Welcome to Salem the Soldier's Archives. These are most of the articles and links that have appeared on Salem the Soldier's Homepage in recent years. Browse through and take a look, or utilize the search engine. If you are searching for an article or article link that you first saw on this site, this is the place to start.
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Note: You will notice links to sites with different Christian/Biblical theological backgrounds. I have contacts with many different people and have added in resources to this archive which, I believe, represent the culminative knowledge of the Church in America today. All have their strengths and weaknesses.
Salem The Soldier's
·"An American Rewakening"·
The year American Rewakening project at Salem the Soldier's
Homepage. Throwing gasoline on the fires of a Holy Spirit
revitalization in American Christian culture, in the wake
of the War on Islamic terror.
05 January,
·"America At War"·
Salem the Soldiers' Homepage comprehensive response from a Biblical perspective to the
Islamic/Muslim extremist's attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
03 October, 2001
Homosexuality: A Biblical Overview The obvious sense of the command seems to be: homosexual sexual relations are forbidden by Scripture. This is the way the text has typically been understood by Jewish and Christian interpreters across the centuries. It is the way most read the text still today.... {Outside Link}
Supporting The Men Of God: FAILING At The Ministry Of Aaron And Hur Saints, likewise, we are in such a critical hour. Yes, I am fully aware of the vital need for robust, Biblically sound apologetics, especially at this time in history. Yes, we are always to "...earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3) Yes, the apostasy (II Thessalonians 2:3) and heresy is almost smothering. Point taken....
Billy Graham and Rome. When such an influential person as Billy Graham gives an endorsement to a religious leader, he compels others to look to that example. Those who trust Graham will likely trust those he endorses. And when a man like Bishop Sheen tells millions that he's trusting Mary for his salvation, this can only encourage Catholics in their idolatrous belief. Why should they repent?....
The Last Crusade? - Harvest Christian Fellowship ...Having been witness to the very early beginnings of this ministry; the simplicity and "small beginnings" of the Anza Narrows Park outreaches, the 2010 Harvest Crusade season was a pinnacle of sorts, with Chicago, Illinois, and Seattle, Washington. Over twenty years of Crusades, from Anaheim California to New York City, the Holy Spirit continues to roll this outfit into some pretty spiritually dark places here in America. All this in the midst of radical global changesmany unprecedented in world history....
Personal Commentary.
The Rain is Falling We, humanity, cannot prevent what is now coming down the road. We are in His hands. Jan Markall recently listed in "Why Won't They Listen?" numerous reasons why people might tend to be unwilling to evaluate the evidence and attempt to draw reasonable conclusions.
Personal Commentary.
Denied, Disrupted, and Diverted A very basic military tactical doctrine is the diversion. If you can divert and detour your enemy's attention and resources off mission from their objectives - their victory and your defeat - whether immediately or long term, it strengthens and gives you cover to attack them from another angle. Satan has become adept at this in American Evangelical Christian culture in recent decades. Now, frankly, we have been outflanked....
Personal Commentary.
Holden In The Gap II. 11 October, 2010, personal lecture notes for Evangelism and World Religions class at Veritas Evangelical Seminary.
Personal Commentary.
Holden In The Gap. In a microcosm of the national debate over the rise of Islam in America and the proposal to build a mosque at Ground Zero, the debate is likewise modeling itself on a smaller scale in the Temecula Valley, Riverside County, California. I received an email from an associate mentioning a lecture that was to take place on 02 September, 2010, in Murrieta. It was to be hosted by Murrieta's Calvary Chapel Bible College (CCBC), in conjunction with the Veritas Evangelical Seminary, which is currently based there....
Personal Commentary.
A Rear-guard Action. Any other method or effort to stop the spread of political, expantionist Islam in America, whether the growth of Muslim "enclaves," Shariah law and the development of "parallel Islamic societies," or the building of the Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero, will simply be ineffective. They will build that mosque at Ground Zero, regardless of national protest, and what if they don't? They'll just build fifty more someplace else. Does anybody have any real credible ideas to halt the spread of this hostile ideology?
Personal Commentary.
Jim Baxter on the value of The Individual. Internet friend Jim Baxter responds to an email excerpt, linked below, mailed out by Dave Hunt and The Berean Call. Like much of Jim's work, it was a insightful and invaluable commentary addressing the very foundation of American uniqueness and liberty; the value of the individual, and too important to simply be relegated to the in-boxes of Jim's email list recipients. The culture wars in American society; Socialist/Marxism and Islamism opposed to Christian liberty; rage around the very principals Jim articulates here.
Personal Commentary.
Some Thoughts On Christmas, 2008. "...Even as Jesus forcibly drove the money-changers from the Temple, the spiritual and religious center of life in His time, it is not sad for us at all the end result of this blind, senseless consumerism and materialism, by default, in the wake of the death of Damour, has the potential to divorce consumerism from the unique celebration of Christmas. This is long overdue and may we encourage it...."
Personal Commentary.
The Anaheim Harvest Crusades - 2006. "...Yet, "How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Rom 10:14) Our mandate is still to "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mrk 16:15) ... Across this troubled world, which part of the body of Christ, His Spirit-filled Church, has the singular and technologically unique ability to impact the world today? Who has the global reach through the alternative media and the Internet? American Evangelical Christianity does! The Lord is no where near done with the Church in America yet!"
Personal Commentary.
A Response To 'A Common Word' "Since the people involved with A Common Word see fit to relentlessly ping my server logs to their web site, I offer these many excellent rebuttals to this decidedly un-Biblical document. We need to preach the uncompromising Gospel to the lost Muslim world, not "dialogue" as the term has come to be understood. Jesus and Paul didn't "dialogue" with people. They preached the Gospel and called all to repent and believe the Gospel."
