation
of a top Muslim, July 10th 2002.
By Jim Muir
BBC Tehran correspondent
A senior religious figure in Iran has resigned his post and issued a bitter
condemnation of the way the country is being run.
Ayatollah Jalaluddin Taheri has held the post of Friday prayers speaker in the
major city of Isfahan for the past 30 years, but he has increasingly been at
odds with Iran's hardliners. All this threatens the existence of our country
and our people said Ayatollah Taheri.
Ayatollah Taheri's resignation came as a bombshell in the clerical
establishment that has controlled much of the power in Iran since the Islamic
revolution - in which he himself played a significant role.
In his resignation statement, he delivered a blistering indictment of the
country's rulers that was ignored by the official media here - although the
full text was printed in reformist newspapers.
Ayatollah Taheri's resignation, in such a manner from a post conferred on him
by Ayatollah Khomeini himself, is unprecedented in the 23 years of the Islamic
Ayatollah Taheri said he could not close his eyes to tangible realities and
witness the stifling pain and unbearable suffering of people who were seeing
the flowers of virtue being trampled, values collapsing and spirituality being
What must one do with this deviation and ignorance? The Shah and the United
States no longer dominate this country so we cannot blame them for the
difficulties and the breakdown.
He went on with a bitter litany of accusations against a system that he
portrayed as deeply corrupt, self-serving, hypocritical and repressive.
In a clear reference to the hard line vigilantes who have sometimes interrupted
his sermons in Isfahan, the Ayatollah spoke of louts and fascists who display a
mixture of ignorance and madness but whose umbilical cord is connected to the
centre of power and who are completely uncontrolled and beyond the law.
These examples of Islamic
fascism from the news are encouraging only in that people in the West have
started to recognise the evil in their midst. The recent terrorist attacks may
well be the high water mark for this worlds biggest cult. Its
strikes against civilisation may have engineered its own downfall as
people are now awake as to how Islam has operated unchecked and unchallenged.
Since it seems unable or unwilling to have a reformation, there will be a
refutation of its values.
Whilst most religions seek to
increase understanding of God, Islam only offers slavish adherence to an
unquestioning creed. The brainwashing techniques of frequent prayer and total
control of your life have become recognised as the cultic signs they are. I
once had a Muslim argue to me that the Koran tells you how to do everything,
even how to keep your anus clean. Wow, they even need Mo to tell them
I feel that Ive slammed
Islam pretty good in this essay. My intention is not to foster racism but
confront an evil ideology that goes too often unchallenged. To forge an
implacable resistance to what I consider the beast. Jeremiah 31:27 tells that
the seed of the beast will be sown amongst the houses of Israel and the seed of
man, and the islamaniacs are they. You have to know your enemy and know what
you are up against. Too many people fall prey to fuzzy multicultural thinking
when it comes to Islam. Yes, everyone should be free to have their own beliefs
but nurturing a creed that will enslave as soon as it has the opportunity to do
so, is not the same as encouraging other cultural pursuits. Too many idiots
mouth that Islam means peace when in fact it means
submission. They confuse it with the similar word
By treating the islamaniacs as
anything other than nazis is indulging their capacity for hatred, and allowing
a venting of their satanic anger to destroy good people. Yes, the constitution
declares a freedom of religion, but does that mean a satanic death dealing cult
has to be given the same rights?
The true path of righteousness
is a narrow one. For myself, I hold that no-one comes to the Father without
being a Christian first. Jesus said this (John 14:6) and is Himself the narrow
gate to God. In a multicultural world, they teach that there are many paths
leading to the top of the mountain, but there is only one that God wishes you
to take. Standards have atrophied to the point where people are wary of saying
one way is better than the others, but consider Matthew 7:15-20 as the test of
false prophets and that wherefore by their fruits ye shall know
The wicked will never
understand but the wise shall perceive.