The Bookstore
This is my personal book review (and now movie) suggestion page. I don't really
have it organized into a clear format as of yet, but there's a little political,
and a few dealing with American military history and, most important these days, Islamic terrorism. Some are pretty controversial. Take a look at a few of these titles, and
click on the "buy" graphic to go to that items information page on the
website. If you don't see something you were looking for, just write
me. I will be glad to help! Or go straight to the
website where a percentage of all your purchases from this site will
go to maintaining this online ministry. Thanks for your support and
stop by from time to time for new things!
To the Home Page.
The Marketing of Evil: How Radicals, Elitists, and
Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom ~
Author: David Kupelian
Americans have come to tolerate, embrace and even champion many things that would have horrified their parents' generation—from easy divorce and unrestricted abortion-on-demand to extreme body piercing and teaching homosexuality to grade-schoolers. Does that mean today's Americans are inherently more morally confused and depraved than previous generations? Of course not, says veteran journalist David Kupelian. But they have fallen victim to some of the most stunningly brilliant and compelling marketing campaigns in modern history.
The Marketing of Evil reveals how much of what Americans once almost universally abhorred has been packaged, perfumed, gift-wrapped and sold to them as though it had great value. Highly skilled marketers, playing on our deeply felt national values of fairness, generosity and tolerance, have persuaded us to embrace as enlightened and noble that which all previous generations since America's founding regarded as grossly self-destructive—in a word, evil....
Middle East Rules of Thumb: Understanding
the complexities of the Middle East ~
Author: DR. Steven Carol
Middle East Rules of Thumb is of interest to anyone that seeks a better understanding of the complexities of the Middle East-its history, politics, diplomacy, and culture. Through the 50 rules and their appendices, Professor Steven Carol offers a realistic historical perspective on this important region. As has been constantly pointed out by such media monitors as Honest Reporting, Palestine Media Watch, and CAMERA, Middle East issues can often become muddled and confusing, particularly since the mainstream media often commits sins of biased omission-leaving out important information that can help the public comprehend the entire picture....
Brave New War: The Next Stage
of Terrorism and the End of Globalization ~
Author: John Robb
The counter-terrorism expert John Robb reveals how the same technology that has enabled globalization also allows terrorists and criminals to join forces against larger adversaries with relative ease and to carry out small, inexpensive actions—like sabotaging an oil pipeline—that generate a huge return. He shows how combating the shutdown of the world's oil, high-tech, and financial markets could cost us the thing we've come to value the most—worldwide economic and cultural integration—and what we must do now to safeguard against this new method of warfare.
The Obama Nation: Leftist
Politics and the Cult of Personality ~
Author: Jerome R Corsi
In this thoroughly researched and documented book, the #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry explains why the extreme leftism of an Obama presidency would leave the United States weakened, diminished and divided, why Obama must be defeated—and how he can be.
America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It ~
Author: Mark Steyn
In this, his first major book, Mark Steyn--probably the most widely read, and wittiest, columnist in the English-speaking world--takes on the great poison of the twenty-first century: the anti-Americanism that fuels both Old Europe and radical Islam. America, Steyn argues, will have to stand alone. The world will be divided between America and the rest; and for our sake America had better win.
It’s the end of the world as we know it…
Someday soon, you might wake up to the call to prayer from a muezzin. Europeans already are. ... And liberals will still tell you that "diversity is our strength"—while Talibanic enforcers cruise Greenwich Village burning books and barber shops, the Supreme Court decides sharia law doesn’t violate the "separation of church and state," and the Hollywood Left decides to give up on gay rights in favor of the much safer charms of polygamy.
The Truth About Muhammad:
Founder of the World's Most Intolerant Religion ~
Author: Robert Spencer
In this startling new book, New York Times bestselling author Robert Spencer, provides a warts-and-all portrait of the Prophet of Islam and draws out what his life implies for reforming Islam and repulsing Islamic terrorists. Spencer relies solely on primary sources considered reliable by Muslims and evaluates modern biographies to show how Muhammad has been changed for Western audiences, lulling them into consoling but false conclusions.
In The Truth about Muhammad, New York Times bestselling author and Islam expert Robert Spencer offers an honest and telling portrait of the founder of Islam-perhaps the first such portrait in half a century-unbounded by fear and political correctness, unflinching, and willing to face the hard facts about Muhammad's life that continue to affect our world today.
Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad:
The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist/Marxist - Islamist Alliance ~
Author: David J. Jonsson
The history and Islamist strategy for achieving world domination without terrorism through gradual Islamization of the West by controlling currency, oil resources, free trade zones, transportation, media and financial markets.