Personal Commentary.
Iran, Lebanon, Russia, and India - It Is About Power and Oil!...The asymmetric War being waged is occurring simultaneously through terrorism, military action and economic means. The conflicts in the Middle East can not resolved leading to sustainable peace until the U.S. and the West develop a strategy for energy security and self-sufficiency. Implementing a strategy for self-sufficiency will needless to say be expensive and require sacrifice. Continued military action and endless conferences will not resolve the issues. The unacceptable alternate option is to accept totalitarian rule and elimination of our freedom and liberty. [Guest Author David J. Jonsson]
Jon Courson MinistriesPastor Jon Courson of Applegate Fellowship, Oregon delivers the definitive series of our times in advocacy of the Nation of Israel, "The MIDDLE EAST: War and Peace". Listen to the series online, or order the series on tape or CD from his personal website! {Outside Link}
The Warnings Of 'Night'. "...What was amazing were the warnings to the Jews of Europe of the gathering storm, if not to Elie and his family right there in Sighet, Romania."
Personal Commentary.
"The Clash of Ideologies - A Review"Much has been written since the terrorist attacks and events of 9/11 and Islam, most from a secular perspective, but few have been written from a Biblical and spiritual one ... until now.
Personal Commentary - Book Review
"The Federalist - Topical Essays - Homosexual Advocacy in the Church" The shifting paradigm of sexual morality is a source of much controversy in Western culture, and thus, in the Christian Church. Homosexuals, though less than 3% of the population, are at the center of this controversy. The secular rights of consenting adults are in contest with the timeless Judeo-Christian foundation for the family and society. {Outside Link}
EDUCATION: Bushwhacking Johnny "...When cognitive dissonance is employed against an unsuspecting person or worse, against a captive audience such as school children -- the short-term objective is to prompt insecure individuals to find company, leading to a group (mob) mentality. This makes it easier to reverse values held by the majority. "Truth" can even be turned against itself ..." [ B.K. Eakman ] {Outside Link}
Why are Christians losing America? Christians have stood on the sidelines during the breathtaking transformation of their once-great Judeo-Christian culture into today's neo-pagan, Sodom-and-Gomorrah-style freak show.{Outside Link}
"TNIV -- The Controversy" Salem the Soldier's Home Page comprehensive site in response to the publication of the Today's New International Version [TNIV]. The Church in America has not been vigilant in policing the world of the translators, in light of the blizzard of Bible translations which have sprung up over the last forty years. It's about time they did.
"The Homosexual Movement: A Response" Homosexual behaviour is a phenomenon with a long history, to which there have been various cultural and moral responses. But today in our public life there is something new, a novum which demands our attention and deserves a careful moral response.{Outside Link}
"Islam: A Critical Review" An in-depth critique and review of the false belief system of Islam, by "Steve Omega." His most damaging critique is the intellectual oppression of Islam, as compared to the inquiry and quest for knowledge mandated by the Lord.
"Nuts!" Biblical response to the fear-mongers among us who would shackle us with their fear laden portents of doom and destruction during the war on terrorism.
Personal Commentary.
"The Truth About Islam" Well, what about it? Are Muslims the spiritual brothers and sisters of Christians and Jews? Do we all worship the same God? Are the Islamic holy scriptures, known as the Koran, inspired by God? Is Islam another path to God by which one can attain eternal life? Are the Islamic fundamentalists representative of true Islam, or are they a terrible aberration of an otherwise peace-loving religion? Is our war really a political one against international terrorists, or is it a spiritual battle against a demonic, intolerant, militant, and imperialistic religion known as Islam? {Outside Link}
"My Letter To The IBS And Zondervan Re: The Today's New International Version" "...The premise for the production of this particular version and the reasonings why we even need it at this time, in light of the current culture wars, taints this from the start. The influence of the cultural Marxists, Post-modernist thinking, militant feminism, and the proponents of the “new orthodoxy,” is evident throughout the debate; the simple fact that we are even having this debate over “gender” and gender neutral terms in Biblical text...."
Personal Commentary.
"The Emergence of the Modern Spiritual Warrior " Quote: "There are male Christians today who have no stomach for the fight. They have not prepared for it and do not prepare for it. Too many other things compete for their attention and allegiance. Those things are important. Being a spiritual warrior seems to be an option, but it isn't. All Christian men are called to be warriors. Henry is enough of a realist to know that there will be “scars” from the battle, but they will be badges of honor to the band of brothers." {Outside Link}
"Uprooting Terrorism" What is the foundational cause for the terrorist attacks against America?
"Trodden Under The Feet Of Men" As apathy and fatalism continues to drive Social Conservatives from the California political arena, and the timid and intimidated ignore the Second Amendment debate, more and more we will hear stories of innocent and politically oblivious people and families being burned. I feel the Sherbune Family Story is just such an example. So who is next?
Personal Commentary.
