
The rear door of my work truck, as Riverside County drivers have seen it.

With the many challenges facing America today, it only makes matters worse when alarmists and fear hustlers continue to agitate the turmoil for their ulterior motives.

Continue to stand steady in the face of these things and push back!

Everything Is Going
To Be Okay!


Poke 'em with a stick!

Take the opportunity to poke a stick at the alarmists and fear-hustlers of the day. Slap one of these bumper stickers on your car! Grab them at my store at CafePress.com


Turn off the damn T.V.!!

Oh Nooo!


"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts
of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." - Jeremiah 29:11

"...Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Jesus - Matthew 6:27

Where is the hope? Well, I believe one place it can be found is in this: tough times have a way of 'waking' people up.
And our nation clearly needs a wake-up call, to turn back to the proven 'constants' that prosper a nation, and individuals.
Honesty in place of corruption. Truth instead of lies. True compassion instead of greed.
Service instead of self-aggrandizement. Faith in place of fear.
And God on the throne, not man. ~ Sharon Hughes [Permalink]

Everything Is Going To Be Okay!
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