An American Rewakening at Salem the Soldier's Homepage
"Instead of praying for just a few more republicans
in Congress or a republican President to bring about salvation by laws,
Christians should be praying that God will send revival. Only He can save
us. So saith the Scripture." ~ Tom Pardue Sr. LtCol. U.S. ARMY
"The American culture is obsessed with salvation by politics. We as a corporate body cannot comprehend any other way of changing the culture. They do not understand that God changes cultures by the preaching of the Word. Nineveh's culture was not changed by Jonah getting elected king or arguing that Nineveh stop socialism or stealing from her citizens. It was changed when God ordered him to preach." ~ Tom Pardue Sr. LtCol. U.S. Army (retired)
"It is the duty of the clergy to accommodate their discourses to the times, to preach against such sins as are most prevalent, and recommend such virtues as are most wanted." ~ John Adams, Second President of the United States
Rewakening - re·wak·en ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r -w k n)
tr. & intr.v. re·wak·ened, re·wak·en·ing, re·wak·ens
To rewake (another) or to become awake again.
Supporting The Men Of God: FAILING At The Ministry Of Aaron And Hur
Men on the battlefield started dying. Sisters were losing brothers, daughters were losing fathers and women were becoming widows. Terrible things.
I am pretty confident that Aaron and Hur recognized the critical situation they were in, and that if they had not stood in the gap in support of Moses, they too could have ended up dead. The people of Amalek would probably have killed the leaders, before they took the rest into slavery..."
Denied, Disrupted, and Diverted
Holden in the Gap
This lecture was initially a response to the local community's request for Calvary Chapel Bible College and Veritas Evangelical Seminary's position on the mosque that is being proposed by the Islamic Center of Temecula Valley (ICTV) on a piece of land on Nicolas Road near a Baptist church. With the national opposition to the Ground Zero mosque forcefully opposed by a vast majority of Americans, this local issue likewise generated some understandable resistance as well...."
Holden in the Gap II -
A Rear-guard Action
The Moral Compass of the Nation
Thoughts On Christmas - 2008
The American/Roman Road
Lost Boy - A Review
Running The Mountains With The 7000
Dancing On The Graves
The Clash Of Ideologies - A Review
AMERICA - A Call To Greatness
Hey, It's "The End
Times!" So Let's All Give Up! Right?
How many of us, in seeing
the things that are going on around us, have made that same statement? Or
how many of us have made the assertion that 'we don't have enough
time" as if we are on some type of evident schedule? How many of us
have made it in the presence of the much younger generation? And how many
of us have even taken a moment to think what type of impact it makes
on the young hearers as they are forming their perceptions of the world around
them and even the future?!
What in Heaven's name
are they supposed to think?!
Hate Groups, "Racism," And The Riverside PD.
The Abortion Wars
Recommended Reading!
Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project is the third unclassified report prepared by the National Intelligence Council (NIC) in recent years that takes a long-term view of the future. It offers a fresh look at how key global trends might develop over the next decade and a half to influence world events. Mindful that there are many possible "futures," our report offers a range of possibilities and potential discontinuities, as a way of opening our minds to developments we might otherwise miss.
Internet Resources
AMERICA - A Call To Greatness
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor
Amerisearch, Inc.
Peter Marshall Ministries
The Center for Security Policy
The Conservative Caucus
The Center for Military Readiness
Koinonia House
The Heritage Foundation
Institute for Creation Research
Concerned Women for America
National Right to Life
The Eagle Forum
Christian Home Educators Fellowship
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)
The Rutherford Institute
Free Republic
Author's Links
HARVEST Christian Fellowship
Free Republic is the premiere online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!
Citizen Soldier
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Let me give some recent back ground. I was recently contacted through my web site by a man who was the ghostwriter for the biography of a pretty high profile former Muslim who had given his heart and life to Jesus Christ. This former Muslim's testimony is riveting, genuine, very powerful, and has been used, I believe, by the Holy Spirit in a very profound way. I had a prominent link to his original web site (since pulled by the ministry initially sponsoring him) and a direct link to his YouTube testimony.