"Religious Neutralism" Some Christians see the decay of the world as predestined and inevitable, so they withdraw from society. Such a retreat, however, only contributes to the growth of evil. {Outside Link}
"The Armor of God" God's armor brings victory because it is far more than a protective covering. It is the very life of Jesus Christ Himself... .(Kjos Ministries) {Outside Link}
"Conforming the Church to the New Millennium" Year 2000 has arrived, ushering in the United Nations' "International Year of the Culture of Peace."... Christian evangelism doesn't fit this utopian vision. It offends people of other faiths. It threatens the religious leaders who have built their platform on humanitarian ideals rather than the Bible. And it clashes with the international standards for tolerance and mental health. (Kjos Ministries){Outside Link}
"Kjos Ministries" Long ago, one of God's faithful servants saw the crossroad ahead and showed us the only safe way through an immoral world. Joshua encouraged God's people to follow truth, avoid compromise, and shun their neighbors' earth-centered spirituality. His words clash with today's demand for unity, consensus and global values.... {Outside Link}
"The Despatch Website From Australia." Outstanding resources concerning current events and end-time things. Numerous other commentaries, all from "down under." {Outside Link}
"Despatch ~ Spiritual Warfare." Very insightful commentary on spiritual conflict and how the Christian is to overcome. Good commentary. {Outside Link}
"Lamb and Lion Ministries" A great online ministry resource contending with pretty much everything imaginable. Great ministry to have access to! {Outside Link}
The Spiritual Environment of the Last Days" From Lamb and Lion Ministries, one of the most balanced Biblical studies I have ever read, concerning the "last days," and how we are to respond to it. Outstanding and profitable resource.{Outside Link}
"Welcome to Cyber-Church.com" A helpful online resource for Pastors and Teachers to research material for further distribution. I had one commentary published here. {Outside Link}
"VALOR" is "This Month's Message" on the Cyber Church website, authored by the host of Salem the Soldier's Homepage! Commentary of David's "Mighty Men of Valor" who helped him attain the throne of Israel.
Personal Commentary. {Outside Link}
"BreakPointA Christian Perspective on the News" Chuck Colson's BreakPoint website with commentary on current events. {Outside Link}
Stand to Reason (Christian Apologetics Organization)"Outstanding resource for Christian apologetics touching on every subject imaginable. {Outside Link}
"The Lions Are Back" The torture and murder of Christians worldwide. The twentieth century will go down in history, not merely as the bloodiest and most genocidal of all centuries, but also as the century in which Western Civilization suffered its greatest setbacks since the rise of Islam in the seventh century.... {Outside Link}>
"Diplomacy, Tact, And Christian 'Civility'" The Christian is described as an "Ambassador" of Jesus Christ and The Kingdom of Heaven. Let's take a moment to see how that term requires we present ourselves to the community at large.
Personal Commentary.
"Raiders News Update" Hosted by writer Thomas Horn. He takes a decidedly historical view to the concept and truth of spiritual warfare. Interesting site for further research into a spiritual warfare world view. {Outside Link}
"Apologetics Index" Apologetics research resources on Christianity, cults, sects, and various spiritual movements in America. Extensive and excellent research site. Good resource! {Outside Link}
"JESUS IS LORD HOMEPAGE" Hosted by my friend, Bill Carrigan. Dispensationalist theology and a vast amount of resources dealing with the nuts and bolts of Christianity. Although we may not agree on the role of Christians in government, Bill isn't afraid to address the tough issues of our times. Thus, his link here in the archives. A good resource! {Outside Link}
"WAR ON THE SAINTS" With this command, Jesus tells Satan that his place will be to follow after Jesus, not in front of Him or along side of Him. Top shelf spiritual warfare commentary by Bill Carrigan. {Outside Link}
"War On The Saints ~ World Wide Web Edition." The online edition of "War On The Saints" provided by Bill Carrigan, host of the "Jesus Is Lord Homepage." This is the premier manuscript of our times dealing with the spiritual deception of the adversary, Satan. Ever wonder how Christians get deceived into joining these Christian philosophy based cults and apocalyptic groups? This book shows you how! Contents {Outside Link}
"Cults" What is a cult, and how is it different from a religious group? Rich McGee will seek to answer this and discuss what the cults believe and what it is that motivates people to enter these groups. A very good commentary on what constitutes a cult.{Outside Link}
"The Christian Attitude Toward Non-Christian Religions" This is a good article addressing what should be the Christian's attitude towards faiths different from their own. A good response towards "religious pluralism" in America. {Outside Link}
"The Dangers of the Eschatological Gospel" Are we bringing people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ because it is the Truth? Or because of the sensationalism of the so called "end times"? {Outside Link}
"Will It Be The Rapture? Or Judgment?" Many dismiss the Rapture as "escapist theology" and "easy believism." Most of these people don't understand God's protocols; how He does things and why.
Personal Commentary.
Fox's Book Of Martyrs ~ Online. This is a valuable online resource to research the martyrs of the early Church. Good resource! {Outside Link}
"The Premise Of Spiritual Warfare." In the interests of promoting effective spiritual warfare on this site, I was given this article on the CE-4 Research Group site. It pertains to all these "UFO" sightings, is written by insiders from this particular field, and goes in depth to research, investigate, and to reveal the deception behind it. This article is a must for the serious student of spiritual warfare. What an invaluable resource! {Outside Link}
Violence in America ~ A Look Behind The Scenes. What exactly is behind it? A lot of it can be traced to a breakdown in the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit, present in the Church, in the spiritual realm.
Personal Commentary.
So what's it going to be? Fear? Or do we fear NOT!? Facing one of the most virulent foes in these stormy and troublesome times.
Personal Commentary.
Harvest Christian Fellowship ~ Riverside. I have gone to church here for over twenty-nine years.{Outside Link}
"It's The "End Times!" ~ So Let's All Give Up!" Right? Wrong! The danger of a futurist view of Bible prophecy is fatalism, cynicism, and a defeatist attitude. Yet no where in the canon of scripture is the Church directed to stand down from her aggressive outreach to the world in her unending bid to change the world for good.
Personal Commentary.