Author David J. Jonsson's contemporary analysis is hosted at Salem The Soldier's Homepage, America At War, under David J. Jonsson.
Godless: The Church of Liberalism ~
Author: Ann Coulter
If a martian landed in America and set out to determine the nation's official state religion, he would have to conclude it is liberalism, while Christianity and Judaism are prohibited by law.
Many Americans are outraged by liberal hostility to traditional religion. But as Ann Coulter reveals in this, her most explosive book yet, to focus solely on the Left's attacks on our Judeo-Christian tradition is to miss a larger point: liberalism is a religion—a godless one.
And it is now entrenched as the state religion of this county.
The Clash of Ideologies ~
Author: David Jonsson
Much has been written since the terrorist attacks and events of 9/11 and Islam, most from a secular perspective, but few have been written from a Biblical and spiritual one—until now.
"...And so it is today, in the name of wealth, churches are accepting all religions as equal. It was then as it is today expensive to be a believing Christian."
Thus, author David Jonsson pilots a journey with the reader through the early years of the dawn of Christianity and a detailed history of the Seven Churches of Asia Minor listed in the book of Revelation—and the Holy Spirit crafts the definitive work of our times. Although the author is certainly addressing the global Christian Church, and especially the persecuted Church in the world, his detailed and compelling study of the churches of Asia Minor in the first century eerily reflects where the Church in America is today as she deals with the multi-faceted war on terror, as well as builds a bridge to an era too many contemporary Christians are detached from.... [Read More]
Take Up The Shield ~
Author: Chaplain Tony Miano
My full review of this excellent resource is posted HERE on my COPS site. Whether you are a Police officer or Deputy, or a private citizen, this is an great resource to put into the hands of anyone you know who is going through hard times, or wants to know more about the lives of Christians in law enforcement!
My full review of Take Up The Shield is also posted at the website.
Islam Unveiled ~
Author: Robert Spencer
Spencer proclaims that Islam is not the religion of peace that many claim it to be. Opinions on his conclusions differ (to put it mildly), but it's difficult to argue with Robert Spencer's method of inquiry: It's lawyerly, in the best sense of that term. ... In "Islam Unveiled," Robert Spencer dares to face the hard questions about what the Islamic religion actually teaches--and the potentially ominous implications of those teachings for the future of both the Muslim world and the West.
Going beyond the shallow distinction between a "true" peaceful Islam and the "hijacked" Islam of terrorist groups, Spencer probes the Koran and Islamic traditions (as well as the history and present-day situation of the Muslim world) as part of his inquiry into why the world's fastest growing faith tends to arouse fanaticism.
Night ~
Author: Elie Wiesel
I first heard of "Night" when an Evangelical Pastor mentioned it in a lesson concerning the Middle East and Islamic terrorism directed against the Jews and the Nation of Israel. I've spent much time on Holacaust sites and research, but this account brings forth the personal details of the horror. I recommend it because it belies the brutal hatred for the Jews which still beats in the heart of the European Union, as well as the heart of the Islamic world.
This also begs the question: Why are we—or rather, the Nation of Israel—even thinking about compromising with this terrorism today?!
Onward Muslim Soldiers ~
Author: Robert Spencer
Brilliantly argued and meticulously documented,... contains a devastating exposé of the murderous deceit behind contemporary apologists for militant Islam. ~ Steve Emerson.
Islam claims to be a religion of peace and tolerance, yet the fact remains that jihad, or Islamic holy war, is growing faster than ever. In his new book, Onward Muslim Soldiers, Robert Spencer reveals exactly why this is the case. He shows how jihad warriors have penetrated and established themselves in the American homeland and how they are quickly gaining a hold in Europe, spreading values of hatred, violence, and intolerance as they go. Spencer, a student of Islam for over twenty years, gives a unique perspective on the fundamental bases and truths of Islam, focusing on facts that the media often disregards or denies....
Militant Islam Reaches America ~
Author: Professor Daniel Pipes
One of the most far-reaching examinations of militant Islam written to date.
Long before September 11, Daniel Pipes publicly warned Americans that militant Islam had gone to war against America. Drawing on his thirty years of intensive research on Islam, he shows the vital distinction between the faith of Islam and the ideology of militant Islam. Among his findings: militant Islam has much in common with fascism and communism; about one in every eight Muslims worldwide supports militant Islam; 70,000 Al-Qaeda accomplices remain at large in over fifty countries; Michael Jackson and Madonna are, in the eyes of militant Islam, "cultural terrorists" who should be brought to trial; militant Islamic groups have raised $1.3 million for the defense of indicted murder suspect Jamil Al-Amin (formerly H. Rap Brown). Militant Islam Reaches America is one of the important and readable books about the grave issues that now confront America.