This ghostwriter warned me of some issues that he had with the subject of the biography, then directed me to a web-site he had posted detailing some very serious allegations that had arisen against this individual. I did my own personal background check and found the allegations not unfounded. I have since stripped any reference to this man from my web site.
To say this was a great disappointment is an understatement. This man's testimony was one of direct and intense intervention in this former Muslim's life, and one of many I have read and heard through video testimony in recent years of Muslims in the Middle East as the Holy Spirit intercedes in the Muslim world for the Jesus Christ, as the Western Spirit-filled Church has been less than aggressive challenging Islam with the Gospel. Our efforts have been, unfortunately, diverted more towards attacking Muslims - people - in a post-9/11 world and pointlessly attempting to outlaw Islam an almost comedic tack in a culture marinated in the new orthodoxy of the Emergent/Progressive "tolerance and multi-cultural" world view.
This former Muslim, after his conversion and young in the Lord, quickly ended up here in the U.S., and preceding these allegations coming to light, had ended up with the TBN/Benny Hinn apostate crowd that we all know are nothing but a hollow, daily affront; a caricature and embarrassment to Biblical Christianity.
This is tragic, and I pray that the Holy Spirit can intervene once again in this man’s life as before. Yet anyone with discernment can see what has happened. Paul taught Timothy specifically that in elevating an individual to the office of bishop, to a leadership position, "… Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil." (I Timothy 3:6-7)
The adversary, the Devil, saw this former Muslim and his powerful, life changing testimony and clearly put everything he had on him. A lot of media exposure and notoriety in superficial Western Christian circles always quick to hold up an example of a dynamic conversion, the subsequent financial gain and a poor grounding in the Word of God, and the pride of life so easily inflamed, a fall was almost inevitable.
A statement by Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, has stuck in my mind from many, many years back. One sermon while teaching from II Timothy 3:1, he articulated verse one that, "…in the last days "spiritually energized" times shall come." Those times are long here with a increased demonic/spiritual activity. A time when cannibalism is the "new normal" for the daily news cycle in stark evidence of the markedly increased Satanic activity of our times.
It is not only this former Muslim attacked. How many other pastor, teachers, and high profile Christian personalities have gone off the rails and made shipwreck? (I Timothy 1:19) The more notorious national preacher scandals are legendary. On a more local level, how many other once well-respected and orthodox Christian leaders do you know have recently made questionable affiliations with blatant heretics and frauds, engaged in silly and destructive media "conversations" that by their very nature lead to compromise, made public statements (little is not recorded anymore) in their sermons and public appearances and interviews that leave one absolutely bewildered and incredulous, when you know that’s not what they believe? I can think of many who come to mind.
Full open war on the saints is happening here, leadership is the main target, and the adversary is playing for absolute keeps! The adversary has always been a murderer and a thief; more so now as he, like everybody, perceives the urgency of the times and ponders his prophetic end. (Rev. 20:10)
And he understands only one concept: FORCE.
How shall we respond?
In Exodus 17, we see Moses, that iconic metaphor for any spiritual leader, once again being dumped on by the people he was tasked to lead. The people were questioning God over the need for water, and subsequently were attacking the most visible representative of God at hand. As he contended with that, the children of Israel were then quickly attacked by the people of Amalek.
The Lord directed Moses to send Joshua and the able men of Israel against them. Moses, with the rod of God in his hand, that visible symbol of his God-ordained leadership, and Aaron and Hur, went up to the top of the hill overlooking the battlefield. We see that "…And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed." (Exodus 17:11)
However "…Moses hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat thereon; and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on the one side, and the other on the other side; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword." (Exodus 17:12-13)
Moses' hands, holding the rod of God, spread out, symbolized prayer. As Moses sat on that rock - all day long - Aaron and Hur in support of the man of God supported and reinforced his ministry and position.
Hey, Aaron and Hur could very well have stood to the side, belittled Moses, mocked him for his weakness and scoffed at his "lack of commitment." Maybe even chucked a few rocks at him. I am noticing more and more these days an attitude like that seeping into the intellectual and apologetics discourse of the Spirit-filled Church, especially in America.
Yet, what happened when Moses, the man of God, called and ordained by the Holy One of Israel, started to tire and fatigue?