"Biblical Apologetics and Discernment Ministries ~ TO THE EXTREME!!!" Have you ever run into one of these so called "ministries" that feels called to criticize and condemn absolutely everybody and everything? I have!
Personal Commentary.
"Spiritual Warfare - SOC" The way of a Special Operations Capable fighter when in the field. Special commentary by R.D. Conner, expert in spiritual warfare matters.
Personal Commentary.
Check out another writer's views concerning spiritual warfare and Christian "militancy" ... (Outside Link)
"The Work" Have you heard about this "Work" of God that is happening here and there in America? "Revival"?
Personal Commentary.
"Tactics" Hey, Christian. Let's discuss tactics concerning impacting the spiritual realm in America and the world.
Personal Commentary.
"Homosexuality Fact and Fiction" If homosexuality is neither a normal nor a healthy lifestyle as I believe this article demonstrates then the most loving thing we can do is to help homosexuals realize this and offer them our help and encouragement. But millions of people in our society believe that homosexuality is a healthy and acceptable alternative lifestyle. This debate over the acceptance of homosexuality in our culture is one that has been clouded with many misrepresentations and inaccuracies. (Christian Research Institute) {Outside Link}
"That Which Is Unnatural" The gay rights movement does not just want the right to privacy and to be left alone. Attempting to promote their cause as a civil rights instead of as a moral issue, they want special legal protection for, and cultural acceptance of, their lifestyle. Even many Christian churches have condoned or are sympathetic to homosexuality, ignoring the Bible's teachings concerning our sexuality. (Christian Research Institute) {Outside Link}
"Searching for Truth in Lifestyles: Homosexuality and Christian Morality" Contending that compassion for individuals should accompany a firm moral stance, Dr. Thomas Schmidt builds a case against homosexual practice. {Outside Link}
"Islam Review" While the teachings of Islam shown in this site are practiced by many Muslims, we realize that there are other Muslims who may have different interpretations, and thus do not follow these teachings to the letter. {Outside Link}
"CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS & RESEARCH MINISTRY." CARM is a Christian internet ministry that seeks to teach sound Christian principles and refute error. To do that, many subjects are covered: Christian Doctrine, The Bible, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement, Evolution, Roman Catholicism, and much more. {Outside Link}
The summary of the spiritual warfare story, "Salem the Soldier and Heaven's Army Special Forces in Setting the Captives Free." It is a modern day tale of spiritual warfare, set within the unseen spiritual realm.
This is the prologue to the story, "Setting the Captives Free."
This is how I went about self-publishing the story, "Setting the Captives Free." There ARE ways around the mainstream press!
These are some Author's Choices on books I have read over the years, that you might find interesting.
Salem's Online Art Gallery. Some selected murals and pictures from the story, "Salem the Soldier and Heaven's Army Special Forces in Setting the Captives Free." Stop by and take a look!
To read some of the background concerning Salem and the story of the Special Forces, click on the 'S'
"Christians & Conspiracy Theories: A Call to Repentance." One of the major blunders of the Church in America these past thirty years has been the preoccupation with "conspiracies" in their worldview and who is behind them, instead of their primary calling, to do battle with the enemy through the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lord's Sovereignty over all things. Good article! {Outside Link}
"The Logic Loop" What is the latest FALLACY IN THE NEWS? (Objective, critical, analytical thinking). {Outside Link}
"Logic comes in Two Flavors" We often suppose that the other guy's thinking is flawed, without even considering whether the real problem is actually with our own thinking.... (Objective, critical, analytical thinking). {Outside Link}
"A HANDBOOK OF LOGICAL FALLACIES" The tactics of effective and truthful debate. A "must have" resource for the serious writer and theologian. (Objective, critical, analytical thinking).{Outside Link}
"The Logical Fallacies: Table of Contents" Another invaluable resource for the qualified writer and theologian. (Objective, critical, analytical thinking). {Outside Link}
"Apologetics IndexPost Modernism" Apologetics Index research resources on Christianity and Post Modernism. Good research site for Post Modernist thought and it's influence on Christian culture in America. {Outside Link}
The Non-profit organization, "Gamla shall not fall again" was established in December 1995 with the goal to explain and organize activity stressing the dire importance of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights to the security of the State of Israel.{Outside Link}
Temple Mount & Land of Israel Faithful Movement website. Futurist, Dispensationalist interpretation of Bible prophecy and eschatological things says that the Third Jewish Temple will need to be rebuilt before the Tribulation of Revelation can transpire. Well, check this out!{Outside Link}
ISRAEL NEWS Around the Clock With IsraelWire.com from Virtual Communities. Keep directly on top of what is happening in the nation of Israel. Events are changing fast and furiously in the Middle East on a daily basis. {Outside Link}
Salem the Soldiers' Homepage web site dedicated to assisting and preventing child exploitation/endangerment and child porn. The resources, links, and articles will continue to grow from here.