I have read Daniel Pipes extensivelly since the 9/11 attacks. For a secular source, he is a brave and reliable source!
American Jihad ~
Author: Steve Emerson
Some have said that the events of September 11 took every American by surprise. That's not true. There were Cassandras among us warning about the dangers of Islamic terrorism--and one of their leaders was Steven Emerson, who must be ranked among the most fearless reporters in the world. As a self-made expert on Islamic terrorism, he has invited the hatred of violent murderers. (At least one group has marked him for assassination; he was offered enrollment in the federal witness protection program, but refused). For more than 10 years, Emerson has soldiered on, studying groups that operate in the United States for the express purpose of funding and managing deadly organizations. American Jihad summarizes what he has learned, and it isn't comforting. Emerson shows how the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas has grown an extensive network in the United States, how the group Islamic Jihad set up shop at the University of South Florida, and how an Islamic center in Tucson helped recruit two of Osama bin Laden's top deputies. He also provides circumstantial evidence that bin Laden himself once applied for an American visa--"even the possibility is tantalizing, and chilling," he concludes. He urges Americans to fight back, but worries that time is short: "We are still vulnerable." This is an important book, and a sobering one. --John Miller
Reading this book will also give the reader insights into why the government passed the Patriot Act, as well as other "anti-terrorist" legislation that is so controversial with Civil Liberties organizations.
Jihad In America: The Video
VHS ~ Steve Emerson
This video is no longer
available free on many of the Internet sites which were hosting it. It
can be purchased through at a relativly competitive
Lord of War ~
VHS ~ Starring: Nicholas Cage
I found this movie insightful, although there has been excellent commentary decrying the propaganda aspects of the film. Nonetheless, this is still a rare insight into the international gun trade, and gives insight into how many of the insurgent war America is fighting are armed. I always wondered how the "Palistinian" terrorists, always crying about how they are oppressed by the Israelis and they are starving and going broke, still seem to have enough guns and grenade launchers laying around.
The Patriot ~
VHS ~ Starring: Mel Gibson, et al.
A former hero of the French
and Indian War, widowed with seven children, refuses to fight in the Continental
Army in 1776; he's seen the horror of war first-hand, and wants to protect
his family. But after his eldest son enlists, fate and circumstance force
him into the fray. Gibson gives a charismatic performance in this entertaining,
old-fashioned period saga, exquisitely filmed (by Caleb Deschanel) in South
Gladiator ~
Starring: Russel Crowe, et al.
Impressive tale from the
days of the Roman Empire, with Crowe as a dedicated soldier who refuses to
transfer his loyalty to the new emperor, Commodus (Phoenix) and suffers the
consequences, winding up a gladiator in the Roman Colosseum. Crowe is so
good-and his character so compelling-that one is willing to forgive story
lulls; the spectacle is grand. The opening battle scene is classic Roman
Army tactics and equipment.
Pearl Harbor ~
Starring: Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale, et
To call Pearl Harbor a throwback to old-time war movies is something of an understatement. Director Michael Bay's epic take on the bombing that brought the United States into World War II hijacks every war movie situation and cliché (some affectionate, some stale) you've ever seen and gives them a shiny, glossy spin until the whole movie practically gleams. Planes glisten, water sparkles, trees beckon--and Bay's re-creation of the bombing itself, a 30-minute sequence that's tightly choreographed and amazingly photographed, sets the action movie bar up quite a few notches. And in updating the classic war film, Bay and screenwriter Randall Wallace (Braveheart) use that old plot standby, the love triangle--this time, it's between two pilots (Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett) and a nurse (Kate Beckinsale) who find themselves stationed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, during what they thought would be a nice, sunny tour of duty. Then, of course, history intervened.
Saving Private Ryan ~
The Movie
Starring: Tom Hanks, et al.
When Steven Spielberg
was an adolescent, his first home movie was a backyard war film. When he
toured Europe with Duel in his 20s, he saw old men crumble in front of headstones
at Omaha Beach. That image became the opening scene of Saving Private Ryan,
his film of a mission following the D-day invasion that many have called
the most realistic--and maybe the best--war film ever. With 1998 production
standards, Spielberg has been able to create a stunning, unparalleled view
of war as hell. We are at Omaha Beach as troops are slaughtered by Germans
yet overcome the almost insurmountable odds. [From a private
This was one of the most
intense movies I have ever seen. A must see for anyone of my generation who
has escaped the horrors of war, yet takes our day to day freedoms for granted.
Freedom is never free!