Men on the battlefield started dying. Sisters were losing brothers, daughters were losing fathers and women were becoming widows. Terrible things.
I am pretty confident that Aaron and Hur recognized the critical situation they were in, and that if they had not stood in the gap in support of Moses, they too could have ended up dead. The people of Amalek would probably have killed the leaders, before they took the rest into slavery.
Saints, likewise, we are in such a critical hour. Yes, I am fully aware of the vital need for robust, Biblically sound apologetics, especially at this time in history. Yes, we are always to "…earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." (Jude 1:3) Yes, the apostasy (II Thessalonians 2:3) and heresy is almost smothering. Point taken.
But, "Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." (Galatians 6:1) If pastors and teachers, in spiritual fatigue, are succumbing to the wicked pressures of these times to bow to compromise and conformity, how much more are we in danger? Friends, these are fallible men, susceptible to the same weaknesses as you and I, and all walking around with a big target on their backs because of their critical position in God's economy.
The adversary is attacking Christian leadership on the spiritual level in all areas, from fathers in the home, to Christian business owners, to Christian chaplains in the military and police, to pastors and ministers of the Gospel, especially those operating on a national level. You see that. One more man of God falls and it gives the adversary greater ammunition to use against the Church. Secondary fallout is hopelessness and despair on the part of weaker Christians who are unskilled in the concept of spiritual warfare. Some of the comments I read in online forums in response to the latest apostasy development are distressing, because we appreciate the negative cumulative effect.
People who know me know I have been emphasizing the magnitude of the times, the Church in America in the midst of an unprecedented opportunity to proclaim the Gospel of historical proportions. Likewise the adversary and his minions, knowing their time is short are engaged in an extraordinary "sapper" campaign to hobble and derail this Holy Spirit outreach at every turn, targeting small and great in a bid to disrupt and deny as much ground as possible.
It is critical we recognize this, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices," (II Corinthians 2:11) The ministry of Aaron and Hur is more important now than ever before. If Moses - the men of God - fail, we fail. We must not; we cannot fail, yet we are totally defenseless against this onslaught outside of the "weapons of our warfare," which are not carnal, but spiritual, and mighty through God. (II Corinthians 10:4)
I encourage all, in their ministries and communications, while standing in defense of Biblical truth and orthodoxy, to emphasize as well support and prayer for all in leadership. We should be doing the one, yet not leave the other undone. As citizens and ambassadors of the kingdom of Heaven, we have the privilege to "…ask whatever we will…" (John 15:7)
Saints, pray urgently to the Father He continually deploy His angels in fury around every man of God in ministry and leadership. Pray He array His angels and chariots of fire around all that pertains to any Biblical, book of Acts man or ministry being used by the Holy Spirit in these perilous times to minister to His church, or in reaching the lost. Pray down (James 5:16) a formidable and violent Holy Spirit blockade and angelic protection around the hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-7) of fathers, ministers and pastors, and business owners in all quarters. Meet the adversary aggressively on his own ground, with sword and shield (Romans 13:12), in the middle of the arena.
Satan, a thief, a murderer and a liar, (John 8:44) would seek to harm that which God loves, as well as undermine the greatest Gospel outreach in the Church‘s history. May we deny him that!
Pray for me as well!
"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (I Timothy 2:1-4)
"Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. (Hebrews 13:17)"
And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and, behold, there stood a man over against him with his sword drawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and said unto him, Art thou for us, or for our adversaries? And he said, Nay; but as captain of the host of the LORD am I now come. And Joshua fell on his face to the earth, and did worship, and said unto him, What saith my Lord unto his servant? Joshua 5:13-14
No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. II Timothy 2:4 ____________________________________________________ I happened upon an interesting article on a ministry's web site researching the history of Islam and Christianity. It is from Frontline Fellowship, a ministry reaching out to Angola, Mozambique, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the Congo and headed by Dr. Peter Hammond. Titled "Why Did Christianity Die Out In Northern Sudan," in a very short space it offers some very revealing insights to the Spirit-filled Church in America.