Snyder Talk - Neil Snyder earned a Ph.D. degree in strategic management from the University of Georgia, and he taught leadership and strategy at the University of Virginia for 25 years. He retired from UVA in 2004, and currently he is the Ralph A. Beeton Professor Emeritus at UVA.{Outside Link}
Conservative World of Jon Christian Ryter - Within the pages of this website you will catch a glimpse of events which have just transpired as well as events that are about to happen.{Outside Link}
Global Guerrillas - John Robb - Networked tribes, systems disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures. Forward thinking after the decline of American society and her global deterrence{Outside Link}
Joel Rosenberg's Weblog - Why The Current Rumblings In The Middle East Will Change Your Future.{Outside Link}
Greg Laurie's Blog - Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif.{Outside Link}
THE BEREAN CALL newsletter - Seven years after the release of The Seduction of Christianity in 1985, its authors, Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon began a ministry for the purpose of encouraging spiritual discernment among those who regarded themselves as biblical Christians.{Outside Link}
The Battalion of Deborah - Constant update of news items and ministry resources pertaining to Israel and the Middle East. {Outside Link}
The Arena - Father Josiah of Saint Andrew Orthodox Christian Church of Riverside, Calif. Short daily meditations on a broad range of issues pertaining to the Orthodox Christian faith. {Outside Link}
Trinity Foundation - The fundamental crisis of the twentieth century is neither political, nor social, nor economic. It is intellectual, and the primary intellectual problem is neither metaphysical nor ethical: It is epistemological.{Outside Link}
Michelle Malkin - Mother, wife, blogger, conservative syndicated columnist, author, and Fox News Channel contributor.{Outside Link}
Diana West writes a weekly column that appears in about 130 newspapers. She has written essays for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New Criterion, The Public interest, The Weekly Standard, and The Washington Post Magazine, and her fiction has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly.{Outside Link}
Mark Steyn Online - Syndicated columnist and author of America Alone: The End Of The World As We Know It.{Outside Link}
Author Daniel Pipes is founder and director of the Middle East Forum, a Philadelphia-based research institute. {Outside Link}
Author Caroline Glick, Deputy Managing Editor of The Jerusalem Post. {Outside Link}
Michael Yon - A former Green Beret, native of Winter Haven, Fl. who has been reporting from Iraq and Afghanistan since December 2004. No other reporter has spent as much time with combat troops in these two wars. {Outside Link}
Daniel Gordis - Dr. Daniel Gordis is Senior Vice President of the Shalem Center, where he is also a senior fellow. The author of numerous books on Jewish thought and currents in Israel, Dr. Gordis was the founding dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the University of Judaism, the first rabbinical college on the West Coast of the United States.{Outside Link}
American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans. Contributors are accomplished in fields beyond journalism, and animated to write for the general public out of concern for the complex and morally significant questions on the national agenda. {Outside Link}
John Robb - Author, an entrepreneur, and a former USAF pilot in special operations. Wrote an excellent book called Brave New War, which was published in April 2007 by Wiley.{Outside Link}
Threats Watch - ThreatsWatch.Org was established in 2005 as the means to disseminate information on national security threats in an accessible, interactive and contextually aware form. In 2007 ThreatsWatch.Org became the web-based publication of the Center for Threat Awareness (CTA){Outside Link}
The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) is a non-profit research group founded by Steven Emerson in 1995. It is recognized as the world's most comprehensive data center on radical Islamic terrorist groups.{Outside Link}
THE COUNTERTERRORISM BLOG - Welcome to the Counterterrorism Blog, a unique, multi-expert blog dedicated to providing a one-stop gateway to the counterterrorism community.{Outside Link}
Robert Spencer - Jihad Watch - Because non-Muslims in the West, as well as in India, China, Russia, and the world over, are facing a concerted effort by Islamic jihadists, the motives and goals of whom are largely ignored by the Western media, to destroy their societies and bring them forcibly into the Islamic world -- and to commit violence to that end even while their overall goal remains out of reach. That effort goes under the general rubric of jihad.{Outside Link}
The August Review - The August Review is an exclusive Internet-based publication of World Research Library (WRL), and is edited by the Executive Director of WRL, Patrick M. Wood.{Outside Link}
The Ludwig von Mises Institute - The Ludwig von Mises Institute is the research and educational center of classical liberalism, libertarian political theory, and the Austrian School of economics. Working in the intellectual tradition of Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) and Murray N. Rothbard (1926-1995), the Mises Institute, seeks a radical shift in the intellectual climate as the foundation for a renewal of the free and prosperous commonwealth.{Outside Link}
Pierre Legrand's Pink Flamingo Bar - A Common Man Looks at the War on Islamic Terror. Chasing terrorists down with a smile, they can run but they cannot hide! {Outside Link}
Global Politician is an independent journal of politics and world affairs. The magazine provides a service seldom found any place else. One the one hand, we have exclusive interviews with leading figures and reporting from remote parts of the world that is usually available only in mainstream press. On the other, the Global Politician has straight forward and sometimes politically-incorrect analysis usually seen only in high-level blogs and alternative media.{Outside Link}
The Wall Street Journal - Opinion Journal. {Outside Link}
The Militia: Is It Time To Fight? This is an excellent paper by Franklin Sanders concerning the militias in America. It was written in the late 90's, in the eve of the Clinton administration and I had it linked in various areas on my site but they have all since gone dark. It is an excellent resource. I am grateful I found it. The truths he brings out about rebellion, God, and government are timeless.
A Quantum of ... Ambivalence "In the midst of this, what is proving to be one of the greatest contests in the "War of Ideas," the foundation, character, and future of the United States in the wake of the 2008 elections, one Congressional race this midterm cycle has modeled thus far a fatigue of the body politic hitherto shaken off in other quarters. I refer to the 44th Congressional District, Riverside County, California."
Personal Commentary.
The Moral Compass Of A Nation "...What set us apart from the rest of the world was not just America's affluence. Affluence comes from investing sweat equity in nation-building. What set us apart from the rest of the world was our moral compassour belief in a Supreme God, and the lifestyle associated with right living. The needle in the moral compass of America pointed reverently towards God and to pious consideration of our fellow manregardless of his station in life. We gauged our fellow man not by his financial net worth, but rather, by his moral compass: his integrity and honesty, his trustworthiness and moral cleanliness, and finally, his bravery and loyalty."