War in Heaven: God's Epic Battle With Evil ~
Author: Derek Prince
The Bible says that when God laid the foundations of the earth, the angels were watching. In time, one of those angels would be the main player in a rebellion to wrest God of His magnificent creation.
Thus began a battle of epic proportions that leaves today's believer with many questions. -Why did God allow evil in the first place? -If evil was defeated at the cross, why does it continue to exist? -Does spiritual warfare really make a difference? -How are we to await the end of the age?
In a fascinating, compelling exploration of Scripture, Bible teacher Derek Prince addresses these and many other questions. Focusing on events before the creation of Adam, he also describes Jesusí stunning victory over Satan.
But it is not over yet. Now is the time for Godís people to make war on the enemy! Take up your spiritual weapons and follow the King of glory. Peace and assurance await you. Derek Prince is a Bible expositor with a worldwide radio ministry and the author of more than forty books, including Blessing or Curse and They Shall Expel Demons. He lives in Jerusalem.
God At War ~
The Bible & Spiritual Conflict
Author: Gregory Boyd
In this bold and compelling work, Gregory Boyd undertakes to reframe
the central issues of Christian theodicy. He argues that God has been in
an age-long battle against Satan and that early Christians sought to overcome
evil, not to understand it.
"Biblical authors generally understood all evil in the context of
spiritual war," Gregory Boyd writes. "For biblical authors, to wage war against
such things as injustice, oppression, greed and apathy toward the needy was
to participate directly or indirectly in a cosmic war that had engulfed the
In this bold and compelling work, Gregory Boyd undertakes to reframe
the central issues of Christian theodicy. By his estimate, theologians still
draw too heavily on Augustine's response to the problem of evil, attributing
pain and suffering to the mysterious "good" purposes of God.
Accordingly, modern Christians are inclined not to expect evil and
so are baffled but resigned when it occurs. New Testament writers, on the
other hand, were incline to expect evil and fight against it. Modern Christians
attempt to intellectually understand evil, whereas New Testament writers
grappled with overcoming evil.
An outstanding read on spiritual warfare!
Combat Faith ~
Author: Hal Lindsey
This rare work by Hal Lindsey was out of print for a while, but has recently returned to Its content was striking, because this author's pre-occupation with "end times" things has done much to rob the Church in American "Christendom" of her cultural impact as all wait for "Jesus to come back" instead of "being about our Father's business," which is to set the captives free through the bold preaching of the Gospel—whether we think the Lord will be returning soon or not!
"Recent world events clearly indicate that our generation has been chosen to witness the prophetic last days of this age. During these troubles times, the Bible tells us, ordinary faith will not be enough and many will lured from God's truth . . . . In his most important book to date, Hal Lindsey shows the war to the one kind of faith tough enough to meet the tough times ahead--Combat Faith. Now, more than ever, we must learn to break the "Faith-barrier" . . . to overcome worry, anxiety, and fear and enter into a new dimension of peace and stability . . . to claim the invincible inner peace that God has promised each of us--no matter what the circumstances.
The New Atheism And The
Erosion Of Freedom ~
Author: Robert Morey.
Concise refutation of agnosticism, materialism & empiricism.
"New Atheism and the Erosion of Freedom" analyzes the arguments,
logic and assumptions underlying modern humanist, skeptic, atheist and agnostic
thought, showing them to be internally incoherent &
After a 37 page survey of the massive impact of these beliefs on
modern society, the author spends a chapter examining different definitions
of atheism. He spends 4 pages describing the definition "without a belief
in God", showing how that if atheists assert nothing (have no axiomatic base),
they could not actually say anything about theism. The author then spends
a chapter on the causes of atheism, describing 10 different types of atheists.
He sketches the biographies of prominent atheist/humanist thinkers throughout
history who developed atheism to "strike back" at God, after suffering severe
emotional & personal traumas, or experiencing compulsions to engage in
immoral behavior....
Homosexuality And The Politics Of Truth ~
Author: Jeffrey Satinover
A psychiatrist responds to medical and scientific research used to
argue that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle. Based on his understandings
of habit, compulsion, and addiction he concludes that homosexuality, "is
one of the many forms of soul sickness that is innate to our fallen
The publisher, August 10, 1998. ~ Scientists have not discovered
a "homosexual gene." Homosexuality is not innate ... it can be
What does science really say? Psychiatrist Jeffery Satinover examines
what is reported in the popular press. Much of the research is flawed and
most of it says that homosexuality is changeable: nobody is just "born that
The model that Dr. Satinover develops is based on modern science
and psychological understanding of habit, compulsion, and addiction...