Since I first wrote "A Rear-guard Action" mid-2010 and ensuing events and research, there has been an evident and regular pattern many Christian writers and commentators on Islam have been missing, although I know others in past history, the spiritually perceptive, have faithfully pointed it out. It is the defining issue of the debate and we miss it at our own peril. In the almost ten years since 9/11, more has been written about Islam than in the preceding thirteen centuries, which is good, but what are we really learning?
Rather, why has Islam seen yet again a dynamic and historical resurgence since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, violently persecuting all in its path, now to the point menacing Christianity in middle America? From Asia and the Persian Gulf, to Lebanon, to Europe and now the US, Jesus promised of His Church, "…the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18) Yet it seems the gates of hell are prevailing.
A stark conclusion? The two major patterns throughout history, where the Lord has permitted Islam to rise as a prod and correcting influence: a tepid, compromised and comfortable Church, having strayed far from Biblical orthodoxy, and with no concern for the lost, a complete lack of effective and aggressive evangelism. These are the most conspicuous failings.
Dr. Hammond speaks on Sudanese history in his essay, and these are some high points:
"There is little historical evidence that the common people were effectively evangelized. … Most of the leaders of the church were Egyptian, Greek or Coptic. These languages were understood by the king and the educated people in his court - but not by the common people. Hence, Christianity in Northern Sudan was a religion of the educated elite and not of the common man."
"…Christianity did not die out in Northern Sudan because of external persecution by Muslims. The churches were empty and abandoned long before Islam filled the vacuum and became well established. The fact that few Nubians were literate and that services were in Greek and Coptic meant that the Word of God was not well known amongst the common people."
A very basic military tactical doctrine is the diversion. If you can divert and detour your enemy's attention and resources off mission from their objectives - their victory and your defeat - whether immediately or long term, it strengthens and gives you cover to attack them from another angle. Satan has become adept at this in American Evangelical Christian culture in recent decades. Now, frankly, we have been outflanked.
This comment should resonate with anyone well-versed in contemporary political trends:
"…The churches were so closely connected with the kings and to the patriarchs of Alexandria (in Egypt) that they rose and fell with them. … The churches were too closely allied to the political power structures and fell with the kings. … We need to be very careful not to be co-opted by secular politicians, only to be used to advance their humanist agendas."
Paul Proctor, writing in December of 2004 after the American public voted into office a Republican President, Republican House, Republican Senate and a majority of Republican Governors and the Supreme Court made up of a super-majority of Republican appointees-a Republican majority-registers a long list of "conservative" issues one would assume would be concentrated on by this golden calf of political activism's potential now realized.
Of course we know now they weren't. The post-Bush era is stark, irrefutable proof of this betrayal. After he won his second term, the concerns of Evangelical Christians/Conservatives were largely cast aside. Political analyst James E. Campbell of the University at Buffalo stated, "I don't see this as a big rift," … Christian evangelicals will not sit out next year's presidential election, Campbell said. "Where are they going to go?"
Where we should have been right after 9/11, at the foot of the Cross, repenting of our unfaithfulness to the Lord and returning to our "first love," (Rev 2:4) returning to our "first works," (Rev 2:5) and abandoning the world's way of doing things, focusing on political and social "activism" to reform society at the expense of preaching the Gospel and returning fully to the Spirit-filled Church's original mandate.
But we didn't, and haven't and the Bride of Christ is still "riding around on the back of someone else's Harley." And the Lord is supposed to bless this? The Lord is supposed to say nothing to this disloyalty and infidelity.
Dave Hunt writes recently on this issue on his Facebook site:
"The Christian mission has been to call individuals out of this evil world and into God's "heavenly kingdom" (2 Tm 4:18). Any "reformation" of society has been a byproduct of the transformation of individuals who were born again through faith in Christ and whose lives then became an influence for good. Further, for Christians to join with unbelievers to reform this world was unthinkable. Then it began to happen…."
Now Muslims-eternally lost souls-are praying at the White House, where Evangelical Christianity was doing so just a few months prior and Islamists are building a mosque near Ground Zero. It is mirroring the Sudan and Lebanon all over again as internal national conflict increases and following the same pattern. And with the recent nominal Republican resurgence in the 2010 midterm elections, the charade of "taking America back" is continuing. What utter futility.
