you have never approached one of your elected officials through the mail
before, it's very easy! Just follow the basic letter form like I have laid
out below. To find your specific State and Federal elected representatives,
access the THOMAS site from the Library
of Congress from the link on Salem's Big, Bad, Scary U.S. Government
web page and follow the easy directions to find your Rep's mailing
address, or if they have one, their email address. Then have at it! And if
you don't feel you have the ability to do this, ask someone you know who
does to "sponser" your letter by crafting it for you.
Print: Your Elected Official's Name.
Their: Mailing Address Including Office Number Or
Their: City And State, Then The Zip
Code. ~The Date.
RE: ~ The reason you are writing.
Keep it to the point.
Mr. or Mrs. or Ms: ~ (Don't worry
about any pretentious sounding titles like "honorable Sir or Madam." Gag!
Most of them are anything but that. Talk to them like you would anybody
else. Most of them think they are above the law so for God's sake don't make
it worse by catering to their big egos!) They're just ordinary people.
Now in
very plain english let them know how you feel! Don't worry about any "lawyerly"
talk or pompous sounding dialogue. They get that all the time from the big,
greedy corporate slob executives that are always trying to buy them off!
Cut through all the trash and get to the heart of the matter.
For example,
you're tired of being sucked financially dry for their weird social programs,
you're tired of them sending our military chasing all over the world "putting
out political fires" in obscure little places that don't even want us there
and then having to pay for it. (How much do you think the gas bill to float
a carrier fleet on a world tour totals out to? Yeah. And we're paying for
it, let alone our military people being put in harms way for trivial reasons.)
You get the idea.
And then
end it on a halfway polite level, ask for a response, and then thank
them for their time. It's as easy as that. You should get a response in the
mail in short time.
from threats or name calling. They work
against your intentions of being understood by making you seem foolish. Write
your letter in printing if you cannot type it to make it legible. Leave it
double spaced. This makes it possible for the reader, probably one of the
politician's staff, to make notes between the lines. For every letter a
politician receives on a subject, they assume that there are 99 other individuals
who feel the same and have not written. Your one voice IS powerful.
Sign: Your Name ~ (Yeah, the whole thing.)
Your: Full Address ~ (Don't worry, they know were
you live already.)
Your: Town and State ~ (Yeah, they know that, too.
They know what kind of underwear you have on.)
Your: Phone Number If You Want ~ (They could
get it anyway but this makes it easier for them to put you on the "polls"
calling sheets so they can ask you black and white, "yes and no" answers
to incredibly complex and deep foreign policy issues or ask you loaded
questions they can then twist to fit their own agendas. Yeah, those are a
lot of fun.)
And If You Have It, Your: Email Address.
And there you have it! Put it in the mail and see what happens. Now
you have to make it a regular routine after this because when politicians
get elected, most of them get a serious case of the "stupids." They
promise us everything under the sun and then get into office and either we
never hear from themthat's not goodor they end up doing the opposite
of what we elected them to do in the first place. The "stupids." And if you
are half-way level headed and eloquent, they just crave for someone like
you to tell them the right thing to do, because most have forgotten how to
stand on principle so have become completely poll driven in their legislative
decisions. That's why it is important to keep in regular contact with
them. So make it a point! It's a small price to pay for your
And remember this....
The Soldiers Training Manual, issued November 30, 1928 gives the
following definitions:
"TM 2000-25: 118-120, Democracy - A government of the masses. Authority
is derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results
in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic, negating property
rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the people shall regulate,
whether it be based upon deliberation, or governed by passion, prejudice,
and impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in
demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, and anarchy."
"TM2000-25: 120-121, Republic - Authority is derived through election
by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. Attitude
toward property is respect for laws and individual rights, and a sensible
economic procedure. Attitude toward law is the administration of justice
in accord with fixed principles, and established evidence, with a strict
regard to consequences. A greater number of citizens and extent of territory
may be brought within its compass. Avoids the dangerous extreme of either
tyranny or mobocracy. Results in statesmanship, liberty, reason, justice,
contentment, and progress."
1 Corinthians 7:23 says: "You were bought at a price; be not ye the
slaves of men."