The Resignation of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. "...Bravo to letter writer Mr. Parker (Misfit makes wise exit - 07/07 Your Views) for modeling the current brain trust of Progressive liberalism concerning Sarah Palin. This consists largely of third-grader, school yard ad hominem attacks against her and her family, their hypocrisy and intolerance laid bare. Sensible people need to see what this women is facing."
Personal Commentary.
The Domestic Extremism Lexicon "Editor, The Press-Enterprise ... While the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) threat analysis on "right-wing extremism" and slander of military veterans has been in the headlines, a lesser known document entitled "Domestic Extremism Lexicon" was also released, and not surprisingly at this point, also recalled by DHS. The document details terminology, one assumes, law enforcement is to be on the lookout for in incidental contact with "extremists" ...."
Personal Commentary.
"Are You on Uncle Sam's Short List?" With the recent release of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) report titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment", many unsuspecting people suddenly found themselves on Uncle Sam's short list.
Personal Commentary.
"Another Bush Requiem" Well, that didn't end too well. ... What happened? Let's exercise a little long lost objectivity, braving the inevitable accusation of "Bush Hater," and review the more notable highlights of the last eight years.
Personal Commentary.
"The Federalist - Topical Essays - The 2001 USA PATRIOT Act" The present situation, to be certain, does not call for a suspension of civil rights. Thus a moderate swing of the pendulum from personal liberty to security is appropriate given the unique circumstances of the present conflict. Laws granting expanded federal authority for reasons of security can almost invariably be abused, though, and necessitates a brief enumeration of and response to some of the key objections raised by critics of the Patriot Act.{Outside Link}
Ceausescu Persecution of dissidents in America has grown with frightening speed, harshness, and boldness in the last 20 years. Two American character failings make this trend more disturbing: American conformity and rejection of the Ninth Commandment.... {Outside Link}
"Persecution Against Christians in AMERICA?" In light of the recent commentary concerning persecution being leveled against the Church in America, it's imperative to understand exactly "why." The social and political conflict that has been raging these past four decades, and indeed, at a much more fevered pitch since the Clinton administration ascended to power (and now Obama) in the national capital, is a conflict between ideologies. We have the, I believe Satanically engendered (hostile towards Biblical Christianity), ideologies of Liberalism, Socialism, Communism, and Humanism, clashing against the ideas of a Biblical world view, "Conservatism," and capitalism (free markets)the ideas this nation was founded on....
Personal Commentary.
"The Racial Profiling Myth Debunked." New data shows City Journal was rightthere is no credible evidence that racial profiling exists. {Outside Link}
"White Fear" Exclusive Commentary by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, President BOND. {Outside Link}
"McClintock ~ Freedom and Firearms" A Speech to the 2nd Annual Western Conservative Conference in Los Angeles by Tom McClintock, June 9, 2001, by California Senator Tom McClintock.
{Outside Link}"The Second Amendment Police Department" Professional law enforcement has now taken a proactive aggressive stance against the Nazi gun confiscators of our time. Stop by and take a look around, then join the email list! {Outside Link}
"Questioning The Authorities." At what point should the Christian oppose the ideologies and direction of the government. A reconstructed email from mentor and friend, Roger D. Conner, answering one of my own, concerning the condition of the Church in pre-NAZI Germany.
Personal Commentary.
"Nazi Firearms Law and the Disarming of the German Jews." Attorney Stephen Holbrook produces another outstanding commentary on private gun ownership and the historical fact of the genocide that follows "reasonable" gun control measures. {Outside Link ~ .pdf file}
"The Seven Personality Traits Of Gun Controllers" The seven personality traits of gun controllers and confiscators. Look into the diabolical minds of those who would undermine and destroy the Second Amendment.
A July 4TH Special: "A Christian Critique of American Foreign Policy" An outstanding commentary by a Christian statesman concerning the condition of American society and our place in the world. Great article! {Outside Link}
"Christian Conservative Opinion Pages, The (Deke)" From the administrator of the Ring Of Conservative Christian Sites, known only as Deke. Heavy-hitting commentary from someone who doesn't pull any punches! Salem the Soldier's Government Page is in this very same web ring! {Outside Link}
"Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership" A premier Second Amendment gun rights organization which fights for the Constitutional right to own guns. After what they went through in the Holocaust, they should know why! {Outside Link}
The Official John Birch Society Website. It's not so "paranoid" and conspiratorial anymore, seeing it all in the daily papers. {Outside Link}
"The John Birch Society Bulletin: Nationalizing Our Police." An insightful article detailing the encroachment of federal law enforcement on local LE affairs. It also happened here in Riverside County (CA). Again, it was in all the local mainstream papers. {Outside Link}
"Support Your Local Police - Good Cop, Bad Cop." A commentary on the Federal Bureau of Investigation and how they have completely ruined their credibility in the eyes of the nation. What a shame! {Outside Link}
"Support Your Local Police - The Los Angeles Police Department." Numerous articles and commentary on the decline of the LAPD, including an interview with retired Deputy Chief Robert Vernona Christian! {Outside Link}
"Welcome to the Counterculture" It almost appears as if the counterculture of the 60s has become the culture of the 90s, and the culture of the 60s has become the counterculture of the 90s. Today, we see the attitudes and values of the 60s counterculture indeed, even the same people dominating politics, media, and education. In a real sense, they set the agenda of the culture of the 90s. {Outside Link}
"Socialism In America" Socialism in America is alive, well, and growing. Aided by such influential Congressmen as John Conyers, Ranking Member of the House Judicial Committee, David Bonior, the pit-bull-dog who successfully whipped Newt, Maxine Waters, the President's outspoken defender in the impeachment debates, and nearly 60 other Representatives, socialism is advancing in America behind the "Progressive" label. Socialism is contrary to everything America was founded on. {Outside Link}
"Media Intensifies Attack Against Gun Industry" By Jon Christian Ryter. Another outstanding commentary by Mr. Ryter as he rats out the bias of the Liberal controlled media concerning firearms.