The Patriot's Handbook ~
Author: George Grant
A concise introduction to the ideas, events and personalities of
American freedom, "The Patriot's Handbook" is a valuable resource for anyone
who wishes to understand the nation's identity as it has developed from its
founding until now. Included are key documents, speeches, poems, songs, and
profiles of the Presidents and many of the leaders who have contributed to
the nation's history.
Blinded By Might; Can The
Religious Right Save
Authors: by Cal Thomas, Ed Dobson
Syndicated columnist Thomas and Grand Rapids, Michigan, pastor Dobson
were lieutenants to Jerry Falwell in the Moral Majority...Now they say that
saving America through politics is a mistaken effort. Salvation is the work
of faith in Christ, they assert, not of politics and government. ....Thomas
and Dobson are profoundly disturbed by the arrogance, untruthfulness and
manipulation of trust they have observed in the Religious Right. They don't
, however, discourage conservative Christian political participation; indeed,
they hope that such things as the abolition of abortion will come to pass.
But they feel that changing the moral state of society cannot be accomplished
by political means first or alone and that Christians' primary responsibilities
are to love, even their enemies, and to care for the oppressed and the needy.
Thomas and Dobson's reconsideration of what concerned conservative Christians
should be about is good counsel for them and good news for
Editors Note: Dobson and Thomas were blasted for taking such
a stand as this. I happen to agree with them. No, we shouldn't
abandon the political arena, but the Church in America needs to re-evaluate
there priorities and objectives in how they are reaching the world. Doing
it God's way first of all is of tantamount importance.
The Baffled
Christian's Handbook ~
Author: Jon Christian Ryter
Content of The Baffled Christian's Handbook Addresses 77 of the toughest
Bible questions in the Holy Bible theologically, historically, scientifically
and, when appropriate, socially. Questions like: Was the world really created
in seven literal days? Does scientific evidence support creationism? Does
nature itself support Darwin's theory on evolution, or does it best support
creationism? Where was the Garden of Eden? Is Jesus mentioned anywhere, by
His given name, as the Messiah in the Old Testament? Is there a literal Hell,
and if so, where is it? Who is this person called Antichrist? Will there
be a nuclear holocaust in this post-Cold War era? Are we the generation that
will see the second-coming of Jesus Christ, or will it fall on a later
This well-reviewed book is must reading for every Christian...both
novice and long time practitioner. It is a book each will thoroughly enjoy.
Corporate Predators: The Hunt for
Mega-Profits and the Attack on Democracy ~
Author: Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman
An exposé of the greedy exploitation of the American corporations.
Americans need to wake up to the abuses of the national and multi-national
The Big Boys play by different rules than the rest of
If major corporations don't like a law, they can invest millions
in campaign contributions, lobbyists and political advertisements. If those
efforts don't result in a change in the law, the corporations can just ignore
it... Mokhiber and Weissman on the Citicorp-Travelers Group
The Screwtape Letters ~
Author: George Grant
Who among us has never wondered if there
might not really be a tempter sitting on our shoulders or dogging our steps?
C.S. Lewis dispels all doubts. In The Screwtape Letters, one of his bestselling
works, we are made privy to the instructional correspondence between a senior
demon, Screwtape, and his wannabe diabolical nephew Wormwood. As mentor,
Screwtape coaches Wormwood in the finer points, tempting his "patient" away
from God.
Each letter is a masterpiece of reverse
theology, giving the reader an inside look at the thinking and means of
temptation. Tempters, according to Lewis, have two motives: the first is
fear of punishment, the second a hunger to consume or dominate other beings.
On the other hand, the goal of the Creator is to woo us unto himself or to
transform us through his love from "tools into servants and servants into
sons." It is the dichotomy between being consumed and subsumed completely
into another's identity or being liberated to be utterly ourselves that Lewis
explores with his razor-sharp insight and wit.
The most brilliant feature of The Screwtape
Letters may be likening hell to a bureaucracy in which "everyone is perpetually
concerned about his own dignity and advancement, where everyone has a grievance,
and where everyone lives the deadly serious passions of envy, self-importance,
and resentment." We all understand bureaucracies, be it the Department of
Motor Vehicles, the IRS, or one of our own making. So we each understand
the temptations that slowly lure us into hell.
If you've never read Lewis, The Screwtape
Letters is a great place to start. And if you know Lewis, but haven't read
this, you've missed one of his core writings.
War On The Saints ~
Author: Jesse Penn-Lewis
The premise of War on the Saints is that the end-time onslaught of
Satan against the Christian church is well-underway. The author proposes
spiritual measures to achieve ultimate victory.