At the 2010 mid-term elections, almost 3.98 billion dollars would be spent on the elections, a more than thirty percent increase from 2006, and making it the most expensive ever. This happens in the midst the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. How much of this money is from Christian donors; resources detoured from the storehouse of the Lord? How much diverted from funding churches and seminaries teaching apologetics so the next generation is grounded in their faith and world-view? What has the political process given the Spirit-filled Church in America for all this?
Chuck Colson recently wrote:
"Look in the mirror. The Church, the bride of Christ, has been unfaithful. WE are at fault. We-collectively and individually-have chased after every idol the world has to offer. We have tried so hard to be relevant that we've become almost completely irrelevant. We offer no other way, there is nothing distinctive about us.
Do you want to "take America back?" Do you want to see a reversal of this cultural slide into Gomorrah and Sharia Law? Are you are one who "names the name of Christ?" (II Timothy 2:19)
Talk radio host Ingrid Shlueter writes at WorldViewWeekend.com:
"…Some evangelicals are calling for conservatives to 'take America back.' The truth is, we can't take our own churches back from false teaching and moral squalor that at times rivals that of the world. The resignation of a well-known pastor after an affair with his personal assistant made headlines just a few weeks ago. If Christians can't keep their own homes and lives in godly order, how in the world are we supposed to "'return America to its godly roots?'"
We need to quit whoring around with the things of this world (Judges 2:17). I have been part of "organizations," and "movements," and "efforts," which came to nothing and expended an incredible amount of time, resources, and effort that went no where because they were worldly; secular; "non-sectarian" and always addressed the symptoms of various cultural pathologies and not the disease. I am still chagrined at the waste of my personal time and energy on these things. In spite of that, maybe others will learn from these errors.
This is meant to diminish the importance of Christians being involved in the political process, rather, as Dr. Del Tackett meticulously illustrated in The Truth Project, there are distinctly different social spheres that have their separate roles and priorities. New Testament, book of Acts Christianity has a spiritual mandate, not a temporal political agenda.
We are already a member of an "organization" - His Church. (I Corinthians 12 - Ephesians 4:25) We already have organizational goals and mandates. (Mark 16:15 - II Timothy 4:2) This was Jesus' Purpose Statement. "I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this purpose." (Luke 4:43) "…Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" (Luke 2:49)
"We are not called to proclaim philosophy and metaphysics, but the simple gospel. Man's fall, his need of a new birth, forgiveness through atonement, and salvation as the result of faith, these are our battle-ax and weapons of war." - C. H. Spurgeon
The encroachment of Islam in America culture is just another, although more overt, symptom of our national decay, taking root in the rot of already decades present progressive liberalism and religious pluralism-and these present in our own churches! That's our fault. The one feature of Dr. Hammond's writing is he puts the burden of responsibility where it belongs-on the Spirit-filled Church; as I argued in A Rear-guard Action, Islam once again a power the Lord providentially permitting on His Church as a prod/correcting force ever since the 7th century.
Rather, put thirty million Evangelicals on American streets, testifying the Gospel message. We already have them. Put thirty million Evangelicals with a Biblical world view, working outward from well funded churches and seminaries bankrolled by finances not diverted into secular "activist" organizations and useless politician's campaign coffers. Put thirty million Evangelicals on the streets with a first century book of Acts world view, rededicated to the transformative power of the Word of God, "declining neither to the right hand, nor to the left" (II Chronicles 34:2 - Proverbs 4:27) engaging the culture and this world with the truth. Give it a year. See what happens.
Still, there are some who, rebelling in their hearts against God's clear correction, like the Jews in Jeremiah's time (Jeremiah 21), refuse to see this and would radicalize the Church against Muslims as a missionary field, only making things worse.
It was Dr. Joseph Holden who said in his definitive presentation, "Islam and Our Communities," at Calvary Chapel, Chino Valley:
"...But yet today we're finding this radicalizing against Islam, as far as socially speaking. We're finding groups, even here in Southern California, across the country, groups overseas, they're wanting you to radicalize politically and socially against Islam, to the extent now where you don't even share the faith or attempt to evangelize Muslims. … Don't let anyone radicalize you against the great commission."