"Illegal Use Of The Military In A Law Enforcement Setting" By Jon Christian Ryter. I usually don't post articles or commentary on this site by outside writers, but Mr. Ryter's article on the Posse Comitatus Act and current trends in law enforcement is extremely relevant to the publication of "Project Megiddo" by the FBI.
"'Project Megiddo' by the FBI" Well, this was a real weird thing to read. You might get the feeling the FBI doesn't like anybody who is a Christian or who espouses Conservative beliefs. This should on the desk of every Pastor in America today. A revealing insight into the current mindset of the Federal Bureau of Investigation concerning the Church in America today. Yikes!
Personal Commentary.
"Apologetics Index - FBI report: Project Megiddo" Heavily linked document and research commentary by The Apologetics Index concerning the "Megiddo Project" recently published by the FBI. Many good links pertaining to the document. Good resource! {Outside Link}
"The New American Magazine" The New American magazine has been labeled as "extremist" by the radical Liberal Left. Thus their link here, with numerous links to their writers' articles throughout this site. {Outside Link}
"The New American - Issues In Focus - Attack on Conservatives" Article archives listing attacks on the Conservative community throughout the spectrum of American political and social life. Great insights and truths!{Outside Link}
"The New American - Mark Them as 'Extremists'" Interesting insights into how the law enforcement community at large, under the influence of Leftist "watchdog" groups, target Conservatives who question the actions of the U.S. government. {Outside Link}
"The New American - Criminalizing Dissent" - (Megiddo Project) A commentary on the published report by the FBI called "Project Megiddo" and its unbalanced bias against the whole of the Conservative community. {Outside Link}
"Propagandizing the Police" ~ The New American. Leftist "watchdogs" posing as experts on extremism are advising police agencies in "preemptive" law enforcement. The resulting dragnet will increasingly target law-abiding gun owners, pro-lifers, homeschoolers, and other foes of the total state. {Outside Link}
"Ether Zone 'America's Conservative News Magazine'" Conservative news magazine with Norm Liebmann as a featured writer. {Outside Link}
"Animal Owners United." The Members Of Animal Owners United believe in animal welfare (The proper and humane treatment of all animals), but they oppose the extremes of the Animal Rights Movement. Hosted By Truman! {Outside Link}
"Hostile Takeover ~ Big Money's assault on democracy is even worse than you think." Politics today has become an arms race, with money instead of missiles. The 1996 federal elections were the most expensive in historycosting approximately $2.2 billionand that could be doubled by the year 2000. In an arms race the side with the most missiles wins. In politics the more money you have, the better your chance of election. One side escalates, and the other follows suit. Faster and faster, the spiral has been growing. Today this arms race is undermining our system of self-government.{Outside Link}
"Pro-Life Rhetoric and Tactics: A Critical Reassessment" Apart from a revival of Christian faith, there will be no change in the abortion scene in America . . . Apart from a revival of religious faith and of religious discipline, there cannot be a change in society and there cannot be a change in law. {Outside Link}
"I Pray Not." A commentary by Gary Moore, comparing the modern day abortion movement's rhetoric with the justification of race based slavery in the early years of our country.
"The Abortion Wars" The "Army of God" and ChristianGallery.com. A tactical critique of their operations.
Personal Commentary.
"Liberal Thinking". Liberalism wins because of its essentially satanic glamour, which appeals to and propagates all that is weak, broken and ugly in mankind....
An email that came in from Chuck Baldwin. I have called it "Liberalism In A Nutshell." This is a simple and concise commentary on why it's so bad.
FATAL BLINDNESS ~ America's Decades of Declining Freedom and The Rise of its Dictators. An important, forthcoming book. An impassioned defense of your right to life and liberty. A warning no American can afford to ignore. By FULTON HUXTABLE {Outside Link}
"Statesmanship And Its Betrayal" By Mark Helprin ~ Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute. This is a scholarly and insightful article showing how we must demand that our elected officials rise above the short-term and selfish concerns of politicians to become true statesmen with vision and courage. I strongly recommend you read this article to grasp the difference between what the two terms mean. (To read this article you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be acquired at this site.){Outside Link}
"The 60's and the Decline of the Christian West" A pretty accurate portrayal and commentary of what happened during the social turmoil of the 1960's and afterward! {Outside Link}
"A Debate Between The Warriors." The text of an online debate I was witness to between an American Patriot and a Christian Statesman.
Personal Commentary.
So you think a "One World Religion" is silly and unrealistic? Then read this extensive and detailed article and think again. {Outside Link}
Writing your governmental representatives. This is a form letter to see how you do it. It is imperative you keep in contact with them.
Personal Commentary.
Landing page for my ongoing commentary on Christians and the Second Amendment
Personal Commentary.
Why do I support the National Rifle Association? (NRA) I drove through the area of the Los Angeles riots when they were happening, that's why. Gun control is an absolute delusion!
Personal Commentary.
