Salem's Book Information

Salem the Soldier from Setting the Captives Free

Some more relevant information concerning Salem the Soldier and the literary work "Setting the Captives Free."

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Salem's Book Information

Author's Choice PageThese are some of the books I have read over the years that I have found very beneficial in my study of American history, the nation's current social and political challenges, and the nation's place in the world. Click on the icon to access the page!

Summary To read a debriefing on the background of the creation of the Christian spiritual warfare story, "Salem the Soldier in Setting The Captives Free," just click on the 'S'.

Summary To read a summary of the Christian spiritual warfare story, "Salem the Soldier in Setting The Captives Free," just click on the 'S'.

Prologue To read the Prologue to the story, "Setting the Captives Free," just click on the 'S'

Another Way....If you are a new writer, this is how I did it. There are ways around the "mainstream." No matter what, you just have to keep at it.

Statement of FaithIf you are curious, this is what I believe concerning the Bible and spiritual things. Yeah, Click on the 'S'

The Awards Page!Hey! I won an award! Click here to Salem's Web Site Awards Page!

A Fancy Line

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Salem's Book Information

Salem the Soldier in "Setting the Captives Free" © 1998/2010
Michael A. Baker ~ All Rights Reserved