This book was written by Mrs. Penn-Lewis in collaboration with the Welsh
revivalist Evan Roberts as a disclosure of the deceptive strategies used
by evil spirits against God's people and as a guide to winning victory over
counterfeit practices. The correct book graphic was unavailable.
Editor's Note: It's that important; this is what this site is all about.
I strongly recommend this book to anyone who doesn't grasp the makeup
and layout of the spiritual realm. With the influences of the "post
modern" philosopies, understanding of the spiritual realm is rare and at
a premium.
This hard to find book is also available online at
War On The Saints, made
available by my friend Bill Carrigan.
Have you ever heard people say, "America is going to fall like Rome
did. We are going the way of the Roman Empire! Oh, my!" Have you ever wondered
what in the world they were talking about? Well, this is the book to get!
It is a very scholarly, very in-depth work. The book is written in multiple
parts, with parts of it first written at the turn of the century. It was
brought back into print in the early nineties. The manuscript goes into detail
about the political, social, and economic situation of the Roman Empire at
the end of it's reign. It is absolutely fascinating! If you read this, you
will be intrigued by the many similarities between the end time Roman culture
and ours (America, 19th century), and you will be very qualified to speak
on the current condition in America society and how it will affect our future.
It also goes into detail about the Hun and Vandal societies which tormented
Italy at that time. The Huns were very crazy people! Attila being the
This book will always be at the top of my recommended reading list as the
content is critical in relation to the current state of things in American
politics and society. A priority read! This book is well worth the
Huns, Vandals, and the Fall of the Roman Empire~
Author: Thomas Hodgkin.
Shakedown : Exposing the Real Jesse Jackson ~
Author: Kenneth R. Timmerman ~
Jesse Jackson is a modern day highway robber who uses cries of racism
to steal from individuals, corporations, and government, to give to himself,
says veteran investigative reporter Kenneth R. Timmerman.
Until now, however, no one has been brave enough to say it and diligent
enough to prove it. But Ken Timmerman has cracked Jackson's machine, found
Jackson cronies willing to break ranks, and uncovered a sordid tale of greed,
ambition, and corruption from a self-proclaimed minister who has no qualms
about poisoning American race relations for personal gain.
Whatever Happened To America? ~
Author: Jon Christian Ryter ~
I strongly recommend this book for its historical content as well
as extensive research into how big bankers and international corporate concerns
have corrupted and damaged the American Constitution and nation. This text
is extensive and might be tedious to someone who isn't a professional researcher,
but the evidence is invaluable to anybody who ever asked, "Whatever Happened
To America?"
The Death
of the West: How Dying Populations
and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country
and Civilization ~
Author: Patrick J. Buchannan~
Patrick J. Buchanan's contentious premise in The Death of the
West is that the United States is no longer a healthy melting pot, but
instead a confused, tottering "conglomeration of peoples with almost nothing
in common." Relying on United Nations population statistics, and citing such
diverse sources as Yogi Berra and Rhett Butler, Buchanan sees for America
four "clear and present dangers": declining birth rates; uncontrolled immigration
of peoples of "different colors, creed, and cultures"; a rise of "anti-Western"
culture antithetical to established religious, cultural, and moral norms;
and a "defection of ruling elites" to the idea of world
I first read this book because of the squealing of the
liberal elite in the public media over it. His resolutions of the cultural problems are weak and not founded in the Gospel. Just another sign of the decline of Christianity's influence in American culture, and pretty much true from cover to cover, liberal Marxist sqealing notwithstanding.
Author: Ian Slater
This particular book is a fictional account of the Pacific Northwest
Militias engaging the U.S. government in war. The current level of dissent
in America being what it is and the controversy over the "legality" of the
Militias aside, I found it disturbing that a manuscript like this was produced
at this time. It is a perfect example of how things in America could come
apart at a very quick rate and our way of life that we take for granted every
day could be severely disrupted. It is a very interesting story. I thought
the ending was a little predictable, but it offers some insight into the
world and philosophies of the Militia movement.
I feel if a scenario like this should ever go down in America, the outcome
will not be what anybody, U.S. government or Patriot together, would expect.
We need to find the balance NOW, in our national political discourse; a return
to diplomacy and statesmanship, before it comes to this. God bless America
and those who seek to achieve this.
Reviews and Commentary
First blood. The Federals drew it--as battalions of freedom fighters went
tank-to-tank with the National Guard in the Northwest. Though the president
declares the area secure, top officials know the truth: the militia movement
is spreading like wildfire--more violent, more organized, and more committed
than ever to an armed victory over the United States.
And along the lines of war and civil conflict, this book really impacted
me as it described the horrors and viciousness of the modern battleground.