"Gun Owners, Let's Get Serious!" If you are a gun owner, let's get serious about our conduct in the face of the gun control fiasco. A lot of what is happening can be traced right back to us. [SPECIAL]This article was reprinted in the California Rifle and Pistol Association's magazine, "The Firing Line."
Personal Commentary.
Free Republic. The premier Conservative Internet talk forum.{Outside Link}
"Citizen Soldier." Paul Tetreault's comprehensive Conservative site, relating to military and Constitutional issues as they relate to Islam. To see what is going on behind the scenes in Washington, check here first.{Outside Link - archived}
Salem the Soldier's Quotable Quotes Page. Some quotes from some great Americans! (And a few foreigners).
"Ten-Four Ministries" Providing Practical and Spiritual Support to the Law Enforcement Community {Outside Link}
"BLOG - Take Up The Shield" The online weblog of Chaplain Tony Miano, director of Ten-Four Ministries in Santa Clarita, California. {Outside Link}
"Take Up The Shield"A Review From time to time, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department (LASD) Chaplain Tony Miano tells the famously funny "dog bite" story friends and supporters of 10-4 Ministries are familiar with. It is one of a few in this Deputy's life that reveals the heart of this down to earth and amicable Police Chaplain as he traverses the hazardous road of a Christian in law enforcement....
Personal Commentary.
"The Racial Profiling Myth Debunked" The Racial Profiling Myth Debunked. New data shows City Journal was rightthere's no credible evidence that racial profiling exists. [Law Enforcement]{Outside Link}
"Interview With The Bogeyman" The former Chaplain of the Second Amendment PD and Attorney Jess B. Guy (BATF Ret.) sit down for a heart to heart on gun ownership, the Second Amendment and U.S. Constitution, and all things law enforcement.
"The Face Of The Enemy" A compelling look into the predatory criminal mind. The writer leans a little to far towards secular humanism/liberalism in his argument for how a person becomes a criminal, but the underlying message is clear. {Outside Link}
"Ride Along" "...Deputy Perry hits the switch for our own lights, then digs the spurs in. We roar down the street and in seconds are on Gibson's six. The two RSO units pull in tandem onto the dirt shoulder behind the yielding gray mini-truck...."
Personal Commentary.
"The Guardian" Who protects the protectors? God does, along with many more unseen individuals who, in these politically tumultuous times, stand in defense of the men and women of professional law enforcement.
Personal Commentary.
"The Code Of The Warrior" Come spend some time in the presence of a few great men, and discuss the future of professional law enforcement with some bonafide veteransmembers of the Old Guard....
Personal Commentary.
"A Biblical Response To Gun Control" The text of a gun ownership/control debate that took place on the email list of a very well respected Conservative/Christian law enforcement organization. An overseas officer challenges the American Christian LE and civilian community on the Second Amendment!
"Jesus, Paul, And The 'Feds'" Some personal observations concerning how the early Church Founders operated while dealing with the Imperial Roman authorities, and the comparisons to our own times.
Personal Commentary.
"Cops, Christians, And The 'Badge'" The obvious parallels between the authority of Spirit-filled Christians in the spiritual realm and the sworn Police officer in the temporal realmand the duties of both.
Personal Commentary.
"Police Accountability, 'Civilian Review Boards,' And Metaphors For The Church." Is a secular organization qualified to police or deal with Christian philosophy based fringe groups and cults? Or is this an area exclusively the responsibility of the Church itself; an area the leadership of the Church has sometimes been lacking in? Let's draw some parallels off of a recent "civilian review boards" document crafted by a very qualified Christian Police Officer.
Personal Commentary.
"Hate Groups, 'Racism', and The Riverside PD." Is there a problem with "racism" in professional law enforcement? Or is it a much wider social problem, inherent to the fallen heart of man, that only the Church and the Bible has the ability and resources to handle? And will our continued neglect to eloquently address the issue as Christians, due to timidness and abhorrence, be to our own undoing?
Personal Commentary.
"Peace Officer Prayer Partners" Christian prayer partners from the United States and other countries are joining in a spirit of PRAYER and CONCERN toward those who LAY THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE day and night in an effort to keep communities safer and more peaceful.
Salem the Soldier's COPS page, dedicated to all Christian men and women in professional Law Enforcement everywhere.
Personal Commentary.
"God Bless The Cops." A personal account of a Police action I was directly involved in.
Personal Commentary.
The Alley ~ A piece dedicated to the men and women of the Corona PD Zone 01 night crew. I was a witness to the whole thing.
Personal Commentary.
"The Bean Field." As a Christian in professional Law Enforcement, sometimes it gets extremely hard to survive spiritually. Yet a warrior's heart will prevail in the most extreme circumstances.
Personal Commentary.
Police Officers For Christ International.
Shield of Faith Ministry ~ Harvest Christian Fellowship. A ministry dedicated to the men and women of professional Law Enforcement and Fire/Rescue, to help them in that which God has called them to do.
A Little Cop Humor....
Santa Ana Police Officers For Christ. The vision of Santa Ana Police Officers for Christ is to reach all our fellow employees and their families, as well as the citizens in our community, with the "Good News" about the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The Truth About Cops ~ The true perspective of what it's like to be a cop.
The John Hendriks Company is now Omaha Promos! Law enforcement family affiliated business dealing in promotional and specialty items of all sorts. If your business of ministry might need these types of materials, please consider supporting this law enforcement family.
How to come into a personal relationship with the living God.
If you are curious, this is what I believe concerning the Bible and spiritual things.
Salem the Soldier's Official Web Site Awards Page! Just started the collection....
Salem's Guest book! Stop by and sign it before you leave!
The Readers' Write ~ Various Letters Through The Months....