A Response to A Common Word
Since the people involved with A Common Word see fit to relentlessly ping my server logs to their web site, I
offer these many excellent rebuttals to this decidedly un-Biblical document. We need to preach the uncompromising Gospel to the lost Muslim
world, not "dialogue" as the term has come to be understood. Jesus and Paul didn't "dialogue" with people. They preached the
Gospel and called all to repent and believe the Gospel.
Responses, evaluations, questions and comments on the Muslim letter:
Responses, evaluations, questions and comments on the letter from Yale:
- Response to "Loving God and Neighbor
Together" by the Barnabas Fund
- Reflections upon ‘Loving God and Neighbor
Together’ by Dr. Mark Durie (Arabic translation)
- The Yale Response and "the Prophet Muhammad" by Jochen
- How Much Common Ground is There?
- You Don't Speak for Me
- Rethinking P.E.A.C.E. - Loving God and Neighbor
- Finally Evangelical Leaders Speak Out :
- John Piper on "The Common Word" and the
Yale Response (also available in audiohere)
- Albert Mohler Jr. on "The Common Word" and the Yale
Response (audio, starts at minute 11:20 of the mp3 file, some excerpts )
- William Lane Craig on "A Common Word" and the
Yale response (starting at minute 6:30 of the mp3 file)
- A response by James White
- More blog entries on the issue: [1], [ 2], [ 3], [ 4],
[ 5], [ 6], [ 7], [ 8], ...
- Do Muslims Worship the True God? A Bridge
Too Far (an exchange between Rick Love and John Piper and further comments by Justin Taylor.)
- I Can't Sign The Letter – The foolishness of the Yale letter and why
Christians should reject it on "trading truth for peace."
- Upon further reflection, some signatories have retracted their names from the Yale document ( 1, 2,
More reflections on "A Common Word" and some further actions (e.g. the Muslim Christmas Greeting) and reactions:

[Some links provided by Answering-Islam.org.]