It is a memoir of a United States Marine Lieutenant, Philip Caputo, and his
experiences in the early years of the escalation of the Vietnam conflict.
What a disturbing and violent story! I recommend this book to anyone I know
who, being a member of my generation and not ever seeing a battleground in
their lives, would flippantly and stupidly seek to take up arms in any situation
without counting the cost.
As a memoir, it is a real eye-opener to what the ground based Veterans of
Vietnam went through to stay alive, not only physically, but mentally. The
generation I have grown up in has been fortunate enough to be free from the
scars of war. This freedom is a great gift to us from the Veterans of foreign
wars and not to be taken advantage of. Read this book and see what I mean.
Thanks Veterans!
They have been called "The Silent Option" and the "elite of the elite."
They are the Navy SEALs and their real-life exploits have become the stuff
of military legend. Robert Gormly, the highest-ranking SEAL ever to tell
his story, takes the reader into the night, into the water, into the battle.
"Combat Swimmer," "Shooter," "Operator"--all of these describe Gormly and
his fellow SEALs as they went on some of the most hair-raising missions ever
assigned. Gormly did two tours of duty in Vietnam. He commanded teams in
Grenada, the Persian Gulf, and the mission to capture the hijackers of the
Achille Lauro. Combat Swimmer shows the reader the meticulous planning that
goes into each top-secret mission--and how those plans can sometimes go
awry--usually at the cost of human lives. This book provides a compelling
look into the mind and life of a man who, though unsung and unknown to the
average citizen (SEAL operations are top secret), stands as a true American
Gormly is the highest ranking U.S. Navy SEAL to write of his experiences.
I just recently read this book, as I was seeking to understand not
only what my friends who have been in the Corps had to go through, but also
to further understand the "wilderness experience" and the "boot camp" training
of the young Christian as well. This book follows the basic training of a
recruit platoon at Parris Island, North Carolina, as they go through one
of the most notorious and difficult military training procedures in the world
today. The reader is like "a fly on the wall" as the young men are turned
into members of the most feared and respected fighting force on the face
of the planet!
I have found that the elite fighting forces all through world history have
incorporated into their training and fighting philosophies, the same principles
that are taught in the Bible concerning the Christian and spiritual warfare.
No wonder why they are so good! They ripped it off from God! What a way to
become a winner!
Reading this book will definitely open your eyes to some insights about,
not only the history and effectiveness of our nation's top fighting outfit,
but the training program that every Christian goes through in their relationship
with God, as they learn to sacrifice their "self" for the good of the "unit";
for the good of others. The commentary on our current social corruption and
how the Marine Corps has to deal with the effects of it in their new recruits
is also very interesting. An invaluable read!
I have read a lot of military memoirs, and this one impacted me the
most because of the extreme situation that existed at this particular Pacific
battle (WWII). The Tarawa Atoll was a tiny little island in the Pacific theater
of conflict, but the number of men, both Japanese and American, that died
there was unbelievable.
"6,000 men dead in an area no bigger than the ground occupied by the Pentagon
and its parking lots. . . ."
Yet the men of the United States Marine Corps refused to back down or surrender
in their bid to overcome the imperial Japanese war machine, or in this account,
the rikusentai, the Japanese Special Naval Landing Force. What a story! The
Japanese definitely got the worst of it. For the people of my generation,
it is a fine example of the terrible and costly price that was paid to secure
and maintain the freedom that we take advantage of every day. There were
a lot of hard battles in the Pacific conflict, but this was one of the
National Rifle Association Vice President Wayne LaPierre reveals
why responsible Americans have the right to "keep and bear arms." Addressing
every point of contention concerning the original intent of the 2nd Amendment,
LaPierre illuminates the Amendment's modern implications and debunks the
myth that gun ownership contributes to America's crime rate.
"Gun Control" is a sore spot with me, just another example of the mindset
in American politics and society that we can legislate behavior by passing
a horde of paternalistic laws that criminals don't obey anyway. What a myth
and unrealistic dream! Read the NRA leadership's side of the story!
Author: by John R. Lott, Jr.
Multiple regression analyses are rarely the subject of heated public
debate or 225-page books for laypeople. But John R. Lott, Jr.'s study in
the January 1997 Journal of Legal Studies showing that concealed-carry weapons
permits reduced the crime rate set off a firestorm. The updated study, together
with illustrative anecdotes and a short description of the political and
academic response to the study, as well as responses to the responses, makes
up Lott's informative More Guns, Less Crime.