Muslims oppressing and killing minorities? That's what unbelievers do. Muslims being deceitful of their intentions, practicing "Taqiyya and Kitman" a Shi'ite form of religious lying? Yes, that's what unbelievers do.
Muslims can't be reached with the Good News of Jesus Christ's final and complete atonement on the cross? Nonsense. Muslims are coming to genuine Holy Spirit directed repentance and into real and dynamic relationships with Jesus every day. If one who claims to be a Christian says otherwise, it reveals much on where their hearts are at, and why the Spirit-filled, Evangelical Church finds itself on the defensive on so many issues.
Any speaker or "anti-Islamist" organization that does not couple their presentation with the Gospel, clear separation between the ideas of Islam/the Koran and the people who are imprisoned in this false belief system, and the need of the Church to repent of their unfaithfulness to Biblical truth should not be allowed to speak or recruit on church property! Anything else at this point, and the Church is "off mission" and dabbling with sin.
A few blind Christians, in the grip of their own rebellion against our socio-political reality, have even suggested amending the Constitution/City Charters to "…prohibit an organization from calling itself a religion if it advocates terrorism, slavery, gender inequality and other beliefs that clash with the U.S. Constitution."
Really? I have seen Biblical Christianity described this way in many progressive liberal and transnational forums. This is being deceived by the enemy; tying the knot on our own noose. Deception, lies, and darkness have the field, not us.
Yet, as we have seen, repentance from temporal, worldly efforts and a radical return to the Great Commission and Holy Spirit directed evangelism by the Church in America, back on mission, is the only answer.
Dr. Hammond writes:
"…The Church in Malawi had fallen victim to the myth of neutrality. One Malawian commented that they had neglected to effectively "disciple the nations ... teaching them to obey all that Christ has commanded" Matt 28:19 and failed to preserve Biblical principles in the public sphere. "... if the salt loses its flavor … It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." Matthew 5:13
The myth of neutrality. We are either advancing or losing ground. Jesus said, "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." (Matt. 12:30) No middle ground or "strange fire" on the alter. (Lev. 10:1)
The much watched city of Temecula Planning Commission meeting is instructive. The effectiveness of a policy of confrontation and protest advocated by some was tested and predictably failed pertaining to the Islamic Center of the Temecula Valley proposal. Bright, motivated Christians, "chosen soldiers," diverted into this clamor where their energies would be much more effective supporting and proclaiming the Gospel, seeking to save the lost in these spiritually critical times, squared off against these Muslims, only to see the Imam of the mosque boast, "We Muslims aren't going anywhere," and the Planning Commission members, more concerned with the "city's image" in self-righteous indignation condemning them for their "bigotry" and intolerant "fear." The proposal passed 5-0 unanimously. It was hard to see these few Christians in the audience, partnered with a mixed multitude, coming to grips with the sovereignty of their Lord. Unfortunately, this militant misrepresentation of the Lord possibly hardened the hearts of a portion of the community to the truth of the Gospel.
That prod again.
This spiritual and cultural challenge will continue and get worse, but it does not have to. These mosque proposals have stirred up a lot of ugly stuff, and certainly people with a temporal world view have responded predictably. But we are not of this world (Eph. 2:2) to model an "us against them, are you for us or our adversaries" mentality; Nay, but as our Captain of the Host of the Lord, Jesus is now come.
As I pondered the aftermath in the early morning following the Planning Commission meeting, what the Lord was trying to convey to His Church in this matter in Temecula, a mosque being built right across the street from a Baptist church, I had a quiet and clear impression from the Holy Spirit on my heart.
"Where is your love for the lost?"
Indeed, where is our love for the lost…
![]() "Perhaps if there were more of that intense distress for souls that leads to tears, we should more frequently see the results we desire. Sometimes it may be that while we are complaining of the hardness of the hearts of those we are seeking to benefit, the hardness of our own hearts and our feeble apprehension of the solemn reality of eternal things may be the true cause of our want of success." - Hudson Taylor.
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