To be a liberal, you have to believe the AIDS virus is spreading
due to a lack of funding.
To be a liberal, you have to be against capital punishment but for
abortion on demandin short, you support protecting the guilty and killing
the innocent.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that the same public school
system that can't teach 4th graders how to read is capable of teaching those
same kids about sex.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that trial lawyers are selfless
heroes and doctors are overpaid, greedy, bad guys.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that guns in the hands of
law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands
of the Red Chinese.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that global temperatures are
less affected by cyclical, documented changes in the brilliance of the Sun,
and more affected by yuppies driving SUVs.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that gender roles are artificial
but being gay is natural.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that the biggest threat to this
country are those who believe morals, ethics, and family values are
To be a liberal, you have to believe that punishment for a crime
should depend on motive, i.e. killing a person because they dislike them
is worse than killing that same person because they want their money.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that businesses create oppression
and governments create prosperity.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that killing a child in the
womb should be legal, but breaking an eagle's egg should be criminal.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that good intentions are equal
to actually accomplishing something.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that the government should reward
those contribute the least and punish by taxing those who work hard and
To be a liberal, you have to believe that governmental laws and
regulations are the answer, not freedom and competition.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that art would not exist without
federal funding.
To be a liberal, you have to believe the military, not corrupt
politicians, start wars.
To be a liberal, you have to believe the NRA is bad, because of their
support for certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because
of their support for certain parts of the Constitution.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that standardized tests are
racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren't.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that minorities are not capable
of making it without your help and conservatives are racists because they
believe everyone should be treated as equal.
To be a liberal, you have to believe that cigarettes pose more danger to our kids and our society than illegal drugs.
Liberalism wins because of its essentially satanic glamour, which
appeals to and propagates all that is weak, broken and ugly in mankind:
If you are lazy, it offers a handout.
If you are stupid, it dumbs down your competition.
If you are worthless, it offers (false) self-esteem.
If you are confused, it says that certainty is the REAL confusion.
If you are evil, it offers a denial of guilt.
If you are a liar, it offers a denial of the existence of truth.
If you are a coward, it offers its own false
If you are a slave to sin, it names your shackles, FREEDOM.