In retrospect, it perhaps should not have been surprising that increasing
the number of civilians with guns would reduce crime rates. The possibility
of armed victims reduces the expected benefits and increases the expected
costs of criminal activity. And, at the margin at least, people respond to
changes in costs, even for crime, as Nobel-Prize winning economist [TAG]Gary
Becker showed long ago. Allusions to the preferences of criminals for unarmed
victims have seeped into popular culture; Ringo, a British thug in Pulp Fiction,
noted off-handedly why he avoided certain targets: "Bars, liquor stores,
gas stations, you get your head blown off stickin' up one of them."
But Lott's actual quantification of this, in the largest and most
comprehensive study of the effects of gun control to date, a study well-detailed
in the book, provoked a number of attacks, ranging from the amateurish to
the subtly misleading, desperate to discredit him. Lott takes the time to
refute each argument; it's almost touching the way he footnotes each time
he telephones an attacker who eventually hangs up on him without substantiating
any of their claims.
Lott loses a little focus when he leaves his firm quantitative base;
as an economist, he should know that the low number of rejected background
checks under the Brady Bill doesn't demonstrate anything by itself, because
some people may have been deterred from even undergoing the background check
in the first place, but he attacks the bill on this ground anyway. But the
conclusions that are backed by evidence--that concealed-weapons permits reduce
crime, and do so at a lower cost to society than increasing the number of
police or prisons--are important ones that should be considered by
Millions of American women live in fear that they are easy targets
for criminal attack, and the statistics are indeed alarming: 73 percent of
women over the age of 12 will be victimized at some point more than one third
of them violently raped, robbed or assaulted. For more than three years,
Tanya Metaksa has been teaching women how to take safety into their own hands
in her revolutionary program, Refuse to Be a Victim. Now, in Safe, Not Sorry,
she brings her message of empowerment to women who have come to realize that
neither 911 nor the legal system will protect them in an increasingly violent
age. This complete guide to self-protection shows how to develop proactive
strategies for personal and family safety at home, on the street, in the
car and at work.
Metaksa discusses self-defense, physical training and personal protection
devices, the pros and cons of firearms and the most current information on
laws from state to state and what women can do to change legislation and
be heard by their elected officials. Safe, Not Sorry is the ultimate
self-protection handbook.
Author: David B. Kopel
This book was named Book of the Year by the American Society of
Criminology's Division of International Criminology. The book is by far the
most in-depth exploration of how gun control works in other democracies,
and what lessons are to be learned. Chapter by chapter, the book examines
gun laws--and the social, historical, and cultural context of those laws--in
Japan, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, and Switzerland.
The book then turns to the United States, studying the history of guns and
gun control in the United States, and concluding with policy recommendations
geared to the special circumstances of the United States.
~ USA vs. The Militia ~
Author: Ian Slater
From The Publisher:
No matter how desperately the government tries to regain its hold, the roads
of America are shuddering under columns of tanks, the skies throbbing with
Blackhawks. For two hundred thousand trained militiamen are armed with high-tech
killing tools and the courage of true believers. And after a spark ignites
the Everglades, the USA takes the most explosive hit of all. . . .
An interesting story, just like the first one, but the author only scratches
the surface for the reasons behind the modern day militia movement. Again,
a disturbing story to have been written during the current era with the sharp
rise in political dissent that prevails. This story, like the first, would
be of interest to anyone who can't conceive something like this taking place
in America today. After all, the "polls" say we are all happy campers and
satisfied with our lives. Or are we. . . . It would be wise to try and understand
why some would disagree.
A Rumor of War
Author: Philip Caputo
Combat Swimmer : Memoirs
of a Navy SEAL
Author: Robert Gormly
Making the Corps ~
Author: Thomas E. Ricks
Utmost Savagery ~
Author: COL. Joseph H. Alexander USMC (RET.)
Guns, Crime, and Freedom ~
Author: Wayne LaPierre ~ Executive Vice President,
National Rifle Association of America
More Guns, Less
Crime : Understanding
Crime and Gun Control Laws ~
(Studies in Law and Economics)
Safe, Not Sorry
: Keeping Yourself
And Your Family Safe in A Violent Age ~
Author: Tanya K. Metaksa
The Samurai, the
Mountie, and the Cowboy :
Should America Adopt the
Gun Controls of Other Democracies?
These are just a small representation of the books I have read over
the years; literary works that have shown me a lot in how to overcome the
conflicts and trials of life and understand the price that was paid by many
men and women before me so we could live in peace and freedom. Also,
a lot of revealing background of our nation's history and unique
Check back in the future for new book analysis' on my part, because
I have a few more in mind, and I will be open to any posting suggestions
for this site. If there is something here
you did not find, then try to conduct a search of your own through this search
engine. I'm sure can cough something up!
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